Diffusion PNCG – n° 280 – 3 avril 2024

1. Journées Scientifiques “Galaxies” 2024 (Oct 7-9 2024, Lyon)
2. Colloque national Dark Energy 8 (28-30 octobre 2024, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris)
3. IFAS9 Indo-French Astronomical School (October 4-11th 2024, Lyon)
4. Postdoctoral fellow on QUBIC Data Analysis (CMB Polarization) at APC (Paris)
5. Postdoc at Duke University
6. Multiple postdocs on BROWSEPOL (Padua, Ferrara, Bologna)

Envoyez svp vos propositions d’annonces à l’adresse : pncg@iap.fr
Pour vous inscrire ou gérer votre abonnement à la liste PNCG: https://listes.services.cnrs.fr/wws/info/pncg 

1. Journées Scientifiques “Galaxies” 2024 (Oct 7-9 2024, Lyon)
The French Programme National de Cosmologie et Galaxies (PNCG, https://pncg.lam.fr/) organizes a national conference on Oct 7-9 2024 in Lyon on galaxy formation and evolution, nearby galaxies, and Galactic archeology. 

We particularly encourage researchers funded by the PNCG, students, postdocs, and young researchers in France or with ties to the French community to present their work. Registration is free of charge. We have limited funds to support travel to Lyon — please ask when registering if needed.

We accept registrations and abstract submissions here: https://jpncg24.sciencesconf.org/

Presentations will be in English and in-person only. We welcome both talk and poster submissions, and we aim to include flash-talks for all poster presenters.

Key themes 

  • The first galaxies
  • Chemical enrichment and primordial gas
  • Statistical properties of galaxies
  • Interaction between galaxies and their environment
  • Galaxy groups and cluster
  • Nearby galaxies
  • Galactic archeology
  • Star formation and the interstellar medium
  • Stellar populations
  • Galactic dynamics and dark matter
  • Simulations, AI, neural networks, and data science

Key dates

  • July 12th 2024: deadline for abstract submission
  • August 1st 2024: programme announced
  • Sept 6th 2024: deadline for registration
  • Oct 7th-9th 2024: Journées Scientifiques in Lyon

The conference is locally organized by members of the Centre de Recherche Astrophysique de Lyon (CRAL) and will take place at the Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS) de Lyon, in the “Institut Français de l’Éducation”, 19 Allée de Fontenay, 69007 Lyon, room D8.001 on the ground floor.

Transmis par the SOC (N Bouché, L Ciesla, J Freundlich, B Magnelli, N Martin, J Rosdahl, J Sorce)

2. Colloque national Dark Energy 8 (28-30 octobre 2024, Institut Henri Poincaré, Paris)
Le huitième colloque national se tiendra du 28 (14:00)   au 30 octobre (12:30):

Comme les années précédentes, au delà d’un certain nombre de thématiques identifiées qui feront l’objet de présentations, un temps significatif sera consacré à des présentations sur les travaux récents pour lesquels vous êtes invités à soumettre vos propositions.

L’appel à contribution est ouvert jusqu’au  11 octobre.

Les missions pourront être financées, en particulier pour les participants effectuant une présentation et pour les jeunes chercheurs (prendre contact avec le CO).

Le colloque est gratuit. La participation à ces journées est ouverte à tous mais l’inscription sur le site est obligatoire (avant le 20 octobre). La capacité d’accueil actuelle est  à 150 personnes en présentiel.

Vous pouvez aussi inviter ceux intéressés à rejoindre la liste de diffusion: https://listserv.in2p3.fr/cgi-bin/wa?A0=DARKENERGY-L en particulier les jeunes chercheurs qui ne connaissent pas encore l’action Dark Energy.

Le comité d’organisation:
Alain Blanchard,  Philippe Brax, Sandrine Codis, Guilhem Lavaux, Yann Rasera, Pauline Zarrouk.
transmis par A. Blanchard

3. IFAS9 Indo-French Astronomical School (October 4-11th 2024, Lyon)

Registration is now open for the ninth edition of the Indo-French Astronomical School (IFAS9), hosted in Lyon on October 4-11th 2024.


IFAS9 is the ninth edition of a series of schools co-organized by the University of Lyon (CRAL, CNRS UMR5574, LIO) and IUCAA in France and in Pune, India. 

The IFAS9 school will bring together students from different horizons, expose them to high-level specialized lectures, and propose them to carry-on a six-days research project. The primary subject of the present school is IFU: 3D spectroscopy. The topics range from data-reduction techniques, data analysis and modelling. The school gives preference to doctoral students and to highly skilled and motivated master’s students, without geographic restrictions.

Lectures and hands-on data reduction tutorials will be given during the morning sessions, and research projects will be proposed to the participants, in smaller groups supported by a tutor. The school will be concluded by a presentation of the results of these projects. Around 20 participants will be selected. 

transmis par J-K Krogager and J. Richard

4. Postdoctoral fellow on QUBIC Data Analysis (CMB Polarization) at APC (Paris)

General information
Offer title : Postdoctoral fellow (M/F) QUBIC Data Analysis (CMB Polarization) (H/F)
Reference : UMR7164-JEAHAM-004
Number of position : 1
Workplace : PARIS 13
Date of publication : 26 February 2024
Type of Contract : FTC Scientist
Contract Period : 24 months
Expected date of employment : 1 October 2024
Proportion of work : Full time
Remuneration : Between 4 082,90€ and 4 264,50€ (gross monthly)
Desired level of education : Niveau 8 – (Doctorat)
Experience required : Indifferent
Section(s) CN : Interactions, particles, nuclei, from laboratory to cosmos
Research work funded by French Agence Nationale de la Recherche (ANR) on Observational Cosmology, particularly the research for B-modes polarization of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) with the QUBIC Instrument.

QUBIC is the first Bolometric Interferometer. It was inaugurated in November 2022 at its observation site in Argentina. The scientific objective is the search for primordial gravitational waves with the B-mode polarization of the CMB in order to constrain the inflation era.

– Development of the data analysis pipeline for QUBIC: timeline analysis, frequency and astrophysical components map-making, angular power spectrum measurements, and cosmological parameters constraints.
– Calibration of the instruments using classical techniques, but also the development of the self-calibration technique for QUBIC
– Mitigation of atmospheric contamination developing a new method based on the interferometric nature of QUBIC.

– Good knowledge of modern cosmology and of the associated data analysis techniques
– Statistical tools (Likelihood, Bayesian methods, power spectra analysis)
– Advanced Python programming skills
– Basic knowledge of MPI and OpenMP would be a plus
– Basic knowledge of radio interferometry would be a plus

Work Context
The postdoctoral fellow will be part of the QUBIC team at APC laboratory (Paris – 13th arrondissement). The APC Laboratory hosts teams in astroparticles and cosmology.
The QUBIC team at APC includes the Spokesperson, the Instrument Scientist, the Calibration Scientist, and the Project Manager. It is therefore deeply involved in all aspects of QUBIC. The APC team has been leading the development of specific QUBIC data analysis in the collaboration, including self-calibration and spectral-imaging.

Constraints and risks
The postdoctoral fellow might have to travel to the various institutes involved in QUBIC (France, Italy, Argentina, UK, and Ireland) and might travel to the observing site at 5000m a.s.l. in the Salta Province, Argentina.


transmis par J.C. Hamilton

5. Postdoc at Duke University

Deadline:until filled

The cosmology group at Duke University invites applications for a postdoctoral position in the area of cosmology (experimental, observational and theoretical), time-domain and galaxy cluster astrophysics, and new techniques in statistical and image analysis. The cosmology group is composed of Profs. Arun Kannawadi, Dan Scolnic, Michael Troxel, Eve Vavagiakis and Chris Walter, working on current and next generation experiments, including CCAT, CMB-S4, the Dark Energy Survey, Hyper-Suprime Cam Subaru Strategic Program, the Nancy Grace Roman Space Telescope, the Rubin Observatory LSST, and the Simons Observatory. The Duke cosmology group currently consists of about ten PhD students and four postdocs or research scientists, and will continue to grow and expand. We are committed to building a group that is inclusive and representative of our community. For this reason, we strongly encourage applicants who come from groups that are historically underrepresented in physics departments.

This researcher would work with Prof. Eve Vavagiakis to support CCAT, the Simons Observatory, and/or CMB-S4, with opportunities for joint analyses with data from the Atacama Cosmology Telescope and optical surveys. The researcher will lead and contribute to projects in a variety of potential topics, including the development of new instrumentation and superconducting detector technologies for upcoming surveys, and pipeline development and data analysis for cosmology and astrophysics. Candidates are expected to be experienced with relevant instrumentation (cryogenics, mechanical design, low-temperature electronics, superconducting devices) and data analysis techniques in cosmology/millimeter or submillimeter wave astronomy, and to have strong oral and written communication skills.

6. Multiple postdocs on BROWSEPOL (Padua, Ferrara, Bologna)
Deadline: until filled

The Cosmology groups at the University of Ferrara (UNIFE), University of Padova (UNIPD) and at the Observatory of Astrophysics and Space Science of Bologna (INAF), invite expressions of interest for three post-doc positions at each location, for two years. 

The positions are funded by the PRIN project “BROWSEPOL: Beyond standaRd mOdel With coSmic microwavE background POLarization”. BROWSEPOL aims at the theoretical and phenomenological investigation of fundamental physics signatures beyond the standard cosmological model, including, e.g., signatures of parity violation arising in the context of Cosmic Birefringence or in other observables. 

The research work will be focused on the development of theoretical models (related to inflationary or late time universe physics) and new predictions of the corresponding CMB phenomenology, on the implementation of new analysis techniques to CMB polarization data, as well as on the forecasts for next-generation CMB experiments focused on B-modes, including SO, CMB-S4 and LiteBIRD.  

All the research work will be carried on in strong synergy by the three above mentioned units through closely connected activities. The successful applicants will benefit from a lively and stimulating environment at all three locations as they will become part of active cosmology groups composed of 
several staff, postdocs, PhD and undergraduate students. 
The position 

Those interested should write an email to any supervisor above, including a short CV (maximum 2 pages), a complete list of publications and the names and email addresses of up to three referees who might be asked to provide a letter of reference.

Envoyez svp vos propositions d’annonces à l’adresse : pncg@iap.fr
Pour gérer votre abonnement à la liste PNCG: https://listes.services.cnrs.fr/wws/info/pncg