Diffusion PNCG – n° 286 – 18 septembre 2024

1. Call for application to the function of Director of the Centre de Données Astronomiques de Strasbourg – CDS2. TCFH – Semestre 2025A, appel aux demandes de temps3. RAMSES SNO days (13-14 November, IAP, Paris)
4. Cesam2k20 Workshop II: Processus de transport (14-15 novembre 2024, Observatoire de Meudon, France)
5. Third International Summer School on the ISM of Galaxies (July 21 to August 1, 2025, Banyuls-sur-mer, France)
6. CERN-TH Institute “Looping in the Primordial Universe” (October 28 – November 1, 2024, CERN)
7. 35th Rencontres de Blois (Oct. 20-25, 2024, Blois, France)
8. Workshop “Cosmology and galaxy astrophysics with simulations and machine learning” (December 9-12, 2024, NewYork)
9. (LPSC Webinar) Florian Kéruzoré – Picasso: a machine learning model to paint intracluster gas on gravity-only simulations (Oct 7)
10. Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) at Okayama University
11. Postdoctoral position at the Institute of Astrophysics at Universidad Andres Bello (Chile)12. 2-Year Post-Doctoral Position on spectroscopic studies of GRB afterglows and host galaxies (Paris Observatory)
13. 4 postdocs sur la poussière interstellaire dans les galaxies proches, en France

Envoyez svp vos propositions d’annonces à l’adresse : pncg@iap.fr
Pour vous inscrire ou gérer votre abonnement à la liste PNCG: https://listes.services.cnrs.fr/wws/info/pncg 

1. Call for application to the function of Director of the Centre de Données Astronomiques de Strasbourg – CDS

Deadline for application 5 January 2025
The function of Director of the CDS will be opened in September 2025 and for duration of five years.

The Centre de Donné es Astronomiques de Strasbourg (CDS), created in 1972, is a national Research Infrastructure of the French Ministry of Higher Education and Research Roadmap. It is also an internal team of the Observatoire astronomique de Strasbourg, in the framework of an INSU – Université de Strasbourg agreement. The CDS far-reaching initial charter still governs its activities:

  • To collect ‘useful’ data on astronomical objects
  • To improve them by critical evaluation and combination
  • To distribute the results to the astronomical community
  • To conduct research using the data

In short, the CDS role aims at supporting the international astronomical community in its research, and not only by collecting information. It is thus science driven and its core task is to provide added-value services to the community. Activity must be maintained at the highest possible level of quality and of scientific and technical relevance. This requires an active participation of scientists and a resolute R&D programme, as well as the development of an international role and collaborations, the networking of expertise and resources with other actors.
The CDS team benefits from an integrated team of scientists, «documentalists» and software engineers, with a deep symbiosis between the different types of activities. It relies on the general services of the Observatoire for support activities (computer and network system, administration, logistics). CDS is a part of the Observatoire astronomique de Strasbourg which is an Observatoire des Sciences de l’Univers (OSU) involved in research, services, education and outreach in astronomy and astrophysics. Its aim is to increase quantitatively and qualitatively our knowledge and understanding of the Universe. The Observatoire was created on the current site in 1881. It is presently a research unit under the joint authority of the CNRS- INSU and the Université de Strasbourg. There are two research teams: CDS (see above), and GALHECOS (Galaxies, High Energy, Cosmology, Compact Objects and Stars). In addition to being responsible for the CDS as an INSU National Observing Service, the Observatoire also participates in SSC–XMM, SVOM, Euclid, Gaia, WEAVE and RAMSES labelized national services. The Observatoire is also responsible for the Specialization “Astrophysics and data sciences”, as part of a general Master
dedicated to Physics.
In order to facilitate the search for candidates, a Search Committee has been set. Scientists interested by the position are invited to contact any member of the committee. The final application files, to be written in English, should include a covering letter, detailed curriculum vitae, a complete description of works and titles, a publication list, a detailed statement of intention describing the project for the CDS and the names and contact details of three experts who could be called upon by the Search Committee for letters of reference. The formal applications should be sent by E-mail, with a subject line “Director, CDS” to the President of the Committee, Professor Stephen Serjeant (see e-mail in the table below), before 5th January 2025. Applications will be evaluated by the Scientific Council of CDS who will address a recommendation to CNRS-INSU and University of Strasbourg for the nomination. The successful applicant is expected to have, or develop, a working knowledge of French.
More information may be obtained from the members of the Search Committee and the following web sites are also of interest:

transmis par C. Ferrari

2. TCFH – Semestre 2025A, appel aux demandes de temps
L’appel de temps 2025A du TCFH est maintenant ouvert. La date limite est le 19 septembre à 23h59 UTC. Pour plus d’information, veuillez consulter le lien ci-dessous:

Veuillez noter que trois nouveaux filtres SITELLE sont maintenant disponibles et qu’une section contient des notes techniques importantes qui ont été ajoutées pour que chaque équipe puisse vérifier la faisabilité technique de leur demande. La pression venant des Grands Programmes est présentée sous la section “Time available”.

Transmis par N. Manset

3. RAMSES SNO days (13-14 November, IAP, Paris)
The RAMSES SNO is pleased to announce its second RAMSES SNO days.

The “RAMSES SNO” is a CNRS initiative to support RAMSES’ use and development within our astrophysics community. Jérémy Blaizot (Lyon) is leading this effort, along with Yohan Dubois (Paris), Matthias Gonzalez (Saclay), Pierre Ocvirk (Strasbourg), Amandine Le Brun (Meudon), and Sébastien Peirani (Nice).

We’re planning this meeting on November 13th and 14th in IAP (Paris). The meeting will resemble a French mini RAMSES User Meeting, with the addition of a presentation of the SNO objectives and activities.

More details regarding the program and venue will follow soon, but please save these dates and start arranging your travel. While we’ll offer online access to the meeting, we strongly encourage you to attend in person to foster community interaction.

Where : Paris
When : Nov. 13 & 14
Limited Capacity : 45 participants max
Who can attend : anyone (PhD student, postdoc, staff) working in a research institute.
Registration deadline : Oct. 4
Full information and registration : https://ramses-sno-2024.sciencesconf.org/
Transmis par Y. Dubois

4. Cesam2k20 Workshop II: Processus de transport (14-15 novembre 2024, Observatoire de Meudon, France)

Afin de renforcer la communauté d’utilisatrices et d’utilisateurs autour du code public d’évolution stellaire Cesam2k20, nous organisons un deuxième atelier qui aura lieu les 14-15 novembre 2024, à l’Observatoire de Meudon dans les locaux du Centre de Conférences Jules Janssen pour 30 personnes. Le site du workshop est maintenant ouvert: https://cesamworkshop2.sciencesconf.org.

L’édition de cette année se focalisera principalement sur la modélisation des mécanismes de transport d’éléments chimiques et de moment cinétique. Toutefois, les utilisateurs novices de Cesam2k20 sont les bienvenus et une partie du workshop sera dédiée à l’installation et à la prise en main du code.
Cet atelier s’adresse à toutes les communautés s’appuyant sur l’utilisation de modèles stellaires (physique stellaire, exoplanètes, disques, physique de la Galaxie et des galaxies, etc.).
Pour les personnes venant de loin ou dont le laboratoire ne peut pas financer la totalité des frais de mission, nous pouvons apporter une aide financière (partielle). Dans l’examen des demandes, le SOC sera particulièrement attentif à tenir compte des différents biais dans l’attribution des bourses.

En espérant vous voir nombreuses et nombreux!

La deadline pour les demandes de financements est le 8 septembre 2024 (minuit).
Les inscriptions sont ouvertes du 1er juin 2024 au 1er septembre 2024 (minuit).
Le nombre de places étant limité à 30 personnes, nous vous invitons donc à vous inscrire le plus rapidement possible.

transmis par le SOC: L. Manchon; Y. Lebreton; M. Deal; J. P. C. Marques; L. Petitdemange; L. Casamiquela.

5. Third International Summer School on the ISM of Galaxies (July 21 to August 1, 2025, Banyuls-sur-mer, France)

• For a complete description, including a preliminary program, visit our website: https://ismgalaxies2025.sciencesconf.org.
• Registration will open on January 27, 2025 and close on April 18, 2025

This summer school will center around high-level lectures covering the theory and observation of the ISM of nearby galaxies. In addition, about one third of the lectures will be devoted to presenting modern data analysis methods, and will be accompanied with dedicated hands-on applications. In parallel, each participant will work, in a small group, on a project whose results will be presented at the end of the school. Finally, there will be a few round table discussions on open questions, state-of-the-art methods and on practical aspects of careers in astrophysics.
transmis par F. Galliano

6. CERN-TH Institute “Looping in the Primordial Universe” (October 28 – November 1, 2024, CERN)
We are pleased to announce the upcoming CERN-TH Institute on “Looping in the Primordial Universe,” scheduled to take place from October 28 to November 1, 2024, at CERN in Geneva, Switzerland.

The workshop is motivated by recent debates within the inflationary community concerning the significance of loop corrections in various inflationary scenarios. Our goal is to revisit these classic questions and address new issues that have emerged, some of which require formal theoretical developments. We aim to bridge the gap between the phenomenological community, which focuses on the connection between loops and observations, and the more formal community, which addresses the theoretical aspects.

The format is designed to stimulate extensive discussions and foster collaboration among participants. The event will consist of three days of formal presentations followed by two days dedicated to in-depth discussions and collaboration.

The event is free of any conference fees and attendance is limited to 35-40 participants. The general deadline for registration is Monday September 30th. We welcome interested participants to submit an abstract for a contributed talk (to do that, click on the ‘Submit new abstract’ button at the bottom of the indico webpage). The deadline for submission is Sunday September 8th, and we will notify accepted participants the following week. Although we strongly recommend in person participation, we also plan to broadcast the talks of our workshop online. There is no deadline for online registration.

We would greatly appreciate it if you could forward this announcement to anyone who may be interested. Details about the workshop can be found on the Indico webpage: https://indico.cern.ch/event/1433472/.

Transmis par le SOC: M. Braglia, T. Cohen, G. Franciolini, L. Iacconi, L. Pinol

7. 35th Rencontres de Blois (Oct. 20-25, 2024, Blois, France)
The “35th Rencontres de Blois — Particle Physics and Cosmology” will be held at Blois, France on October 20-25, 2024. There are still open slots for the parallel session in Cosmology and we are inviting abstract submission. Young researchers are particularly encouraged to submit an abstract.

More details on the conference are available on the following web page (obviously, the program is still under development): http://blois.in2p3.fr/2024/
The conference will have plenary sessions with invited review talks given by experts in the field as well as parallel sessions. The conference will cover a broad range of topics and will be attended by a broad audience (~65:35 of HEP : Astro/Cosmo and ~70:30 of experimentalists : theorists).

This will be the 35th meeting in this series of annual international multidisciplinary meetings, created in 1989 by Jean Tran Thân Van and which has in the past covered many topics in physics, astronomy and biology. The picturesque old French town of Blois, famous for its XIV-XVIIth century château, is about 170 km (100 miles) from Paris in the beautiful region of the «Châteaux de la Loire». All sessions take place in the Château of Blois, a beautiful renaissance castle which has housed many French kings and notably François the 1st.

The Blois castle offers a fantastic venue for scientific exchange with international colleagues in the conference room and also afterwards during common lunches and dinners in the Castle itself. The conference is foreseen to be a fully in-person event. Participation is limited to about 150 persons.
transmis par V. Poulin

8. Workshop “Cosmology and galaxy astrophysics with simulations and machine learning” (December 9-12, 2024, NewYork)
Following numerous recent results and major public data releases in this field, the goal of this workshop is to bring a diverse community together to (1) review the current state of the use of cosmological simulations and machine learning to address major challenges in galaxy evolution and cosmology, (2) discuss future plans to support upcoming surveys, and (3) foster the exchange of ideas and new collaborations.  This workshop will include a mix of invited presentations, contributed talks, and ample discussion time, along with breakout sessions for more in-depth collaborations. The workshop is intended for anyone interested in these topics, whether you are already directly involved in a major collaboration in this field, intend to use public data released as part of projects such as those mentioned above, or are considering starting new activities in this growing field

https://events.simonsfoundation.org/event/51977633-a0a2-4110-b34b-5b0567159ab7/summarytransmis par M. Gray

9. (LPSC Webinar) Florian Kéruzoré – Picasso: a machine learning model to paint intracluster gas on gravity-only simulations (Oct 7)
It is my pleasure to invite you to the first LPSC webinar.Speaker: Florian Kéruzoré

Time: Oct. 7th @ 3pm (Grenoble time)

Title: Picasso: a machine learning model to paint intracluster gas on gravity-only simulations

Zoom link: https://univ-grenoble-alpes-fr.zoom.us/j/94990453985?pwd=TUNrMGo0bTJoTE1lWFBYUFYzTHB4Zz09

Post-processing techniques emulating baryonic physics in gravity-only simulations are a cornerstone of modern cosmology. In particular, predicting the thermodynamic properties of the intracluster gas is necessary to exploit these simulations for galaxy cluster cosmology in the millimeter-wave and X-ray domains.

In this talk, I will introduce picasso, a model to predict thermodynamic properties of the intracluster medium from halos in gravity-only simulations. Predictions are based on the combination of an analytical gas model, mapping gas properties to the gravitational potential, and of a machine learning model to predict the model parameters for individual halos based on their scalar properties such as mass and concentration. The model is trained using pairs of gravity-only and hydrodynamic simulations with identical initial conditions. When trained on non-radiative hydrodynamic simulations, picasso can make remarkably accurate and precise predictions of intracluster gas thermodynamics. Training the model on full-physics simulations yields robust predictions as well, albeit with slightly degraded performance. The model can be trained to make accurate predictions from minimal information, at the cost of modestly reduced precision.

The picasso model is publicly available as a Python package, which includes trained models that can be used to make predictions easily and efficiently, in a fully auto-differentiable and hardware-accelerated framework.


transmis par F. Mayet

10. Assistant Professor (Tenure Track) at Okayama University

Deadline: Oct. 25th JST

Okayama University seeks to appoint a tenure track assistant professor of Graduate School who will mainly work on the development of advanced data analysis methods including evaluation and reduction of systematic errors for precise cosmic microwave background (CMB) polarization observations at large angular scales.

Please see the announcement below for details:

Transmis par H. Ishino

11. Postdoctoral position at the Institute of Astrophysics at Universidad Andres Bello (Chile)

Deadline: Sept. 23, 2024

The Institute of Astrophysics at Universidad Andres Bello (UNAB) invites applications for one Associate Research position in observational astronomy. The selected applicant is expected to spend up to 120 nights per year on La Silla Observatory to support observations at the 2.2m MPG telescope. During the rest of the working time their own research may be carried out, with residence in Santiago at the Astrophysics institute at UNAB. The position starts as soon as October 2024 and is for an initial appointment of one year, renewable.
The IA at UNAB currently includes 14 faculty, 8 postdocs, 20 Ph.D. students, plus several dozen students at the undergraduate level. The successful applicant will have competitive access to the 10% of observing time guaranteed to Chilean institutions on all international observatories based in the country (ESO, ALMA, LCO, CTIO, Gemini, Vera Rubin, CTA-South, etc.). In addition, the IA hosts computing facilities for numerical simulations and high-volume data reduction.

Applicants should send a cover letter and curriculum vitae (including relevant experience), a possible research plan, and arrange for two letters of recommendation to be sent by September 23rd 2024. There will be a training period at UNAB  in Santiago and at the telescope on LaSilla.

Applications and letters of recommendation should be sent electronically to Prof. Timo Anguita (timo.anguita@unab.cl).

Transmis par L. Chemin

12. 2-Year Post-Doctoral Position on spectroscopic studies of GRB afterglows and host galaxies (

Paris Observatory)
Deadline: until the position is filled
Applications are invited for a 2-year post-doctoral position to work with Susanna Vergani and her team at Paris Observatory, as part of the PEGaSUS (Probing and Exploring high-redshift Galaxies Spectroscopically Using SVOM gamma-ray bursts) project, funded by the ANR.

The project is composed of three nodes led by Susanna Vergani (project PI, Paris Observatory), Veronique Buat (LAM, Marseille) and Emeric Le Floc’h (CEA-Irfu, Saclay). In addition to the researchers and PhD students, the team will include 4 post-doctoral contracts.

The selected candidate will work within the SVOM consortium and will be part of the Stargate collaboration. Her/his work will be mainly based on spectroscopic observations of gamma-ray burst (GRB) afterglows and host galaxies obtained with ESO instruments (such as VLT/X-shooter and SOXS) and space telescopes (JWST).

She/he will participate in on-call shifts within the SVOM, Stargate and/or SOXS and Mistral teams to act as SVOM Burst Advocate, and to react to GRB alerts to: activate ground-based follow-up observations; perform rapid data reduction; disseminate the results by GCN.

The post-doc will be in charge of the data reduction and analysis of the observations to: measure the GRB redshift, determine the properties of the neutral gas of the host galaxy, study the abundance patterns of metals and look for signatures of peculiar nucleosynthesis, look for the emission of Lyman continuum photons, etc… . She /he will also perform comparisons of the
observational results with the relevant simulations.

The overall aim is: (i) to study the properties of star-forming galaxies at high redshift, especially (but not only) their neutral gas and chemical enrichment; (ii) to infer information on the progenitors of the different classes of GRBs.

The post-doc will lead and contribute to the relevant papers and present the results at national and international conferences / workshops.

Requirements: PhD in astrophysics or similar; Good teamwork attitude; Good computing skills; Fluent oral and written English.

Expertise is required in one or more of the following fields:

  • GRB science
  • High-redshift galaxies
  • Study of systems along the lines of sight of GRBs (including their host galaxies) or QSO
  • Data-reduction and analysis of optical / infrared spectroscopic observations of GRBs, QSOs, galaxies or extragalactic transient phenomena
  • Exploitation of simulations of high redshift galaxies

Applications should consist of: CV, publication list, brief statement of research interests and past achievements, and the names and contact information of at least 2 referees. They should be sent via email in a single pdf file to susanna.vergani@obspm.fr. In parallel, the candidates should apply on the CNRS portal where the offer can be found at
https://emploi.cnrs.fr/Offres/CDD/UMR8111-SUSVER-003/Default.aspx?Lang=EN .

Priority will be given to young post-doc (less than 3 years from their PhD).

Applications will be accepted until the position is filled.
Negotiable starting date: November 2024.
Any questions about the position should be directed to susanna.vergani@obspm.fr.transmis par S. Vergani

13. 4 postdocs sur la poussière interstellaire dans les galaxies proches, en France
Nous portons à votre attention 4 offres de postdoc sur la poussière interstellaire dans les galaxies proches, en France.

  1. un postdoc au CEA Paris-Saclay, pour travailler sur les données NIKA2 de galaxies proches (https://aas.org/jobregister/ad/3972814b).

  2. un postdoc à l’IRAM Grenoble, pour travailler sur les données NIKA2 de galaxies proches (https://aas.org/jobregister/ad/f7464d12).

  3. un postdoc au CEA Paris-Saclay, pour travailler sur les propriétés des grains dans la Voie Lactée et les nuages de Magellan (https://aas.org/jobregister/ad/cbe51705).

  4. un postdoc à l’IRAP Toulouse, pour travailler sur les propriétés des grains dans la Voie Lactée et les nuages de Magellan (https://aas.org/jobregister/ad/105cc6d2).

Chaque postdoc est prévu pour trois ans. La date limite de candidature est le 8 novembre 2024. Pour plus de détail, veuillez vous référer aux annonces AAS, de chaque postdoc, ci-dessus.transmis par F. Galliano