Diffusion PNCG – n° 249 – 7 décembre 2022

1. Concours chercheurs et chercheuses 2023 (5 décembre 2022 – 5 janvier 2023 13h)
2. Conseil Scientifique PNCG (13-14 décembre 2023)
3. GDR CoPhy (January 17-19 2023, LPNHE, Paris)
4. WST Science Team activities
5. Spring 2023 Kyoto Conference (March 27-30, 2022, Kyoto, Japan)
6. Three postdoc positions ANR-BATMAN: CMB neutrinos cosmology (IJCLab), reionisation history (IAS), physics of galaxy clusters (IRAP)7. Postdoc positions in Rome (SAPIENZA University Experimental Cosmology group)

Envoyez svp vos propositions d’annonces à l’adresse : pncg@iap.fr
Pour vous inscrire ou gérer votre abonnement à la liste PNCG: https://listes.services.cnrs.fr/wws/info/pncg 

1. Concours chercheurs et chercheuses 2023 (5 décembre 2022 – 5 janvier 2023 13h)
Deadline: 5 janvier 2023 à 13h (heure de Paris)Les concours chercheurs et chercheuses 2022 sont ouverts jusqu’au 11 janvier 2022. 

https://www.cnrs.fr/fr/concours-chVous noterez en particulier pour les sections 01, 02, 17 et 55:

  • Section 01: Interactions, particules, noyaux, du laboratoire au cosmos
    • 8 postes CR mis au concours (6 sont affichés avec une “priorité scientifique” et 2 postes dit “blancs”, c’est à dire ouvert à tous les profils relevant de la section 01), 
    • 10 postes DR.
  • Section 02: Théories physiques : méthodes, modèles et applications
    • 6 postes CR (dont prioritairement 1 CR affecté(e)s dans une unité rattachée à l’INSMI),
    • 6 postes DR.
  • Section 17: Système solaire et univers lointain
    • 6 postes CR, 
    • 6 postes DR.
  • Section 55: Sciences et données
    • 4 postes CR (dont 2 priorités scientifiques et 2 sur les thèmes scientifiques relevant de la Commission interdisciplinaire),
    • 5 postes DR.


Transmis par le PNCG

2. Conseil Scientifique PNCG (13-14 décembre 2023)Le conseil scientifique du PNCG aura lieu les 13 et 14 décembre 2023 a Lyon.
Il procédera à l’évaluation des demandes de financement de l’appel à projet 2023.

Les résultats seront communiqués début 2023.
Transmis par le PNCG

3. GDR CoPhy (January 17-19 2023, LPNHE, Paris)

The first edition of the GDR CoPhy [1] will take place on January 17, 18 and 19, at the LPNHE in Paris.

A preliminary agenda is under construction at: https://indico.ijclab.in2p3.fr/event/8881/
Do not hesitate to register to come on site.
(The number of places in the amphitheater is unfortunately limited to 150).

Proposals for contributions can be sent, before 18/12 at the latest, to: copil-gdr-cophy@services.cnrs.fr
indicating the name of the speaker, a title, a few lines about the proposed topic, and if the speaker interested in a flash talk.

To be informed about the latest news of the GDR you can subscribe to the general mailing list: gdr-cophy-all@services.cnrs.fr
To do so, you just have to enter your contact information on: https://listes.services.cnrs.fr/wws/subscribe/gdr-cophy-all?previous_action=info
(you also have to validate the link sent by mail to the address you indicate).

Transmis par S. Henrot-Versillé, S. Boissier, V. Venin

4. WST Science Team activities

We would like to update you on our plans for the Wide Field Spectroscopic (WST) telescope.

As you know, although our proposal was highly ranked, it was not funded by the HORIZON programme this year. 
Nevertheless, we strongly believe in this project and we are fully engaged in preparing an even stronger proposal for the next call at the beginning of 2024. 

Therefore we plan to use 2023 to progress on the definition of the science cases that should drive this new facility. 
This is a very important task for which we need your inputs and of our astronomical community at large. 

Here there are a few items which we would like to advertise:

  • We invite you to a virtual meeting in January to present and discuss with you our science activities for WST in 2023.  Please fill in your availability at this doodle so that we can find the most suitable date/time: https://doodle.com/meeting/participate/id/dNL6Bzpa
  • We have a brand new webpage for our project: https://www.wstelescope.com/ Any suggestion you may have on how to enrich it, it is very welcome.
  • We plan to organise a scientific meeting dedicated to WST mid next year. As soon as place and dates will be fixed we will let you know.
  • It is very important to advertise our project widely inside the astronomical community so that they can contribute to our scientific activities. We would be grateful therefore if you could advertise it (e.g. forwarding this email) to any colleague or group that you think may be interested in. In particular, point them to this URL where they can provide us with their name and email contact in order to be included in the WST Science Team: https://www.wstelescope.com/for-scientists/participate

Looking forward to work with you on this exciting project!
Vincenzo for the WST project office

transmis par N. Nesvadba

5. Spring 2023 Kyoto Conference (March 27-30, 2022, Kyoto, Japan)
We are organizing next spring an  “International Conference on the Physics of the Two Infinities”, 27th March to 30th March, on the campus of the University of Kyoto in Japan.

This conference aims to bring together physicists to explore the interconnections between the physics of the two infinities. In search of new discoveries, these fields explore what the universe is made of, or was made of, and what its basic laws are on the smallest and largest scales.

We invite you to visit our website for further information about our conference: https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/28466/transmis par M. Gonin, T. Kajita and T. Nakaya

6. Three postdoc positions ANR-BATMAN: CMB neutrinos cosmology (IJCLab), reionisation history (IAS), physics of galaxy clusters (IRAP)

deadline: December 15, 2022

The French ANR funded project BATMAN (Better Accuracy and robusTness for Mass Assessment of Neutrino) is inviting applications for three post-doctoral positions in cosmology (two in Orsay, one in Toulouse). The project aims at using the combined current CMB observations with better and coherent modelling of astrophysics signals and systematics to constrain the neutrino mass and extensions of the standard LCDM model.

  • Reionisation, large scale structures and CMB at the research institute of space astrophysics (IAS, Orsay, France) to work with Marian Douspis to revisit the constraints on the reionisation history from current observations and how it can be described by a generic model to be used as input in CMB probes of reionisation (TT damping, EE bump, kSZ spectrum), and upcoming 21cm observations. See Description
  • Clusters of galaxies and large scale structures at the Institute of Research in Astrophysics and Planetology (IRAP,Toulouse, France) to work with Etienne Pointecouteau to revisit the state-of-the-art gas model in massive halos to build up coherent models for probes such as tSZ and kSZ power spectra, SZ cluster number counts and kSZ pairwise velocities. See Description
  • CMB cosmology and neutrino physics (IJCLab, Orsay, France) to work with Matthieu Tristram on the exploitation of the latest CMB measurements to derive robust and precise constraints on the neutrino sector including the neutrino hierarchy but not exclusively. See Description

The application should include a cover letter, a research statement, a CV, a list of selected publications (max 10) in a single file in PDF format to be sent, by email only to batman-anr-admin@ias.u-psud.fr, stating in the subject: PostDoc-REIO, -GAS or -CMB and 2 Letters of Reference to be sent at the same email address.

We seek a diverse pool of applicants and we will consider all applications on equal basis.

transmis par M. Douspis, E. Pointecouteau, M. Tristram

7. Postdoc positions in Rome (SAPIENZA University Experimental Cosmology group)

Deadline: 17th December 2022

Postdoc positions in Rome:

In the context of the ESA project “Cryogenic Polarisation Modulator for CMB Science Missions”,
we have two one-year postdoc positions available in the Experimental Cosmology Group in Rome.

The activity is mainly focused on development of the LiteBIRD MHFT polarisation modulators.

1) Development of metamaterial-based half-wave plates for mm-waves

Activity description:
–  Design and optimisation of metamaterial-based half-wave plates operating at millimetre wavelengths
–  Experimental setup realisation for the HWP performance studies
–  Room temperature HWP experimental characterisation
–  Study of the optical systematics generated by the HWPs

Application: https://web.uniroma1.it/trasparenza/bando/197213_200/2022

2) Validation measurements of mm-wave halfwave-plates in cryogenic conditions

Activity description:
–  Performance optimisation of superconductor-based cryogenic rotation mechanism
–  Cryogenic tests of superconductor-based rotation mechanism
–  Cryogenic temperatures HWP experimental characterisation
–  Contribution to the HWP wobbling e flatness tests
–  Contribution to the temperature and emissivity tests

Application: https://web.uniroma1.it/trasparenza/bando/197273_202/2022transmis par A. Coppolecchia

Envoyez svp vos propositions d’annonces à l’adresse : pncg@iap.fr
Pour gérer votre abonnement à la liste PNCG: https://listes.services.cnrs.fr/wws/info/pncg