Diffusion PNCG – n° 277 – 21 février 2024

1. CFHT Call for Large Programs 25A – 26B
2. Session S17 des journées de la SF2A: “Gravitational Lensing in the JWST era” (6 juin 2024, Marseille)
3. Session S14 des journées de la SF2A “From dual to binary supermassive black holes” (4 juin 2024, Marseille)
4. mm-Universe 2025 (June 23-27 2025, KICP, Chicago)
5. Astronomie UV – 7 juin 2024, session S18 SF2A Marseille
6. Cool Stars 22 Splinter session, “The Solar Neighborhood – The Importance of Being Complete” (25 June 2024, San Diego, USA)
7. MITP Summer School 2024 “Crosslinks of Early Universe Cosmology” (5 July – 2 August 2024, Mainz, Germany)
8. Bridges between Galaxy Clusters: a Radio/SZ/X-ray view (2 July 2024, Padua, Italy)
9. Le Laboratoire Univers et Particules de Montpellier recrute un enseignant-chercheur en 2024
10. Junior Professorship position « KIDS4CMB » in Grenoble
12. Post-doctoral position at IAC (Tenerife, Spain)
13. Post-doctoral researcher in CMB cosmology at IJCLab
14. Post-doctoral researcher in astrophysics at Institut UTINAM, Besançon, France
15. Postdoc position “Galaxy Formation and Evolution” in Cambridge
16. Postdoc Positions Available in Oslo

Envoyez svp vos propositions d’annonces à l’adresse : pncg@iap.fr
Pour vous inscrire ou gérer votre abonnement à la liste PNCG: https://listes.services.cnrs.fr/wws/info/pncg 

1. CFHT Call for Large Programs 25A – 26B
As proposed in its 10-year plan, CFHT is opening up to 400 nights for Large Programs to be executed in 2025 and 2026.

The Call for Large Programs is now open https://www.cfht.hawaii.edu/en/science/LargePrograms/LP25A/
Proposals must be submitted before May 1st, 2024, 23:59UT.

Interested teams MUST submit a “Letter of Intent to Submit a CFHT Large Program Proposal” before March 1st 23:59 UT, by sending an email (plain text or PDF file) to the Executive Director director@cfht.hawaii.edu . These LoI are required but non-binding. 
Details are available on the “Call for Letters of Intent to Submit a CFHT Large Program Proposal” page: 

transmis par N. Manset

2. Session S17 des journées de la SF2A: “Gravitational Lensing in the JWST era” (6 juin 2024, Marseille)

Deep space based data obtained in recent years by ambitious programs like RELICS and the Hubble Frontier Fields, and more recently with the James Webb Space Telescope, have revolutionized the field of gravitational lensing by galaxy clusters. These data, associated with additional observations (notably spectroscopy of cluster members and multiple images and Xray) offer several opportunities: 

  1. Establish mass maps of increasing precision, separating the different components intervening in the mass budget and allowing progress in the characterization of the elusive underlying dark matter that dominates the mass budget.
  2. Detect galaxies at very high redshift by benefiting from the gravitational amplification provided by galaxy clusters. These « natural telescopes » gives us access to populations of galaxies of much lower luminosities and allow us to zoom into the internal structure of galaxies, revealing very compact regions (below the kpc) which tell us about the stellar formation mechanisms.

On the other hand, the increasing quantity and quality of these new data require an evolution of modeling and analysis codes, and also of the way we aim to share the lens models to benefit the entire extragalactic community, whether for applications in cosmology and dark matter or in the evolution of galaxies.

We propose a half-day workshop focused on the use of deep space data in order to study the evolution of galaxies and the physics of galaxy clusters. The technical aspect (modeling codes) and simulations (to support observations) will also be discussed. We strongly encourage the submission of individual contributions to this workshop, in particular from students and young researchers.

=> Registration : https://journees.sf2a.eu/inscription/

SOC: Marceau Limousin, Adélaïde Claeyssens, Eric Jullo, Johan Richard

Transmis par J. Richard

3. Session S14 des journées de la SF2A “From dual to binary supermassive black holes” (4 juin 2024, Marseille)
We are pleased to announce the Session 14 entitled “From dual to binary supermassive black holes” on 4th June during the SF2A meeting in Marseille. The registration is now open. This session will concern the study of dual active galactic nuclei (AGN) and supermassive black hole binaries (SMBHB), at parsec-to-kpc and sub-pc scale separation respectively. This topic provides unique insights into the dynamics of galactic mergers, the evolution of galaxies, the growth of SMBH and the (low frequency) gravitational wave signatures.

This workshop aims at bringing together the French community working on dual AGN and binary SMBHs, gathering PNCG, PNHE and GDR “Ondes gravitationnelles”. 

Important dates: 
– 12th March 23h59 – Financial support can be provided to PhD students and post-docs, and should be asked to Nadege.Lagarde@u-bordeaux.fr
– 27th March 23h59 – Abstract submission
– 17th April 23h50   – reduced fees for registration (100/150€)
– 10th May 23h59    – registration limit (140/190€)
– 31st May 23h59    – on-line participation registration limit


There will be no registration fee for PhD and master students (but registration is compulsory.)

SOC: Lucas Guillemot, Astrid Lamberts, James Leftley, Anne-Laure Melchior, Delphine Porquet, Marta Volonteri

Transmis par A.-L. Melchior

4. mm-Universe 2025 (June 23-27 2025, KICP, Chicago)

We are delighted to announce the mm Universe 2025 conference will be hosted at the Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics (KICP) at the University of Chicago from June 23-27, 2025.

This conference will bring together the international scientific community to discuss the latest progress in both theoretical and observational topics related to the mm Universe, from stellar to cosmological scales. The broad range of topics to be discussed include: 

  • Cosmology from mm-wave observations 
  • Thermal & kinetic SZ
  • Galaxy cluster physics (from SZ, X-ray, and optical/IR observations)
  • Galaxy formation in the early Universe
  • Nearby galaxies
  • Galactic star formation
  • From dust to planets
  • mm Instrumentation
  • Simulations

While it is devoted to observations of the Universe at mm-wavelengths, as multi-wavelength analyses are critical to understanding astrophysical processes and testing cosmological models, the conference series is also opened to results and observations at other wavelengths. 
Website, abstract submission, registration deadlines will be announced in the coming months. If you have questions, please contact the local organizing committee at mmuniverse2025loc@lists.anl.gov.

LOC members: Bradford Benson, Lindsey Bleem, Florian Kéruzoré, Kayla Kornoelje, Frédéric Mayet

transmis par L. Bleem

5. Astronomie UV – 7 juin 2024, session S18 SF2A Marseille

La gamme de longueurs d’onde inférieures à 3000 Å (UV) contient des milliers de transitions atomiques et moléculaires de nombreuses espèces, dans des phases couvrant une large gamme d’ionisation, de température et de fraction de gaz moléculaire, jusqu’à des densités de colonne exceptionnellement basses. Ces transitions donnent des mesures quantitatives directes pour presque tous les domaines possibles de l’astrophysique : les atmosphères et magnétosphères planétaires, les corps mineurs du système solaire, les exoplanètes, la formation des étoiles et les jeunes disques planétaires, l’activité stellaire, les vents stellaires, les atmosphères stellaires, la recherche sur les naines blanches, les étoiles massives, les populations stellaires, le milieu interstellaire (de la turbulence ou de la physique de la bulle locale aux nébuleuses planétaires et aux restes de supernovae), binaires en interaction et variables cataclysmiques, Novae et SNe, formation d’étoiles à l’échelle galactique et histoire de la formation d’étoiles dans l’univers à z<2, évolution chimique, milieu intergalactique, lentille gravitationnelle et astrochimie. En ce sens, l’accès à l’UV est une priorité scientifique, et ce besoin est d’autant plus important que cet accès ne sera plus garanti à relativement moyen terme, avec la fin de vie du télescope spatial Hubble. 

On peut donc se réjouir que de nombreuses missions UV (HWO, Envision, Uranus Flagship mission etc.) soient envisagées dans les 20 prochaines années, et que la communauté Française soit partie prenante de plusieurs de ces missions, et y contribue aussi bien par la définition de cas scientifiques, que par des développements instrumentaux. Le Habitable World Observatory (HWO), le prochain grand observatoire spatial de la NASA qui succèdera au JWST après 2040, est probablement à ce titre la mission la plus ambitieuse. HWO se présente comme un observatoire généraliste, avec des capacités multi-longueurs d’ondes (un « super Hubble »), et notamment des instruments UV innovants, qui permettront d’aborder des objectifs scientifiques qui s’inscrivent dans les thèmes listés plus haut.

Le but de cet atelier est 1/ de faire un état des lieux des travaux de la communauté française sur les thématiques liées à l’astronomie UV ; 2/ d’informer la communauté française, en particulier PCMI, PNCG, PNP, PNST et PNPS, sur les capacités des nombreuses missions spatiales UV à venir et des instruments qui y sont associés ; 3/ d’échanger sur les développements technologiques pour l’instrumentation UV ; 4/ de favoriser l’émergence d’une communauté unie autour de l’UV en France, de la structurer et de lui donner une meilleure visibilité auprès des programmes internationaux (e.g. NASA, ESA).

=> Inscriptions : https://journees.sf2a.eu/inscription/

Comité scientifique : Jean-Claude Bouret, Coralie Neiner, Laurent Lamy, Vianney Lebouteiller, Frédéric Marin
transmis par F. Marin

6. Cool Stars 22 Splinter session, “The Solar Neighborhood – The Importance of Being Complete” (25 June 2024, San Diego, USA)
We invite the community to submit contribution talk proposals for the Cool Stars 22 Splinter session dedicated to the Solar Neighborhood, where we will discuss unsolved astrophysical questions that require a well-characterized, volume-complete sample. The splinter session will have invited and contributed presentations. The meeting will also have presentations motivating the main outstanding questions, and then split into smaller groups where these questions will be discussed. The session will include a hands-on citizen science demonstration.

The session will be in hybrid mode so it will be possible to both follow and present remotely. 

The deadline for proposing a contributed talk is 15 March 2024  

For meeting aims, program, abstract submission, and further information, please go to our website: https://www.oato.inaf.it/cs22-complete/Transmis par C. Reylé

7. MITP Summer School 2024 “Crosslinks of Early Universe Cosmology” (5 July – 2 August 2024, Mainz, Germany)
Crosslinks of Early Universe Cosmology, from 15 July – 2 August 2024
Organized by Julia Harz (JGU Mainz), Carlos Tamarit (JGU Mainz), and Felix Yu (JGU Mainz). 
The registration deadline is 25 March 2024.

Abstract: The MITP Summer School 2024 on “Crosslinks of Early Universe Cosmology” will feature internationally recognized scientists giving lectures focusing on the exciting developments and interdisciplinary research in early universe cosmology. Lecture topics will include in-depth reviews of the cosmological history of the universe and thermal field theory, as well as overviews of the state of the art of dark matter research, neutrino physics, gravitational waves, baryogenesis and leptogenesis, indirect detection and multimessenger physics, and specialized topics such as phase transitions and non-standard cosmological relics. (…)

For further information and for the application form: https://indico.mitp.uni-mainz.de/event/381/

transmis par F. Bouchet

8. Bridges between Galaxy Clusters: a Radio/SZ/X-ray view (2 July 2024, Padua, Italy)

We are pleased to announce the special session SS24 “Bridges between Galaxy Clusters: a Radio/SZ/X-ray view” that will be held during the European Astronomical Society (EAS) annual meeting in Padua (Italy) on the 2nd of July 2024
The goal of this session is to review the current understanding on thermal and non-thermal components in the cosmic web. What are the processes of heating and particle acceleration that transform “filaments” into “bridges”? What happens to the filament between two clusters when these collide? How the magnetic field is amplified and spread in bridges? These kinds of questions could be addressed by combining information from the Sunyaev-Zel’dovich effect, radio and X-ray observations.
The three listed observables are totally complementary and we call for experts on the Radio, millimetric, and X-ray observations, simulations and theoretical studies to share their view and their experience.
We kindly invite you to register and submit your contribution at the links: 

Please, note that the abstract submission deadline is on March 4th.
transmis par T. Mroczkowski

9. Le Laboratoire Univers et Particules de Montpellier recrute un enseignant-chercheur en 2024
Le Laboratoire Univers et Particules de Montpellier recrute au printemps 2024 un·e professeur des universités sur la thématique des astroparticules expérimentales (dans l’équipe 
Expériences et Modélisations en Astroparticules et Cosmologie (EMAC), section CNU29), dont l’activité d’enseignement sera réalisée au sein de Département de Physique de la Faculté des Sciences.

N’hésitez pas à prendre rapidement contact avec les responsables d’axe/équipe et la direction du département d’enseignement (fds.physique@umontpellier.fr), pour plus de renseignements.

Ce poste sera publié en février sur Galaxie (https://www.galaxie.enseignementsup-recherche.gouv.fr/ensup/candidats.html) lors de la session synchronisée de recrutement des enseignants-chercheurs.
transmis par Y. Becherini

10. Junior Professorship position « KIDS4CMB » in Grenoble

Deadline: 20 March 2024
The CNRS is opening a Junior Professorship (CPJ) to study CMB using KIDS detector technology (acronym KIDS4CMB). 
The successful candidate will be affiliated with one of the following three Grenoble laboratories: Néel Insitute, LPSC, IPAG, which have been collaborating for many years on this subject with IRAM within the GIS-KIDS. Since the 1980s, our collaboration has been developing cutting-edge instruments for astrophysics and cosmology, from laboratory design to final data processing, including laboratory characterization, on-site integration and commissioning. This has enabled us to make a major contribution to the construction and scientific exploitation of major experiments in cosmology, such as Archeops and Planck. Since 2009, we have been pioneers and leaders in the use of new ultra-low-temperature superconducting Kinetic Inductance Detectors (KIDs) for ground-based astronomy at millimeter wavelengths. We have built, deployed and operated several KID-based instruments: imagers such as NIKA and NIKA2, and spectroscopy instruments such as KISS and CONCERTO.
The candidate’s scientific project will focus on the measurement of CMB polarization anisotropies (Simons Observatory and CMB-S4) and the preparation of future space missions aimed, for example, at measuring CMB spectral distortions. This project will range from the development of KID detectors to meet these objectives, to the exploitation and analysis of data from instruments using these detectors. In order to contribute to local dynamics, the candidate will acquire cross-disciplinary expertise that will give him or her a vision of the issues at stake in cosmology and fundamental physics, and the challenges posed by experimentation and observation.
https://emploi.cnrs.fr/Offres/CPJ/CPJ-2024-020/Default.aspxtransmis par F. Mayet


Date limite de candidature: 20 mars 2024
Le CNRS ouvre une CPJ pour recruter une ou un spécialiste accompli·e dans l’exploitation des données des missions spatiales Euclid ou Gaia. Avec une contribution majeure à l’exploitation de l’une ou l’autre de ces deux missions, la personne candidate devra proposer un programme ambitieux dans le domaine de la compréhension de l’origine de l’Univers, de la formation des galaxies ou de la structure de notre Galaxie. La personne devra réaliser l’équivalent d’un service d’observation et ce service vaudra pour décharge complète d’enseignement. A l’issue de la période contractuelle, la personne sera titularisée sur un poste de Directrice/Directeur de Recherche au CNRS-INSU.

Trois lettres de recommandation (maximum) peuvent être envoyées à l’adresse martin.giard@cnrs-dir.fr


transmis par B. Famaey

12. Post-doctoral position at IAC (Tenerife, Spain)

Deadline for applications: March 15th, 2024.
I would like to draw your attention to one postdoctoral position at IAC (Tenerife, Spain), funded by the RadioForegroundsPlus European project (https://research.iac.es/proyecto/radioforegroundsplus/).

The successful candidate will pursue research in the following fields:

  • Participation in the QUIJOTE experiment.  New data from QUIJOTE TFGI (30 and 40 GHz) and MFI2 (10-20 GHz) instruments.
  • Scientific exploitation of the already-existing maps from the QUIJOTE MFI instrument, in combination with other public maps (SPASS, CBASS, WMAP, Planck).
  • Extraction and characterization of the Galactic astrophysical components, with special emphasis on radio foregrounds: synchrotron, free-free, and anomalous microwave emission.

Duration: The funding horizon for the project ends on December 31, 2026.

Full information about the position can be found at https://research.iac.es/proyecto/radioforegroundsplus/pages/jobs.php

Transmis par J. A. Rubino-Martin

13. Post-doctoral researcher in CMB cosmology at IJCLabDeadline: 1 March 2024The CMB team at the Irène Joliot-Curie 2 Infinities Physics Laboratory (IJCLab) is offering a post-doc position as part of the “IN2P3 Fellowships des 2 infinis” program.
The position is for 24 months.

The successful candidate will join IJCLab’s CMB team and contribute to cutting-edge research in cosmology, with a particular focus on the analysis and interpretation of polarised CMB data for the phenomenological exploration of the standard 𝛬CDM model, its internal tensions and extensions (such as around inflationary models or in the neutrino sector).
The research topics include cosmological model building and study of fundamental physics, relation with high-energy theories, cross-correlation of CMB data with large-scale-structure surveys as well as likelihood analysis and development of innovative statistical approaches in data analysis (current and future).
The successful candidate will be expected to actively contribute to the team’s research activities, bringing new perspectives to the team’s ongoing and future projects.

More details can be found here: https://inspirehep.net/jobs/2748994

The deadline for applications is 1 March 2024, but applications will be considered on a rolling basis.
transmis par M. Tristram

14. Post-doctoral researcher in astrophysics at Institut UTINAM, Besançon, France
Deadline: 15 March 2024The astrophysical team at the Institut UTINAM (Besançon Observatory) is offering a post-doc position related to « The stellar-substellar limit in the large scale survey Euclid ».

The position is funded by the Université of Franche-Comté, for 12 months, renewable.

The successful applicant will work on the identification of ultra cool dwarfs in Euclid fields, and may propose new identification techniques and explore the possibility of using the precise PSF of Euclid to identify close binaries. Other challenges can be addressed, such as to determine the luminosity function, infer the most likely low-mass end of the initial mass function and explore its degree of universality in different components of the Milky Way.

The candidate will be working with the international Euclid UCD group within the consortium, as well as the Gaia UCD team.

More details can be found here: https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/190075

The deadline for applications is 15 March 2024, but applications will be considered on a rolling basis.

transmis par C. Reylé

15. Postdoc position “Galaxy Formation and Evolution” in Cambridge

Deadline: 19 March 2024

We are opening a postdoctoral position at the Kavli Institute for Cosmology/Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge, in the area of Formation and Evolution of Galaxies and Black Holes.
If you’re interested, please visit the following link:


transmis par R. Maiolino

16. Postdoc Positions Available in Oslo

Application deadline is April 14th.
We are happy to announce the following Cosmoglobe-related opportunities for postdoctoral fellowship positions in observational cosmology and data analysis at the University of Oslo (UiO), Norway.

Cosmoglobe (https://cosmoglobe.uio.no) is hosted by the CMB&CO group at the Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics, which at any given time comprise 10-20 people from master students to professors, depending on available funding. The overarching goal of this effort is to construct a single consistent model of the radio, microwave and infrared sky through optimal combination of all available state-of-the-art datasets, and use this model to produce breakthrough cosmological and astrophysical science, including detecting inflationary gravitational waves from the Big Bang.

In addition, a total of 18 postdoctoral fellowships are available through support from a Marie Skłodowska-Curie Action (MSCA) COFUND program called DSTRAIN. These positions are dedicated to various aspects of data science, including computational cosmology. The applicants are expected to develop their own science case within the bounds described in the announcement, which is available here:


One of the pre-defined research topics is called “Understanding the Universe through Big Data analysis and machine learning”, and may include projects like global CMB data analysis (e.g., Commander4, LiteBIRD, Planck HFI, Simons Observatory) and cosmic intensity mapping (e.g., COMAP).The number of positions that will be awarded to each topic depends on the number of applications to the respective field. You are welcome to contact us beforehand if you want to apply. 

transmis par I. Wehus

Envoyez svp vos propositions d’annonces à l’adresse : pncg@iap.fr
Pour gérer votre abonnement à la liste PNCG: https://listes.services.cnrs.fr/wws/info/pncg