Diffusion PNCG – n° 195 – 2 septembre 2020

1. Rappel: appel d’offres PNCG 2021

2. New deadline for JWST Cycle 1 General Observer proposals

3. Dust & Metals 2020 Conference (Marseille, France, 26 – 30 October 2020)

4. Postdoc position in Rome for H2020 EWC project (Rome)

5. Chamberlain Fellowship in Experimental Particle Physics and Cosmology (LBNL, US)

6. post-doc position on weak lensing (IPAC, Caltech, USA)

Envoyez svp vos propositions d’annonces à l’adresse : pncg@iap.fr
Pour vous inscrire ou gérer votre abonnement à la liste PNCG: https://listes.services.cnrs.fr/wws/info/pncg 

1. Appel d’offres PNCG 2021

L’appel d’offres PNCG arrive à son terme le 15 septembre 2020.

Tous les personnels permanents peuvent répondre à l’appel d’offres du PNCG pour obtenir les fonds nécessaires en particulier pour financer des projets favorisant le développement et la fédération de la communauté française en galaxies et cosmologie.

Vous pourrez trouvez les informations et les documents nécessaires sur le site du PNCG:

Tout projet doit être soumis via la plateforme électronique SIGAP: sigap.cnrs.fr.
Sur ce site, vous pourrez télécharger le texte complet de l’AO et y retrouver aussi la lettre de cadrage du PNCG.

Soyez attentif à la limite de page stricte que PNCG applique.

La date limite de soumission des propositions est fixée au 15 septembre 2020 à 17h00 (heure de Paris) pour le dépôt du dossier en ligne, et le 10 septembre 2020 à 17h pour entrer la demande dans Dialog.

transmis par le bureau du PNCG

2. New deadline for JWST Cycle 1 General Observer proposals

The major disruption caused by the COVID-19 pandemic continues to affect all of us. Integration and testing of the James Webb Space Telescope are among the activities impacted. NASA has re-evaluated the project schedule and announced a launch readiness date of October 31, 2021.

After consulting with the JWST Users Committee, STScI, NASA, ESA and CSA have finalized the review schedule for Cycle 1 proposals.

The JWST Cycle 1 General Observer (GO) proposal deadline will be 08:00 pm Eastern Time (ET) on Tuesday November 24, 2020.

We are announcing the deadline well in advance, so that proposers have flexibility to prepare proposals as their COVID-impacted schedules permit.

The Call for Proposals remains unchanged from its release earlier this year:

All proposal tools and documentation are available to proposers: https://jwst-docs.stsci.edu/

The JWST Telescope Allocation Committee (TAC) will review the proposals in February 2021 and recommend the Cycle 1 GO science program for announcement in March 2021.

We send best wishes to our user community and their families in these challenging times.

As always, please contact the jwst helpdesk if you have any questions: https://stsci.service-now.com/jwst

transmis par V. Hill

3. Dust & Metals 2020 Conference (Marseille, France, 26 – 30 October 2020)

The Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Marseillewill organize a conference whose objective to bring together (both physically and virtually) the theoritical and observational communities to share our current knowledge on the rise of metals and dust in the Universe over a wide range of cosmic times and to discuss effective strategies to best use our powerful current and future facilities.

This Dust and Metals Conference will take place during the week 26 – 30 October in Marseille, France. That is only two months from now. We are still monitoring the evolution of the Covid-19 situation in France. And far, the French governments announced that meetings with up to 5000 persons are authorized.
As announced before on our website (https://metals-dust.sciencesconf.org), we have decided, after careful consideration to modify our original plans and to hold a dual on-line and in-person meeting. Right now, only people from the European Union are allowed to come to France (or people already inside the EU) and from a few other countries (see ref). Note that the room is now large enough to safely accomodate 100 persons with proper distanciation (300 m^2, pdf). Of course, the organisation will be revised if the situation in France / Europe does not pass some limit fixed by the governments.

People who can travel to France will therefore be able to attend the conference in person, within a maximum attendance of 100 persons. The deadline to submit abstract is September 11, 2020 at 23:59 (UT).

Contributions (both in-person and on-line) are welcomed. We encourage people to submit abstracts. The selection will be announced shortly after September11 2020.

The changes dedicated to safety and the evolution of the sanitary situation are listed on theconference website:

Transmis par D. Burgarella

4. Postdoc position in Rome for H2020 EWC project (Rome)
Deadline: September 10th, 2020


  • Starting date: preferably October 1st, 2020.
  • Gross salary: 32,000€/year (taxation is small on this type of contract).
  • Duration: one-year plus renewal or possible extensions depending on future funding (extension already covered up to January 2022 included).
  • Funds for travels and computing are available.
  • Location: Rome Observatory, Monte Porzio Catone [http://www.oa-roma.inaf.it].

The successful applicant will work mainly on the Enabling Weak Lensing Cosmology H2020 project. Specifically on biases of weak lensing measures for Euclid. Interactions with the other nodes of the network are foreseen, especially with Heidelberg.

The official ad can be found in the page:

Unfortunately by law the application and whole legalese are in italian language. However, upon inquiry we can provide further details (people, computer, travel, accommodations etc) as well as assistance in filing in the application (write to roberto.scaramella@inaf.it).

transmis par Y. Mellier

5. Chamberlain Fellowship in Experimental Particle Physics and Cosmology (LBNL, US)
Deadline: 16 October 2020

The Physics Division at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory is accepting applications for the 2021 Owen Chamberlain Fellowships in Experimental Particle Physics and Cosmology.

Link to the AJO site:

Application deadline is 2020/10/16

transmis par M. Tristram

6. post-doc position on weak lensing (IPAC, Caltech, USA)

Deadline: Thursday, October 15, 2020

Applications are invited for 1-2 Postdoctoral Scholar positions in weak-lensing observational cosmology to work with Ranga-Ram Chary at IPAC/Caltech, Bomee Lee at KASI (S. Korea) and a team of scientists across the Country:

Transmis par Y. Mellier

Envoyez svp vos propositions d’annonces à l’adresse : pncg@iap.fr
Pour gérer votre abonnement à la liste PNCG: https://listes.services.cnrs.fr/wws/info/pncg