1. EuCAPT survey on astroparticle and cosmology theory
2. Colloque National CMB-France #6 (18-19 Décembre 2024)
3. Les Houches Summer School: The Dark Universe (7th July-1st August 2025, Les Houches, France)
4. Dark Matter 2025: From the Smallest to the Largest Scales (2-6 Jun 2025, Santander, Spain)
5. mm Universe 2025 (23-25 June 2025, Chicago)
Envoyez svp vos propositions d’annonces à l’adresse : pncg@iap.fr
Pour vous inscrire ou gérer votre abonnement à la liste PNCG: https://listes.services.cnrs.fr/wws/info/pncg
1. EuCAPT survey on astroparticle and cosmology theory
In view of the current strategy efforts both in astroparticle and particle physics, with the preparation of the future APPEC Roadmap (2027-2036, European Astroparticle Physics Strategy) and the European Strategy for Particle Physics, the European Consortium for Astroparticle Theory is gathering input from the astroparticle theory community on the key challenges for the next decade (2027-2036). Your input will help shape the theoretical and experimental directions of this field in the next decade.
The survey is available at:
The deadline to provide input with the questionnaire is 30 November 2024.
We welcome submissions from all researchers in theoretical astroparticle physics and cosmology based in Europe, including both EuCAPT members and non-members.
We think this is a unique opportunity to make the voice of our community heard at the European level and to contribute to the current strategy efforts.
The input collected will constitute the basis of the community discussion in a remote meeting on 10 December 2024 (2pm-5pm CET) (via zoom). This meeting will lay the groundwork for the EuCAPT strategy document (2027-2036).
We think it is crucial that the largest part of the community is involved in this survey and subsequent discussion, at all levels of seniority. I kindly ask you to forward this email to any astroparticle theorist in Europe who may be interested and to encourage other people in your group to fill the questionnaire and to participate in the meeting on 10 Dec 2024.
transmis par F. Calore
2. Colloque National CMB-France #6 (18-19 Décembre 2024)
Le prochain colloque CMB-France #6 aura lieu les 18 et 19 décembre 2024 à l’Institut Henri Poincaré (Paris).
Comme pour les précédents, nous souhaitons privilégier une organisation en présentiel.
Pensez à soumettre vos propositions de contribution le plus rapidement possible afin que nous puissions finaliser l’agenda:https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/34251/abstracts/
Ce colloque est d’abord le votre, n’hésitez pas à nous contacter pour proposer des choses !
Transmis par M. Tristram & F. Bouchet
3. Les Houches Summer School: The Dark Universe (7th July-1st August 2025, Les Houches, France)
The 2025 summer school focuses on the present and future of cosmology. The programme includes lectures on the physics of the late acceleration of the universe’s expansion, exploring links with high-energy physics and the relevance of current theoretical models for understanding upcoming data.
Key Topics:
- Tools for analysing experimental results, including numerical modelling of large-scale structures.
- New probes such as 21 cm physics and the structure of the dark ages.
- An overview of dark matter alternatives.
The application deadline is the 1st March 2025. The school website: https://indico.iap.fr/event/25/overview
transmis par P. Brax
4. Dark Matter 2025: From the Smallest to the Largest Scales (2-6 Jun 2025, Santander, Spain)
Dark Matter 2025: From the Smallest to the Largest Scales is a conference devoted to discussing the latest developments in the field of dark matter, from experiments to theory and phenomenology. Alongside a small number of invited talks, the main focus will be on contributed talks and posters from members of the community.
The conference will take place on 2 – 6 June 2025 in the city of Santander, a well known Summer resort on the northern coast of Spain.
Abstract submission is now open – the deadline is 2 March 2025. We expect to open registration in early 2025.
5. mm Universe 2025 (23-25 June 2025, Chicago)
The mm Universe 2025 conference will be hosted at the Kavli Institute for Cosmological Physics (KICP) at the University of Chicago from June 23-27, 2025.
This conference will bring together the international scientific community to discuss the latest progress in both theoretical and observational topics related to the mm Universe, from stellar to cosmological scales.
The broad range of topics to be discussed include:
- Cosmology from mm-wave observations
- Thermal & kinetic SZ
- Galaxy cluster physics (from SZ, X-ray, and optical/IR observations)
- Galaxy formation in the early Universe
- Nearby galaxies
- Galactic star formation
- From dust to planets
- mm Synchrotron Sources and Transient Sources
- mm Instrumentation
- Simulations
While it is devoted to observations of the Universe at mm-wavelengths, as multi-wavelength analyses are critical to understanding astrophysical processes and testing cosmological models, the conference series is also opened to results and observations at other wavelengths. Registration and abstract submission will open November 13, 2024.