1. Call for Letters of Intent to Submit a CFHT Large Program Proposal
2. EAS2024 session on galaxy formation through simulations (July 3rd-4th 2024, Padova, Italy)
3. Conférence “Charge exchange X-ray Universe 2024” (June 17-21, 2024, Volos, Greece)4. Find enclosed the First Announcement of the IAU Symposium 395 on Stellar Populations (17-22 Nov 2024 Paraty, Brazil)
5. “When stars meet planets: exploiting high-resolution observations. A conference in honor of Raffaele Gratton” (22-26 July 2024, Sexten, Italy)
6. Recrutement maitre de conférence en section 34 pour une affectation au LERMA, profil : Galaxies primordiales
7. Opening of a tenure-track CNRS position « KIDS4CMB », Grenoble
8. Postdoctoral research position in observational cosmology at CPPM, Marseille
9. CNES – Inventons l’espace du futur ! – Appel à candidatures
Envoyez svp vos propositions d’annonces à l’adresse : pncg@iap.fr
Pour vous inscrire ou gérer votre abonnement à la liste PNCG: https://listes.services.cnrs.fr/wws/info/pncg
1. Call for Letters of Intent to Submit a CFHT Large Program Proposal
CFHT is pleased to announce that in February 2024, we will open a call for new Large Programs. We invite interested teams to submit a “Letter of Intent to Submit a CFHT Large Program Proposal” before March 1st 23:59 UT by sending an email (plain text or PDF file) to the Executive Director director@cfht.hawaii.edu . An acknowledgment that a submission has been received will be sent within 2 business days.
A Letter of Intent is required for teams who plan to submit a Large Program proposal.
Large Programs are offered on MegaCam, ESPaDOnS, and SPIRou; note that SITELLE, WIRCam, and VISION Mode 3 (simultaneous ESPaDOnS and SPIRou observations) are not offered as part of this call for LP.
A Large Program shall require a minimum of 50 nights total and may extend over 3 semesters on MegaCam (25B to 26B) or 4 semesters for ESPaDOnS and SPIRou (25A to 26B). A total of up to 400 nights over those 4 semesters is offered.
This round of Large Programs will be followed by a 4 to 5-year Community Survey (or surveys) that will start in 27A or 27B.
We invite interested teams to submit a Letter of Intent before March 1st 23:59 UT by sending an email to director@cfht.hawaii.edu. The LoI shall contain:
- The name, institute, and email address of the PI
- A preliminary list of co-I, with name, institute, and email address (more co-I may be added in the proposal later)
- A Title
- An Abstract or short description of the Large Program (no longer than 5000 characters)
- Up to 6 scientific keywords
- The instrument(s) requested
- The agencies involved (NRC, CNRS, UH, ASIAA, NAOC), noting that UH, ASIAA, and NAOC have not committed to allocating time to Large Programs
- The number of nights or hours requested over the duration of the LP
- The list of semesters during which the LP is expected to be executed (25A, 25B, 26A, 26B)
- A list of potential unbiased referees
The content of the Letters of Intent will be used to start the search for external referees.
For questions, please email the Director of Science Operations manset@cfht.hawaii.edu
This information is also available on our website https://www.cfht.hawaii.edu/en/news/CallLoI2024/
Transmis par N. Manset on behalf of JG Cuby
2. EAS2024 session on galaxy formation through simulations (July 3rd-4th 2024, Padova, Italy)
We are pleased to announce the Symposium S12 “Zooming In, Zooming Out: Exploring Galaxy Formation through Simulations” on July 3rd-4th 2024 as part of the European Astronomical Society annual meeting in Padova (Italy).
During the Symposium we aim to discuss the latest developments in cosmological simulations, focusing on challenges in the implementation of feedback processes, interstellar medium (ISM) physics, and radiative transfer. We aim at discussing the modelling of line emission from different gas phases and the state-of-the-art on dust emission and production mechanisms. Moreover, we will review recent updates on codes and models and the efforts in self-consistently considering key physical processes, such as radiative transfer and metal enrichment, on different scales. We will address the latest challenges in reproducing and interpreting data from ALMA and JWST observations and how observational data can help refining models and simulations.
The following list represents an overview of the expected topics we aim to cover:
- Zoom in and zoom out: simulations across different scales
- Feedback mechanisms and the ISM-CGM connection
- ISM physics and radiative transfer
- Dust and metals in simulations
- Simulating AGN and black hole growth
- Challenges in interpreting and reproducing ALMA/JWST data
Confirmed invited speakers:
- Michaela Hirschmann (EPFL, Lausanne)
- Tiago Costa (Newcastle University)
- Rachel Cochrane (Columbia University)
- Andrea Pallottini (Scuola Normale Superiore, Pisa)
- Harley Katz (University of Chicago)
- Federico Marinacci(University of Bologna)
You can find more information at the Symposium webpage All interested researchers are invited to submit an abstract through the EAS website by March 4th.
Important dates:
- Very early bird registration deadline: 26 February 2024
- Abstract submission and fee waiver/grant requests deadline: 4 March 2024
- Early bird registration deadline: 29 April 2024
- Regular registration deadline: 30 June 2024
- S12 “Zooming In, Zooming Out: Exploring Galaxy Formation through Simulations” 3-4 July 2024
SOC: L. Vallini, F. Calura, S. Ploeckinger, J. Rosdahl, S. Wilkins
transmis par J. Rosdahl
3. Conférence “Charge exchange X-ray Universe 2024” (June 17-21, 2024, Volos, Greece)
Aims and scope of the meeting
X-ray emissions by charge exchange (collisions between very highly charged ions and neutral atoms/molecules) are ubiquitous in our Universe, from the solar system, to clusters of galaxies. XMM-Newton and Chandra have been accumulating a vast archive of CCD and grating resolution data which are being studied to understand CX emission. Building on this heritage, the SMILE (ESA/CAS) mission (to be launched in 2025) will provide valuable insight on the solar wind CX emission in the Earth’s vicinity both for the heliophysics and astrophysics communities. The advent of high-resolution X-ray microcalorimeters, with the recently launched XRISM/Resolve and future (LEM, Athena/X-IFU) X-ray missions, will yield unprecedented high-spectral resolution data and revolutionize our view of CX emission. All these rich resources, will need close collaboration between observers, modellers, theoreticians and experimenters to grasp the details of the CX mechanism, which is still relatively understudied.
Two past workshops, at ESAC in Madrid in 2010, and at IAP in Paris in 2012, paved the way for the beginning of such conversations between experts in the phenomenon of CX X-ray emission. This workshop aims to review our current understanding of the mechanism, and bring together the CX communities to build the tools and cooperations that will shape the future of CX X-ray science.
We are pleased to announce that registration is now open until May 5th, 2024, at the following link: https://cxuniverse2024.sciencesconf.org/registration
*Please be advised that each participant (including accompanying persons) will need to register individually. Once your registration form is complete, please proceed to the payment form: https://dr04.azur-colloque.fr/inscription/en/290/inscription
For any questions or issues during the registration process, don’t hesitate to contact the LOC (cxuniverse2024@sciencesconf.org).
Abstract Submission:
You can submit your abstracts here: https://cxuniverse2024.sciencesconf.org/submission/submit
Abstract submission for oral presentations will close on Sunday 31st March, and on Tuesday 30th April for poster presentations.
We welcome contributions related to charge exchange studies in the following topics:
- Observations and Modeling (Subtopics: Solar System, Supernova Remnants, Stars-stellar winds and exoplanets, X-ray Binaries, Galaxies, Galaxy Clusters & Outflows, AGN etc.)
- Theoretical calculations
- Laboratory Experiments & Data
- X-ray plasma codes and spectral fitting
- Instrumentation, current and future facilities
transmis par the organising committee (D. Koutroumpa, D. Porquet, K. D. Kuntz)
4. Find enclosed the First Announcement of the IAU Symposium 395 on Stellar Populations (17-22 Nov 2024 Paraty, Brazil)
First Announcement of the IAU Symposium 395 on Stellar Populations. It will take place in the historic beach town of Paraty, Brazil, from 17 – 22/November/2024.
The Scientific topics include:
- The Galactic halo populations: chemical composition and kinematics of in situ and accreted stars; halo globular clusters.
- The populations of the inner Galaxy: bulge, halo, disk, bar and mixed populations from spectroscopic and photometric surveys; bulge stellar clusters.
- The Galactic disk populations: chemical composition and kinematics of thick and thin disk stars; open clusters;tracers of present-day abundances.
- Gaia DR3; spectroscopic and photometric surveys for the study of stellar populations.
- Methods for the determination of atmospheric stellar parameters and chemical abundances. Spectral libraries for population synthesis.
- Chemical evolution of Milky Way-like galaxies from cosmological simulations.
- Resolved and unresolved extragalactic stellar populations.
- New developments in astronomical instrumentation for stellar populations studies.
Registration and abstract submission will open on February 1st (deadline 17/April/2024).
More information in the enclosed announcement and at the website: https://iaus395.iag.usp.br/
Co-chairs: Jorge Meléndez (USP) and Cristina Chiappini (AIP)
transmis par N. Lagarde
5. “When stars meet planets: exploiting high-resolution observations. A conference in honor of Raffaele Gratton” (22-26 July 2024, Sexten, Italy)
The conference will take place at Haus Sexten, Sexten, BZ (Italy) between 22nd and 26th of July, 2024 and will bring together experts on the Galaxy, stellar populations,
star clusters, exoplanets and instrumentation development.
The agenda will include sessions on multiple populations in globular clusters, abundances in different Galactic components, characteristics of planet-host stars and
their environment, detection and statistical properties of extrasolar planetary systems, present and future challenges in stellar and exoplanetary science.
Registrations are now open: here
A limited number of fee waivers are available for student and early career scientists in need of financial support.
Please visit the meeting webpage for further information.
Logistic information, including transportation options to and from Venice airport, will appear later on that page.
Note that July is peak season for tourism in the Sexten area. We strongly encourage you to book an accommodation as soon as
possible to avoid problems with availability.
Confirmed Invited Speakers:
Simone Antoniucci (INAF Rome, Italy)
Anthony Boccaletti (Paris-Meudon, France)
Ilaria Carleo (IAC, Spain)
Rosario Cosentino (TNG, Spain)
Emanuele Dalessandro (INAF Bologna, Italy)
Francesca D’Antona (INAF Rome, Italy)
Christian Johnson (STSCI/Baltimore, USA)
Anne-Marie Lagrange (Paris-Meudon, France)
Carmela Lardo (University of Bologna, Italy)
Karin Lind (Stockholm University, Sweden)
Jorge Luis Melendez (Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil)
Dino Mesa (INAF Padova, Italy)
Donatella Romano (INAF Bologna, Italy)
Chris Sneden (University of Texas at Austin, USA)
Alessandro Sozzetti (INAF Torino, Italy)
transmis par C. Soubiran
6. Recrutement maitre de conférence en section 34 pour une affectation au LERMA, profil : Galaxies primordiales
Dans le cadre de la campagne de recrutement universitaire 2024 de Sorbonne Université, un poste de Maitre de Conférence sera ouvert au recrutement pour une affectation en recherche au LERMA. L’ouverture de l’enregistrement des candidatures et de dépôt des documents dématérialisés sur l’application GALAXIE est prévue pour le 22 février 2024 (se référer au site GALAXIE pour le calendrier précis). La fiche de poste est la suivante.
Un poste de Maitre de Conférence au LERMA, section 34, Sorbonne Université UFR 925 – Physique
Intitulé : Galaxies Primordiales
Résumé : SKA et le JWST étudieront la formation des premières galaxies. L’équipe “Galaxies et cosmologie” du LERMA recherche un expert dans le domaine, capable de confronter les observations à venir à des modèles, afin de sonder les processus physiques dans et autour des galaxies primordiales.
Contacts : francoise.combes@obspm.fr, benoit.semelin@obspm.fr, philippe.salome@obspm.fr
Recherche : L’un des domaines les plus en pointe de la recherche en astrophysique est celui de la naissance des galaxies. Le télescope spatial Hubble a permis de remonter le temps de plus de 13 milliards d’années et a dévoilé l’existence de galaxies moins de 500 millions d’années après le Big-Bang. Le télescope James Webb (JWST), opérationnel depuis l’été 2022, permet déjà de remonter encore plus loin dans le temps et va permettre d’étudier de grands échantillons de galaxies primordiales. Ces galaxies sont à l’origine d’un puissant rayonnement UV mettant fin à « l’âge sombre de l’Univers » pour entamer l’« Aube Cosmique ». La théorie prévoit que la multitude de ces petites galaxies va ré-ioniser le milieu intergalactique pendant le premier milliard d’années. Cette « époque de réionisation » peut être étudiée directement grâce à l’émission à 21 cm de l’hydrogène du milieu intergalactique qui va être observée grâce au Square Kilometer Array (SKA). Aujourd’hui, ce signal 21 cm est déjà recherché avec les « éclaireurs » que sont LOFAR et NenuFAR. Pour compléter le tableau, ALMA et SKA nous permettent d’étudier la physique des galaxies lointaines à travers leur contenu en gaz après la fin de l’époque de la réionisation. Cet afflux majeur de données observationnelles devra être interprété par une confrontation quantitative à des modèles et simulations numériques hautes performances, par exemple par des méthodes statistiques novatrices comme l’apprentissage machine. Les méthodes d’IA, largement exploitées au LERMA, peuvent intervenir directement dans la chaine de traitement des observations (p.e. détection de sources, séparation de composantes) ou dans l’interprétation par les modèles (inférence statistique, augmentation des modèles, etc…). Le LERMA est fortement impliqué dans toute cette recherche émergente, et est particulièrement impliqué dans la participation française à SKA. Le profil recherché est celui d’un chercheur expert dans la thématique des premières galaxies, que ce soit via les observations (optique, infrarouge, ou radio), l’application de méthodes d’IA, la modélisation ou la simulation numérique.
Enseignement :
Filières de formation concernées: Tous enseignements de physique de la licence 1 au master 2, y compris dans les filières de formations des maîtres et dans les formations partagées avec d’autres composantes de Sorbonne Université
Objectifs pédagogiques et besoin d’encadrement: Un goût pour les enseignements expérimentaux ou les méthodes numériques en physique ou l’accompagnement des étudiants et leur insertion professionnelle, un intérêt pour le renouvellement des pratiques pédagogiques et plus généralement une vision de l’enseignement de la physique seraient très appréciés
transmis par N. Ponthieu
7. Opening of a tenure-track CNRS position « KIDS4CMB », Grenoble
Deadline: 15 March 2024
In February 2024, the CNRS will be announcing the opening of a Junior Professorship (CPJ) to study CMB using KIDS detector technology (acronym KIDS4CMB). The successful candidate will be affiliated with one of the following three Grenoble laboratories: Néel Insitute, LPSC, IPAG, which have been collaborating for many years on this subject with IRAM within the GIS-KIDS. Since the 1980s, our collaboration has been developing cutting-edge instruments for astrophysics and cosmology, from laboratory design to final data processing, including laboratory characterization, on-site integration and commissioning. This has enabled us to make a major contribution to the construction and scientific exploitation of major experiments in cosmology, such as Archeops and Planck. Since 2009, we have been pioneers and leaders in the use of new ultra-low-temperature superconducting Kinetic Inductance Detectors (KIDs) for ground-based astronomy at millimeter wavelengths. We have built, deployed and operated several KID-based instruments: imagers such as NIKA and NIKA2, and spectroscopy instruments such as KISS and CONCERTO.
The candidate’s scientific project will focus on the measurement of CMB polarization anisotropies (Simons Observatory and CMB-S4) and the preparation of future space missions aimed, for example, at measuring CMB spectral distortions. This project will range from the development of KID detectors to meet these objectives, to the exploitation and analysis of data from instruments using these detectors. In order to contribute to local dynamics, the candidate will acquire cross-disciplinary expertise that will give him or her a vision of the issues at stake in cosmology and fundamental physics, and the challenges posed by experimentation and observation.
- For the Néel institute (HELFA team), we are looking to recruit a researcher who can contribute new ideas and skills in instrumentation in the following areas: exploration of new superconducting detector configurations, cryogenics, innovative electromagnetic configurations, particularly at radio frequencies, nanofabrication processes, electronics, data acquisition, as well as exploration of new scientific applications, etc. The ideal candidate is an instrumentalist researcher with solid experimental experience in low- temperature physics and electromagnetics. The ideal candidate is an instrumentalist researcher, with solid experimental experience in low-temperature physics and electromagnetism.
Contacts: Virginie Simonet, Martino Calvo, Alessandro Monfardini - For the LPSC (COSMO-ML team), we are looking to recruit a researcher to contribute to the team’s activities, which range from involvement in the design and construction of millimeter-wave cameras using KIDS to the exploitation of scientific data for cosmology. The candidate’s research project may include instrumental activities (detector characterization, readout system, acquisition, optics, calibration) and data analysis activities (commissioning, analysis pipeline, cosmological exploitation). The candidate will propose a project with strong involvement in major international collaborations to develop and exploit future cosmology instruments.
Contacts: Andrea Catalano, Frédéric Mayet, Laurent Derome - For the Grenoble Institute of Planetology and Astrophysics (IPAG, Interstellar team), we are looking to recruit a researcher who masters the entire data processing chain, from instrument to final scientific analysis. This will include the ability to take part in the initial laboratory data collection during the development of a new instrument, and then in the commissioning phases of the instrument at its observation site. Solid experience in the analysis of millimeter astrophysical data is required, applied to CMB measurements or foreground dust emission, or more broadly to the characterization of diffuse backgrounds or interstellar medium emission.
Contacts : Nicolas Ponthieu, François-Xavier Désert, Guillaume Dubus
This is a tenure-track position aimed at researchers with significant experience in the scientific field (salary will depend on experience). It comes with research funding of 200,000 euros and will lead to a permanent position as a DR2 research director at the CNRS after 3 to 6 years, following a positive evaluation by a tenure commission. It also includes 42 hours of teaching (in English or French) per year prior to tenure.
Candidates are strongly encouraged to contact the host laboratories to prepare their in- duction and research program. The job description and exact terms and conditions will be posted on the jobs.cnrs.fr website.
Provisional timetable (to be confirmed):
- From 14/02/2024 to 20/03/2024 for applications
- Examination of applications from 04/17/2024 to 06/27/2024
- Auditions from 02/05/2024 to 12/07/2024
- Assumption of duties from September 1, 2024
transmis par L’équipe PhD du CNES
8. Postdoctoral research position in observational cosmology at CPPM, Marseille
Deadline : 1 March 2024
I would like to advertise for a postdoctoral research position at CPPM, Marseille, to work on clustering with galaxies and peculiar velocities. We are particularly interested in combining DESI galaxies with peculiar velocities derived from type-Ia supernovae from ZTF. Anyone with experience in galaxy clustering, RSD, simulations, modelling is welcome to apply.
More details at: https://inspirehep.net/jobs/2752744
Transmis par J. Bautista
9. CNES – Inventons l’espace du futur ! – Appel à candidatures
Deadline: 15 March 2024
Chaque année, le CNES accorde une centaine d’allocations de recherche doctorale et postdoctorale à des étudiants français et étrangers, dans les domaines des :
- sciences pour l’ingénieur (systèmes orbitaux, systèmes de transport spatial),
- sciences utilisatrices des moyens spatiaux (sciences de l’Univers, sciences de la Terre, sciences en micropesanteur)
- sciences humaines et sociales (juridique, histoire, économie, sociologie, psychologie, etc.).
Le CNES contribue ainsi à l’effort de formation par la recherche de jeunes chercheurs et ingénieurs dans des domaines d’intérêt pour le secteur spatial.
Nous vous informons que l’appel à candidatures CNES est ouvert. Toutes nos offres de doctorats et postdoctorats sont disponibles sur notre site internet à cette adresse: https://recrutement.cnes.fr/fr/annonces
La date de limite de réception des candidatures est fixée au 15 mars 2024 minuit.
Nous vous invitons à relayer ce message auprès des personnes de votre entourage éventuellement intéressées.
transmis par L’équipe PhD du CNES
Envoyez svp vos propositions d’annonces à l’adresse : pncg@iap.fr
Pour gérer votre abonnement à la liste PNCG: https://listes.services.cnrs.fr/wws/info/pncg