1. Atelier zoom: Égalité entre les femmes et les hommes en A&A: biais inconscients et stéréotypes de genre (29 novembre)
2. Moriond Cosmology 2022
3. keV Warm Dark Matter in Agreement with Observations in Tribute to Hector de Vega (10 November 2021, WEBINAIRE)
4. Staff Scientist (career-track or career) at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA)
5. Faculty position in theoretical astrophysics at Cornell
6. Postdoctoral position on massive black hole astrophysics and numerical simulations (IAP, Paris)
7. Post-doc and PhD positions at IFAE-Barcelona to work in Euclid
8. Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Cosmology/Euclid at the University of Oslo
Envoyez svp vos propositions d’annonces à l’adresse : pncg@iap.fr
Pour vous inscrire ou gérer votre abonnement à la liste PNCG: https://listes.services.cnrs.fr/wws/info/pncg
1. Atelier zoom: Égalité entre les femmes et les hommes en A&A: biais inconscients et stéréotypes de genre (29 novembre)
Aujourd’hui, en astronomie et astrophysique, les femmes sont toujours bien moins nombreuses que les hommes (24% de chercheuses à l’INSU). Pourquoi cette différence ? Que faire ?
En partant de ces questions, nous proposons un atelier Zoom le 29 novembre de 14h à 17h. Notre intervenante sera Isabelle Régner, professeure en psychologie, responsable de l’équipe cognition et neurosciences sociales, et vice-présidente d’Aix-Marseille Université en charge des questions d’égalité femmes-hommes et de la lutte contre les discriminations. Elle nous parlera en particulier des effets de biais inconscients et des stéréotypes genrés dans notre quotidien de scientifiques, y compris dans les processus d’évaluation et d’auto-évaluation. Son intervention sera suivie d’un échange avec les participant·e·s.
L’atelier est ouvert à toute personne de la communauté A&A. L’objectif est de partager et de diffuser des références qui vont nous permettre d’avancer et de nous positionner sur ces questions et d’identifier les dispositifs possibles pour faire changer les choses.
La formation sera faite en visioconférence, avec la possibilité de tester ses propres biais directement en ligne, de manière anonyme et confidentielle. Les inscriptions sont ouvertes jusqu’au 26 novembre 2021.
transmis par N. Nesvadba
2. Moriond Cosmology 2022 (23-30 January 2022, La Thuile, Italy)
The next Rencontres de Moriond on Cosmology will take place from January 23 to January 30 in La Thuile (Italy).
It will be an “in person” meeting and promises to be exciting with lively discussions after so many zoom meetings!
The conference will review the subject 4 years after the last live edition (the 2020 edition had to be cancelled due to the sanitary situation).
The main topics of the conference will be:
- CMB anisotropies
- Reionization
- Dark energy probes
- Dark Matter
- Inflation
- Modified gravity
- Massive gravity
- Galaxy clusters
- SZ
- Non gaussianities
The conference will include both review and contributed talks and will be organized only in plenary sessions.
Registration is now open as well as abstract submission.
Abstract deadline: December 5th, 2021.
More details can be found on the web site of the conference: https://moriond.in2p3.fr/2022/Cosmology/
Transmis par J. Dumarchez
3. keV Warm Dark Matter in Agreement with Observations in Tribute to Hector de Vega (10 November 2021, WEBINAIRE)
Next Universe Special WEBINAIRE
Wednesday 10 November 2021 at 13:30 CET
keV Warm Dark Matter in Agreement with Observations in Tribute to Hector de Vega.
New results and reviews will be presented
Informations, Programme, Time Table and Free Registration at the URL:
Poster: https://chalonge-devega.fr/Webinaire-10Nov21.jpeg
REGISTRATION to the Webinaire to receive the Zoom connection information:
Registration for all participants and speakers is FREE but Registration is mandatory to receive the Zoom connection information.
transmis par Ecole Chalonge-deVega
4. Staff Scientist (career-track or career) at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (USA)
Deadline: 2021/12/15
The Physics Division at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) invites applications from scientists with a record of substantial accomplishment and creative ability for a Staff Scientist position in the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) experimental group. The appointment may be either career-track or career, depending on seniority. The career-track Staff Scientist position is a five-year appointment with the expectation of promotion to a career position as Staff Scientist. Applicants should have demonstrated leadership and original achievements in research. We welcome all applicants with exceptional promise to advance the art of experimentation in CMB science; expertise in instrumentation, especially related to the design, construction and operation of microwave telescopes, optics, and related technologies is desirable.
The Staff Scientist is expected to play a leading role in her/his scientific field and will be encouraged to contribute to research that may enable transformational advances or new opportunities in LBNL’s CMB research program. LBNL has a long tradition of pioneering work developing new detectors, devices, and methods for fundamental physics. LBNL has been selected by the Department of Energy to lead the CMB-S4 project (https://cmb-s4.org/), a next generation experiment with multiple telescopes and 500,000 cryogenic superconducting detectors with the potential to transform the field.
transmis par A. Lee
5. Faculty position in theoretical astrophysics at Cornell
Deadline: from November 15, 2021 and until the position is filled
The Physics Department at Cornell University invites applications for a tenure-track faculty position pursuing theoretical astrophysics research. Candidates with experience in relativistic astrophysics, computational astrophysics, gravitational-wave astrophysics or theoretical cosmology are of particular interest, but we encourage applications from all areas of theoretical astrophysics.
We seek candidates with an established record of high-impact research to conduct an independent research program and to teach and advise our undergraduate and graduate students. A Ph.D. in physics or a closely related field is required. Required materials are a cover letter, curriculum vitae with publication list, statement of research, statement of teaching and mentoring philosophy, and three letters of recommendation.
Also required is a statement of diversity, equity and inclusion describing the applicant’s efforts and aspirations to promote equity, inclusion and diversity through teaching, research and service.
Applications should be submitted at https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/19634
The target start date for the appointment is July 1, 2022.
Review of applications will begin on November 15, 2021 and will continue until the position is filled.
Inquiries about the application submission can be directed to Katerina Malysheva (evm23@cornell.edu).
Inquiries about the position can be directed to Prof. Eanna Flanagan (eef3@cornell.edu).
transmis par Eanna E. Flanagan
6. Postdoctoral position on massive black hole astrophysics and numerical simulations (IAP, Paris)
Application deadline: January 5 2022
A postdoctoral position at the Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris (IAP) is opened to work with Dr. Marta Volonteri and Dr. Yohan Dubois on numerical modeling of massive black hole dynamics, and the gravitational wave and electromagnetic properties of massive black hole binaries and mergers in cosmological simulations. Applicants with interests and experience in the above fields, and with familiarity with hydrodynamical/N-body codes are particularly encouraged to apply.
This position is part of the project “Massive black hole mergers: light and gravitational waves” funded by the French Agence Nationale de la Recherche. Besides IAP, the other participating nodes are the laboratoire AstroParticule et Cosmologie (APC: Stas Babak, Antoine Petiteau, Chiara Caprini), the Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie (IRAP: Natalie Webb), the Observatoire de Paris (GEPI: Susanna Vergani), providing the opportunity to work in a collaborative environment spanning simulations, astrophysics, gravitational wave data analysis and multimessenger observations.
The stating date can be as early as March 2022, but dates until and including Fall 2022 are possible. Applicants are required to have obtained a PhD in physics, astronomy or related subject by the time of the appointment. The position is initially for two years, renewable for a third year depending on performance and availability of funding. Salary will depend on skills and experience and the position includes a comprehensive benefits package. The successful candidate will have access to excellent computing infrastructure, as well as travel and research funds.
The application material consists of a CV, publication list and a 4-page statement of research accomplishments and interests motivating the interest for the position. Applicants should also arrange for three reference letters to be provided separately.
The application material and contact information about three references should be submitted at http://www2.iap.fr/MBH_Waves/postdoc. The letter writers nominated in the online application will be contacted after submission.
The nominal closing date is January 5 2022; late applications may be considered until the position is filled.
For inquiries, please contact martav AT iap.fr and/or dubois AT iap.fr
Transmis par M. Volonteri
7. Post-doc and PhD positions at IFAE-Barcelona to work in Euclid
Deadline: December 12, 2021
The IFAE at Barcelona has various PostDoc and PhD student positions opened in the Observational Cosmology Group, and, in particular to work in Euclid. Details are given below, after this email, and can be found at:
transmis par C. Padilla
8. Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Cosmology/Euclid at the University of Oslo
Deadline: 15th December 2021
A position as Postdoctoral Research Fellow is available at the Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics.
No one can be appointed for more than one Postdoctoral Research Fellowship at the University of Oslo. Starting date no later than 30.09.2022.
The appointment is a fulltime position and is made for a period of up to three years (10% of which is devoted to required duties, usually in the form of teaching activities).
The faculty of the Institute of Theoretical Astrophysics consists of 15 associate and full professors. The Institute employs about 16 – 17 postdoctoral and advanced research fellows. The Institute has three major research groups, one for solar physics, one for extragalactic astrophysics and one for cosmology.
Observational material is collected from space-borne and ground-based observatories. In interaction with and parallel to the observational activity, there is a strong activity in theoretical and computational astrophysics. The Institute is actively engaged in a large number of international collaborative programs, e.g., through the Norwegian membership in ESA, Norwegian participation in the Nordic Optical Telescope (NOT), the Institute’s participation in the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope on La Palma and the CO Mapping Array Pathfinder experiment COMAP. The Institute leads the EU-funded design study for the Atacama Large Aperture Submillimeter Telescope (AtLAST) and participates in the MOONS instrument at the ESO-VLT. Space missions with major participation from the Institute include the Japanese Hinode satellite, the Interface Region Imaging Spectrograph (IRIS) and ESA’s Solar Orbiter within solar physics, and Planck and Euclid within cosmology and extragalactic astrophysics. In theoretical and computational astrophysics, the Institute has built up strong groups within numerical modelling and within the use of modern computational statistics methods in data analysis.
This position is dedicated to the Institute’s participation in the European space mission Euclid, and especially in Euclid’s Cosmological Simulations and Cosmological Theory Science Working Groups (SWGs). Possible projects for the postdoctoral research fellow include, in coordination with the mentioned SWGs, to perform theoretical predictions for weak lensing observables, to do post-processing of simulations performed within the SWGs and to perform data preparation for the galaxy mock production in theories beyond General Relativity. Candidates that are already involved in Euclid on similar projects critical for the success of the mission will also be considered.
Previous experience with cosmological simulations, especially for cosmological models beyond the Lambda-Cold-Dark-Matter paradigm, is considered highly beneficial for this position, as are strong computing and programming skills. The Institute has access to world-class computing facilities, both in-house, on-campus and nationally, that are directly available to the candidate.
The main purpose of a postdoctoral fellowship is to provide the candidates with enhanced skills to pursue a scientific top position within or beyond academia. To promote a strategic career path, all postdoctoral research fellows are required to submit a professional development plan no later than one month after commencement of the postdoctoral period.
https://www.jobbnorge.no/en/available-jobs/job/214136/postdoctoral-research-fellow-in-cosmology-euclidtransmis par P. Lilje
Envoyez svp vos propositions d’annonces à l’adresse : pncg@iap.fr
Pour gérer votre abonnement à la liste PNCG: https://listes.services.cnrs.fr/wws/info/pncg