Diffusion PNCG – n° 251 – 4 janvier 2023

1. Bonne Année 2023 !
2. Appel d’offres à nouvelles labellisations de SNO en AA
3. CFRCOS4: Workshop of the French cosmic ray community 4 (July 3-5 2023, Montpellier)
4. Post-doctoral position in Cosmology and Astroparticles (Marseille)
5. Postdoc on SO analysis at Princeton
6. Postdoc on HIRAX at UKZN (South Africa)

Envoyez svp vos propositions d’annonces à l’adresse : pncg@iap.fr
Pour vous inscrire ou gérer votre abonnement à la liste PNCG: https://listes.services.cnrs.fr/wws/info/pncg

1. Bonne Année 2023 !
Le Programme National de Cosmologie et Galaxies vous souhaite une année 2023 bonne et prospère !

The Programme National de Cosmologie et Galaxies wishes you an happy and successful new year 2023 !

le bureau du PNCG

2. Appel d’offres à nouvelles labellisations de SNO en AA

L’INSU émet un appel d’offres pour de nouvelles labellisations de services nationaux d’observation (SNO) dans le domaine Astronomie & Astrophysique. Cet appel d’offres concerne également les demandes de création de Pôle Thématique National (PTN). Les demandes devront être effectuées en utilisant les formulaires disponibles à l’adresse https://programmes.insu.cnrs.fr/actualite/appel-doffres-nouvelles-labellisations-de-sno-en-astronomie-astrophysique-2023/ (1 formulaire par demande) et envoyées par les directeurs/directrices d’OSU pour le 6 mars 2023 à l’adresse insu.so-aa@services.cnrs.fr. Dans le cas d’un service multi-OSUs, l’OSU coordinateur aura la charge de collecter l’ensemble des informations et de fournir un seul formulaire. 

La description des Actions Nationales d’Observation en AA (ANO1 à ANO6) se trouve sur la page https://www.insu.cnrs.fr/fr/les-services-nationaux-dobservation. Cet appel d’offres couvre également l’ANO trans-domaines INSU « Codes Communautaires » (CC) adossée à l’outil labellisé éponyme décrit à l’adresse https://www.insu.cnrs.fr/fr/les-outils-labellises(pp. 15-17 de la charte des outils labellisés par l’INSU). Il est rappelé que les projets sols ou spatiaux en phase préparatoire ne sont pas labellisables. Les décisions finales de labellisation seront prises par l’INSU à l’été 2023. Les demandeurs sont invités, s’ils le souhaitent, à discuter avec le ou les Programmes Nationaux / Actions Spécifiques concernés qui pourront leur faire un retour au regard de leur politique scientifique avant soumission officielle du dossier. Dans le cas d’une demande de création de Pôle Thématique National (PTN), les demandeurs devront avoir discuté en amont de leur proposition avec le ou les Programmes Nationaux / Actions Spécifiques concernés. 

Des informations complémentaires sont disponibles à l’adresse https://programmes.insu.cnrs.fr/actualite/appel-doffres-nouvelles-labellisations-de-sno-en-astronomie-astrophysique-2023/ : éléments de cadrage pour les ANO 4, 5, et CC, document de référence pour les SNO en Astronomie-Astrophysique, composition des comités ANO1, ANO2, ANO5, ANO6, ANO-CC et groupe ad hoc SNO de la CSAA.

Il est rappelé d’autre part que l’évaluation quadriennale (par vague annuelle) des SNO labellisés aboutit à la décision de maintenir ou non la labellisation des SNO évalués. La liste des SNO labellisés se trouve à l’adresse https://insu.obspm.fr.

Transmis par M. Giard, B. Bézard, A. Marchaudon, E. Slezak

3. CFRCOS4: Workshop of the French cosmic ray community 4 (July 3-5 2023, Montpellier)

The workshop number 4 of the French community involved in Cosmic Ray research (CFRCOS 4) is now opened to registration. 

The workshop will be held from July 3 to July 5 2023 in Montpellier, at the new building of Montpellier University. 

The workshop is dedicated to cosmic ray research. It includes three main sessions : cosmic-ray sources, cosmic-ray transport and cosmic-ray interaction and feed-back, in particular in large scale structures and galaxy formation issues. 

You can register from now here: https://cfrcos4.sciencesconf.org/registration for this you need to have / create a science account (this takes a few minutes). 

Abstract submission will be accessible by end of January.

For any further query please contact Alexandre.Marcowith@umontpellier.fr

transmis par A. Marcowith

4. Post-doctoral position in Cosmology and Astroparticles (Marseille)

Deadline: mid-February, 2023

Post-doctoral position in Cosmology and Astroparticles: (Numerical simulations, Lensing, Dark matter detection)

Aix-Marseille University (AMU) – Institut de Physique de l’Univers (IPhU) – Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille (LAM) – Centre de Physique des Particules de Marseille (CPPM)

The Galaxies, Stars and Cosmology (GECO) group of the Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseille (LAM) based in Marseille, France invites applications for one post-doctoral position to work on dark matter. The successful candidate will be hired through the AMU-AMIDEX project awarded to Eric Jullo between LAM and CPPM that aims at linking dark matter aspects from lensing to direct detection including phenomenology and numerical simulations for two different dark matter candidates (WIMP and Axions). The position is intended for 2 years to start in March/April of 2023.

The GECO group at LAM and the dark matter group at CPPM are involved in the project. The GECO group gathers 33 permanent researchers, covering a broad range of topics: cosmology and dark matter, galaxy evolution, multi-messenger transient astronomy. Dark matter research involves gravitational lensing, phenomenology, simulations, detection, etc. The dark matter group at CPPM is involved in two major projects DarkSide and MadMax (see CPPM website), focusing on WIMP and Axion particle detection respectively. Both institutes are strongly involved in international forefront projects (Euclid, DESI, BUFFALO, Antares/KM3NeT, etc).

The IPhU is a scientific research and education environment created in 2018 under the impulse of CPPM, LAM and the Centre de Physique Théorique (CPT). It provides funding and organize discussion, education and outreach activities across the 3 laboratories, in the field of the Physics of the Universe and associated technologies, from the infinitely small scales of particle physics to the infinitely large ones of cosmology, with high-energy astrophysics in between.

The successful applicant should have or be about to obtain, a PhD (or equivalent) in Cosmology (theory/phenomenology) or a related discipline. He/She will bring expertise in (at least) one of the following topics:
– Cosmological simulations (different dark matter scenarios CDM, wDM, FuzzyDM, SIDM and/or hydrodynamical including baryonic physics )
– Dark matter modeling and phenomenology (Axions, WIMPs, ETHOS …)

An interest for both cosmological and detection aspects is expected. 
Besides working on topics related to the proposal, the selected candidate will be encouraged to interact with the rest of the IPhU scientific environment, and contribute to the local scientific life.

Applications should include a CV, a copy of a valid Identity Document (ID), a list of publications with a short discussion of up to three selected publications, a research statement and a cover letter. They should also arrange for three letters of reference to be sent to eric.jullo@lam.fr.

The review of applications will stop mid-February, 2023 with interviews beginning by March, 2023. The call will stay opened until position is filled. All qualified applicants will receive consideration and will not be discriminated against on the basis of race, color, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, religion, disability, age, or national or ethnic origin.

Additional information:
The position comes with a competitive salary based on the applicant’s experience, access to the French social security system that covers all basic health expenses, and up to seven weeks of paid vacations.

Contact for inquieries:
    Eric Jullo (eric.jullo@lam.fr)
    Emmanuel Nezri (emmanuel.nezri@lam.fr)
    Marceau Limousin (marceau.limousin@lam.fr)
    Fabrice Hubaut (hubaut@in2p3.fr)

Application and Letters of Reference should be sent to: eric.jullo@lam.fr

More Information:

transmis par M. Limousin

5. Postdoc on SO analysis at Princeton

Deadline: Jan 20, 2023
The Department of Physics at Princeton seeks applicants for a postdoctoral research associate or more senior position to work on data analysis with the Simons Observatory (SO) project. SO is a cosmic microwave background survey experiment currently being built for observations from the Atacama Desert in Chile. The SO analysis group at Princeton, led by Jo Dunkley and Simone Aiola, shares responsibility for making and characterizing sky maps for scientific analysis. The successful candidate will contribute to developing and refining pipelines and methods for generating and characterizing the SO maps, as part of the broader SO data analysis efforts. Appointments are for one year, with the possibility for renewal pending satisfactory performance and continued funding for a total of three years.
transmis par M. Tristram

6. Postdoc on HIRAX at UKZN (South Africa)

Deadline: Jan 31, 2023
The Astrophysics Research Centre (ARC) at the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) is offering postdoctoral research positions in the area of radio astronomy instrumentation and analysis. We seek highly qualified candidates to work on the Hydrogen Intensity and Real-time Analysis eXperiment (HIRAX), a radio telescope array that is being led by UKZN, which has key science goals of 21cm cosmology, transients, pulsars, and hydrogen absorbers. HIRAX will deploy its first dishes at the Karoo site by mid-2023. Successful candidates will have the opportunity to work on a combination of radio hardware design and integration, instrument characterisation, simulations and forecasting, and analysis techniques for large data sets. There are additional opportunities to perform joint work within other ARC research areas, including galaxy evolution, clusters of galaxies, the cosmic microwave background, and theoretical cosmology.


transmis par M. Tristram

Envoyez svp vos propositions d’annonces à l’adresse : pncg@iap.fr
Pour gérer votre abonnement à la liste PNCG: https://listes.services.cnrs.fr/wws/info/pncg