Diffusion PNCG – n° 269 – 25 octobre 2023

1. Colloque National CMB-France #5 (4-5 Decembre 2023, IAP, Paris)2. Appel à propositions d’ateliers aux Journées SF2A 2024
3. “International Workshop on Multi-probe approach to wavy dark matters” (Nov 30 – Dec 2 2023, Seoul, Korea)
4. Gravity and Cosmology 2024 (January 29-March 1, 2024, Kyoto, Japan)
5. Postdoctoral position in theoretical and numerical cosmology at LUTH/Paris Observatory

Envoyez svp vos propositions d’annonces à l’adresse : pncg@iap.fr
Pour vous inscrire ou gérer votre abonnement à la liste PNCG: https://listes.services.cnrs.fr/wws/info/pncg 

1. Colloque National CMB-France #5 (4-5 Decembre 2023, IAP, Paris)Le prochain colloque national CMB-France se tiendra les 4 et 5 Décembre à l’Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris.

Nous aurons des revues invitées sur le statut des différents projets CMB en cours et il reste encore des créneaux pour des présentations sur les travaux récents pour lesquels vous êtes invités à soumettre vos propositions.
Date: 4-5 Décembre 2023
Lieu: IAP (Paris)
Web: https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/30833
Nous envisageons d’organiser un diner le lundi soir (avec une subvention pour les étudiants en thèse).

Pensez à soumettre vos propositions de contribution le plus rapidement possible afin que nous puissions finaliser l’agenda

Pensez aussi à vous inscrire sur le site (inscription obligatoire).

Transmis par M. Tristram & F. Bouchet

2. Appel à propositions d’ateliers aux Journées SF2A 2024

La conseil de la SF2A lance un appel à idées pour l’organisation d’ateliers lors de la Semaine de l’Astrophysique 2024, du 4 au 7 juin 2024 à Marseille.

Les journées de la SF2A sont traditionnellement organisées le matin en sessions plénières et l’après-midi en ateliers. Cet appel s’adresse à la fois aux Programmes Nationaux (PN) aux Actions Spécifiques (AS) aux Groupes de Réflexion (GDR) et à la communauté dans son ensemble. Nous vous invitons donc, en tant que PN/AS/GDR ou chercheur, à jour de sa cotisation, à proposer des ateliers via le formulaire en ligne : http://sf2a.eu/limesurvey/index.php/193778/lang-fr

Votre proposition devra comporter une description des objectifs scientifiques, la composition du SOC et, éventuellement, une liste d’orateurs possibles. Les ateliers proposés devront être planifiés sur une ou deux demi-journées (après-midi) chacun.

La date limite de réception des propositions est fixée au 18 décembre 2023 à 23h59. Vous serez informés de la sélection de votre demande d’atelier courant janvier 2024.

Transmis par N. Lagarde pour le Conseil de la SF2A

3. “International Workshop on Multi-probe approach to wavy dark matters” (Nov 30 – Dec 2 2023, Seoul, Korea) We would like to announce the International Workshop on Multi-probe Approach to Wavy Dark Matters. This workshop will be held at Korea University in Seoul, South Korea, from November 30 (Thursday) to December 2 (Saturday).

Please visit the workshop web page: http://cmb2023.korea.ac.kr
Registration and abstract submission are now open. The deadline for abstract submission is October 31, and November 10 for registration.

This workshop is one in a series of workshops related to the cosmic microwave background (CMB) and related techniques and topics, “CMB systematics and calibration” in 2020 (Tokyo), and “Galactic science and CMB foregrounds” in 2022 (Tenerife). This year the focus is on the connection between CMB and other fields, particularly the CMB and Wavy Dark Matters. We hope to foster interdisciplinary collaborations between theory and experiment and across cosmology as a whole.

Topics to be included:

  • Theory: motivation of wavy dark matter and the many probes.
  • Cosmic probes: CMB and astronomical probes
  • Radio probes: haloscope, LC resonators, dish antenna, and others
  • New probes: quantum, optical, and others

Confirmed Invited Speakers:

  • Kwang Sik Jeong (Pusan National University, Korea)
  • Kai Murai (Tohoku University, Japan)
  • Keir Rogers (University of Toronto, Canada)
  • Saebyeok Ahn (IBS, Korea)
  • Chanda Prescod-Weinstein (University of New Hampshire, USA)
  • Dan Zhang (University of Washington, USA)
  • Shun Adachi (Kyoto University, Japan)
  • Saptarshi Chaudhury (Princeton University, USA)
  • Bryce Cyr (Jodrell Bank Centre for Astrophysics, UK)
  • Jason Arakawa (University of Delaware, USA)

Transmis par Patrica Diego pour le  SOC

4. Gravity and Cosmology 2024 (January 29-March 1, 2024, Kyoto, Japan)
In 2007, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics (YITP) started new project “Yukawa International Program of Quark-Hadron Sciences (YIPQS)” funded by Japan Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology. In this project we select research topics for each long-term workshop and invite leading experts to stimulate discussion and to foster collaborations among workshop participants.

This time, we hold “Gravity and Cosmology 2024”, as a successor of the four long-term workshops held under the same title in the past (2007, 2010, 2012, and 2018). (The one in 2022 except YKIS2022a was canceled due to the influence of COVID-19.) The aim of the workshop is to have comprehensive but intensive discussion on the rapidly expanding frontiers of physics of gravity and cosmology.

During the workshop, participants stay at YITP with desks and other facilities. They can take ample time for discussions with other participants in a relaxed atmosphere of Kyoto.

  • Start: January 29, 2024
  • Close: March 1, 2024
  • Location: Panasonic Auditorium, Yukawa Hall, Yukawa Institute for Theoretical Physics, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan

More information on the web site: https://www2.yukawa.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~gc2024
Transmis par le SOC

5. Postdoctoral position in theoretical and numerical cosmology at LUTH/Paris Observatory
Project Overview: The 2024-2028 ANR project ProGraceRay (PRObing GRAvity at Cosmological scalEs with relativistic RAY-tracing) aims at investigating robust probes of the nature of gravity at cosmological scales thanks to a suite of dedicated large cosmological simulations. The project involves 4 main participating institutes LUTH/Paris Observatory (Meudon), IAP/Sorbonne University (Paris), AIM/CEA (Saclay) and LAM/Aix-Marseille University (Marseille). This job announcement concerns the first postdoctoral position (out of three) about N-body simulations in modified gravity.

Position Description: The COS team at LUTH (located at the Meudon site of Paris Observatory, near Paris) is inviting applications for a 2-year postdoctoral position in numerical cosmology.  The starting date is expected any time between February 1st 2024 and October 1st 2024. The selected candidate will play a pivotal role in implementing a (flexible) modified gravity model within the RAMSES cosmological N-body (and hydrodynamical) code. They will conduct a suite of large N-body simulations (on French and European supercomputers), exploring the parameter space and investigating the influence of modified gravity on large-scale structures. Additionally, the candidate will make use of the Magrathea library for relativistic ray tracing (i.e., for the study of weak-lensing and redshift space distortions). Such work is key for the interpretation of ongoing and future surveys such as Euclid, DESI and LSST.

Qualification: We are looking for highly motivated candidates with strong numerical skills and experience in cosmological simulations and/or modified gravity. Candidates should hold a PhD in Astrophysics, scientific computing or a related field.

Applications: The applications should be sent by November 30th 2023 to Yann Rasera yann.rasera@obspm.fr with the subject heading “ProGraceRay Postdoc 2024: Name Firstname”. The selection deadline is expected for mid-January 2024.
More details about the application can be found here: https://jobregister.aas.org/ad/509d1a21
Transmis par Y. Rasera

Envoyez svp vos propositions d’annonces à l’adresse : pncg@iap.fr
Pour gérer votre abonnement à la liste PNCG: https://listes.services.cnrs.fr/wws/info/pncg