Diffusion PNCG – n° 279 – 20 mars 2024

1. Appel d’offres télescopes nationaux 2024B2.
2. GEMMA2 Gravitational-waves, ElectroMagnetic and dark MAtter (16-19 September, 2024, Rome)
3. 3rd edition of the MaNiTou Summer School on Gravitational Waves (Toulouse, 1-6 July 2024)
4. Postdoctoral position at Universidad Andres Bello
5. Post-doctoral fellow in galactic archeaology at Lund University
6. Postdoctoral Position at IRAP (Toulouse) in support of the RadioForegrounds+ Project

Envoyez svp vos propositions d’annonces à l’adresse : pncg@iap.fr
Pour vous inscrire ou gérer votre abonnement à la liste PNCG: https://listes.services.cnrs.fr/wws/info/pncg 

1. Appel d’offres télescopes nationaux 2024B
L’appel d’offres INSU pour les observations sur les télescopes de 2-m, OHP-T193 et TBL, pour le semestre 2024B, est sorti et consultable sur la page des programmes de l’INSU: https://programmes.insu.cnrs.fr

Date limite de réponse : 19 avril 2024, midi (heure de Paris)
Transmis par P. Stee

2. GEMMA2 Gravitational-waves, ElectroMagnetic and dark MAtter (16-19 September, 2024, Rome)
It is a pleasure to announce the International GEMMA2 (Gravitational-waves, ElectroMagnetic and dark MAtter) Physics Workshop to be held in Rome (Italy) from September 16th to September 19th, 2024.

The aim of the GEMMA2 workshop is to discuss on gravitational waves, multimessenger astrophysics and dark matter physics at these especially exciting times, bringing together mainly the theoretical and data-analysis aspects of such apparently heterogeneous fields.

Registration is now open and Abstract Submission on these topics is welcome.

Please find further information at https://agenda.infn.it/event/39794/.

GEMMA2 is organised into days focused on key topics introduced by invited speakers (who will be announced soon) and followed by contributed talks.
There will also be a poster session, along with two Young Scientist GEMMA2 Awards for the best poster contributions by skilled young researchers .

The deadline for abstract submission is June 16th, 2024, and the deadline for early registration is June 28th, 2024.

transmis par P. Leaci

3. 3rd edition of the MaNiTou Summer School on Gravitational Waves (Toulouse, 1-6 July 2024)

Registration to the 3rd edition of the MaNiTou Summer School on Gravitational Waves (Toulouse, 1-6 July 2024) is now open.
Please circulate this announcement to all potential participants, in particular master and PhD students.

Please note that the school offers accommodation free of charge for up to 50 master and PhD students.

You can find more details about the school here below. Registration and further information are available at the following website:


Looking forward to seeing you in Toulouse!

transmis par D. Porquet

4. Postdoctoral position at Universidad Andres Bello
 The Institute of Astrophysics at Universidad Andres Bello invites applications for a postdoctoral position in the field of galactic globular clusters (GCs).

The successful candidate will work at the Concepcion campus of UNAB. S/he will analyze FLAMES/VLT data to investigate the mass loss phenomena in GCs. S/he is expected to apply for telescope time, collect and analyze new datasets, and lead part of the studies independently. S/he will have access to 10% of telescope time across all facilities in Chile. Additionally, the applicant is encouraged to initiate his/her own collaborations within our Institute and actively participate in our scientific activities. No teaching duties are required, but a willingness to closely interact with graduate students will be preferred.

This position is funded through ALMA-CONICYT. The starting date can be negotiated, but early start dates are preferred. The position will be for two years. Applicants should hold a PhD or equivalent degree in astronomy, astrophysics, or a closely related field by the starting date of the appointment.

Interested candidates should send a cover letter, curriculum vitae, and a statement of research interests (as a single PDF attachment) to lorenzo.monaco@unab.cl before March 31st, 2024. Late applications may be considered until the position is filled. Applicants should also arrange for two letters of recommendation to be sent to the same address. Review of complete applications will begin on April 1st, 2024, and will continue until the position is filled.
transmis par L. Monaco

5. Post-doctoral fellow in galactic archeaology at Lund University
Deadline: 05 Apr 2024 (11:59 PM CEST)
We are advertising a two year postdoc position. The main topic for the position will be the study of the origin of the Milky Way thick disk. We are intersted in candidates with varying backgrounds so encourage people who study stars, galaxy simulations or dynamics of the Milky Way to apply.

It would be great if you could help us and spread information about the position. 

The advert and full details on how to apply can be found here: 
https://lu.varbi.com/en/what:job/jobID:707468/type:job/where:4/apply:1Transmis par C. Soubiran

6. Postdoctoral Position at IRAP (Toulouse) in support of the RadioForegrounds+ Project

Deadline: April 30th 2024Call of Interest for a Postdoctoral Position at IRAP in support of the RadioForegrounds+ Project (Grant Agreement number 101135036), part of the European Research Council Horizon Space Program. All the relevant information is available at

The Institute for Research in Astrophysics and Planetology (IRAP), invites applications for a Post-Doctoral Position with the European Program RadioForegrounds+. The program, which started on January 1st, 2024 with a 3-year duration, is coordinated by CSIC-IFCA (Santander), and includes, in addition to IRAP, LPSC in Grenoble, IAC in Spain, SISSA in Italy, and the Universities of Manchester and Oxford in the UK.

The aim of the RadioForegrounds+ project is to provide the best possible characterization of the physical properties of polarised Galactic synchrotron and dust emission in the microwave domain. Applicants at IRAP are expected to contribute to

  • Galactic magnetic field reconstruction, combining models of the large scale regular field, and the small-scale fluctuating (or turbulent) field;
  • the inclusion of local features that are generally ignored in such analyses;
  • quantifying the correlation between synchrotron and dust emission;
  • characterisation of the frequency and spatial spectra of the foreground emission.

This information, drawn from the new observations available within the project, will contribute towards an understanding of Galactic foregrounds, knowledge that will be essential for future sub-orbital or satellite experiments targeting the B-Mode of Cosmic Microwave Background anisotropies.

IRAP has a long-standing participation in the observation and study of the Universe and its related astrophysics, covering theory, instrumentation, data reduction and interpretation, teaching and dissemination of knowledge. The institute is located in Toulouse, the fourth largest city in France, located about 100 km from the Pyrenees and the borders with Andorra and Spain.

More information on research at IRAP can be found at http://www.irap.omp.eu

The position is open for 21 months from October 1st 2024. The gross monthly salary will lie between 2905 and 3330 € depending on experience. Applications should include a curriculum vitae, a summary of research interests, and a list of publications, and arrange for up to three letters of recommendation to be sent through this platform.


Questions regarding the position should be sent to A.J. Banday (anthony.banday@irap.omp.eu).

The deadline for applications is April 30th 2024.
The post is open to candidates of any nationality with up to 2 years of professional experience. IRAP is an equal-opportunity employer. We encourage applications from candidates of diverse backgrounds.transmis par T. Banday

Envoyez svp vos propositions d’annonces à l’adresse : pncg@iap.fr
Pour gérer votre abonnement à la liste PNCG: https://listes.services.cnrs.fr/wws/info/pncg