1. Bonne Année 2024 !
2. Clusters of galaxies in Euclid perspective (Lyon, IP2I, 23-24 January 2024)
3. Postdoc position in Galactic Astrophysics at the Observatory of Paris
4. Two Postdoc positions on the analysis of NIKA2 observations of nearby galaxies in France (Saclay & Grenoble)
5. three-year post-doctoral position on LSST at IJCLab (Orsay)
6. postdoctoral position at IFCA (Santander, Spain)
7. PostDoc (AdR) position INAF-Padova on MICADO&MORFEO science
8. Postdoctoral position on “Dynamical modeling of galaxies from large HI surveys in the SKA era” at INAF-OAA (Florence, Italy)
9. PostDoc position at the University of Bologna on “Galactic Archeology in the Milky Way and its satellites”
10. 2-year PostDoc (AdR) position funded by the INAF Large Grant 2023 “Beyond metallicity: Exploiting the full POtential of CHemical elements (EPOCH)” (INAF-OAArcetri)
11. Post-doctoral Research Fellow – Chemodynamical Evolution of the Milky Way (University of Hertfordshire)
Envoyez svp vos propositions d’annonces à l’adresse : pncg@iap.fr
Pour vous inscrire ou gérer votre abonnement à la liste PNCG: https://listes.services.cnrs.fr/wws/info/pncg
1. Bonne Année 2024 !
Le Programme National de Cosmologie et Galaxies vous souhaite une année 2024 bonne et prospère !
The Programme National de Cosmologie et Galaxies wishes you an happy and successful new year 2024 !
le bureau du PNCG
2. Clusters of galaxies in Euclid perspective (Lyon, IP2I, 23-24 January 2024)
In the context of Euclid France and of the Programme National de Cosmologie et Galaxies, we are organizing a small meeting dedicated to galaxy clusters that will be held in Lyon, on January 23rd and 24th (morning) before the Euclid France Symposium .
The objective is to present and interact on the various activities led on galaxy clusters in France, in this critical period in which Euclid surveys are to start. We aim to investigate new synergies and optimize our national organisation for the scientific exploitation of the mission.
Registration is open on https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/31646 until January 12th, 2024 .
Early-career scientists are strongly encouraged to participate and present their work. The meeting will be held at the Institut de Physique des 2 infinis (IP2I) in hybrid mode.
The participants commit to respect the Euclid Consortium Code of Conduct available on the meeting web page.
Contacts: Sophie.Maurogordato@oca.eu, bartlett@apc.univ-paris7.fr, f.ruppin@ip2i.in2p3.fr, escoffier@cppm.in2p3.fr, amandine.le-brun@obspm.fr
transmis par S. Maurogordato
3. Postdoc position in Galactic Astrophysics at the Observatory of Paris
Deadline: February 29th, 2024
opening of a postdoctoral position for 2 years at the Observatory of Paris to work on a comprehensive study of disrupting open clusters.
Here the link of the call https://emploi.cnrs.fr/Offres/CDD/UMR8111-LAICAS-001/Default.aspx?lang=EN
The project is a collaboration between the GEPI and LESIA laboratories at the Observatory of Paris in Meudon (L. Casamiquela, P. Di Matteo, M. Haywood, D. Katz, D. Reese, Y. Lebreton) and the Laboratoire d’Astrophysique de Bordeaux (C. Soubiran).
transmis par L. Casamiquela
4. Two Postdoc positions on the analysis of NIKA2 observations of nearby galaxies in France (Saclay & Grenoble)
Deadline: February 16, 2024.
The French National Agency for Research (ANR) is funding the project WIDENING, with two PostDoc positions, one at CEA Saclay and one at IRAM/Grenoble, to help in the analysis of the NIKA2 observations of nearby galaxies and to lead follow-up proposals at the IRAM and other observatories.
The job description can be found at the following links:
- CEA Saclay postdoc: https://jobregister.aas.org/ad/77e4cfd9
- IRAM/Grenoble postdoc: https://jobregister.aas.org/ad/9d307df0
transmis par F. Galliano and C. Kramer
5. three-year post-doctoral position on LSST at IJCLab (Orsay)
Cosmology with the LSST survey and characterization of atmospheric transmission in LSST photometry
IJCLab’s french LSST team is offering a three-year post-doctoral position to work on the atmospheric calibration of the Vera Rubin Observatory’s LSST (Large Survey of Space and Time), and on early science from the first year of the survey.
Our group has developed a slitless spectroscopy technique based on a holographic disperser installed on the LSST’s auxiliary telescope. The aim is to measure the transmission of the atmosphere in real time, in order to bring back the fluxes received in the wide bands of the main telescope to standard atmospheric conditions, to achieve an accuracy of a few milli-magnitudes. This calibration will improve the accuracy of photometric redshifts and light curves of transient events, which will improve cosmological measurements from the study of large structures, as well as the measurement of the expansion of the Universe via type Ia supernovae, two of the group’s main scientific activities.
The post-doc’s contributions will focus on optimizing atmospheric calibration with observations from the auxiliary telescope. 30% to 50% of his/her time will be devoted to scientific analysis of the first LSST data, in conjunction with the IJCLab group’s activity on dark energy and dark matter.
Details can be found in here
transmis par M. Moniez
6. postdoctoral position at IFCA (Santander, Spain)
Deadline: January 31st
IFCA is opening one postdoctoral position at IFCA (Santander, Spain) funded by the RadioForegroundsPlus European project.
The successful candidate is expected to work in the development and application of advanced tools for component separation (using e.g. parametric methods, linear techniques or machine learning) with the aim to provide foreground maps and catalogues of point sources from low frequency surveys (QUIJOTE, C-BASS, S-PASS) in conjunction with Planck, WMAP and other ancillary data.
The start date of the position is flexible (between March-June 2024) and will be funded until 31st December 2026. Review of applications will start on January 31st and will continue until a suitable candidate is found.
Full information about the position can be found at:
Transmis par B. Barreiro
7. PostDoc (AdR) position INAF-Padova on MICADO&MORFEO science
Deadline: February 15th, 2024.
New Postdoctoral position available at INAF-Astronomical Observatory of Padova for 2 years with the title “Opening a new window on galaxy evolution: uncovering the unique capabilities of MICADO/MORFEO”
The successful applicant will join the MICADO (The Multi-AO Imaging Camera for Deep Observations) and MORFEO (Multi-conjugate adaptive Optics Relay For ELT Observations) science teams and will contribute to the preparatory analysis aimed at exploiting at best the capabilities of the ELT first light instrument.
We seek candidates interested in developing scientific applications in the field of galaxy evolution at Cosmic Noon and beyond.
Applicants are required to have experience in at least one of the two following areas:
- Observational extragalactic astrophysics. In preparation of ELT science operations, the postdoc will exploit existing photometric data coming from state-of-the-art instrumentation (e.g. JWST, VLT, LBT) to study galaxy evolution, with a particular focus on those fields of research where MICADO, with its unprecedented collecting area, spatial resolution and relatively large FoV, will allow us to make giant steps forward. This analysis will help shape the first ever ELT observations. We are part of several JWST ERS and GO programmes in this field (e.g. CEERS, GLASS, BEACON).
- Simulations of observations with AO-assisted instrumentation. The postdoc will use ScopeSim, a state-of-the-art simulation tool specifically designed for ELT observations; this will be used to assess the performances of MICADO/MORFEO on specific science cases; the development of new science cases and ideas to exploit the unique capabilities of ELT to observe high-redshift galaxies; it will also possible to collaborate in the ongoing activity of scientific evaluation of the PSF-R which aim at assessing the impact of the PSF reconstruction accuracy on the accuracy of scientific measurements (e.g. structural parameters of galaxies, detection of substructures, point-source photometry and astrometry).
The staff members involved in the project include: Carmelo Arcidiacono, Andrea Grazian, Marco Gullieuszik, Benedetta Vulcani, Anita Zanella.
For any question on the position, feel free to contact me (marco.gullieuszik@inaf.it) or any other team member
The official call is available at https://amministrazione.oapd.inaf.it/albo – Determina D. 593/2023
transmis par B. Magnelli
8. Postdoctoral position on “Dynamical modeling of galaxies from large HI surveys in the SKA era” at INAF-OAA (Florence, Italy)
Deadline: January 31 at 23:59 (CET)
Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory (INAF, Florence, Italy) is advertising a postdoc position for two years with the possibility of renewal for one more year.
The successful candidate will work in collaboration with Dr. Federico Lelli (INAF staff; https://www.lellifederico.com/) as well as with Prof. Enrico Di Teodoro and Dr. Michele Ginolfi (University of Florence). The successful candidate will develop novel techniques to model gas dynamics in galaxies in preparation for large HI surveys from the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) observatory. One of the main goals is the development of new software to derive gas rotation curves in a fast, automated, and reliable way, using artificial intelligence and machine learning. The new software will be tested exploiting existing HI data for about 1000 galaxies as well as new HI data from ongoing surveys with SKA pathfinders (ASKAP and MeerKAT). The outputs will be used to study the systematic properties of rotation curves, construct mass models, test dark matter models and modified gravity theories, and investigate dynamical scaling laws (e.g., the baryonic Tully-Fisher relation and the Radial Acceleration Relation).
The following skills will be considered as preferential qualifications, but they are not strictly necessary to be awarded the postdoctoral position: programming and software development with C++ and Python, artificial intelligence and machine learning applications to Physics and Astronomy, Bayesian statistics and Monte-Carlo techniques, kinematical modeling of galaxies using 3D fitting tools (e.g., 3DBarolo, KinMS, TiRiFiC), analysis of interferometric data of the HI line at 21 cm.
Arcetri Astrophysical Observatory is located on the Arcetri hill in the surroundings of Florence (where Galileo spent the last years of his life) and is part of the Italian National Institute of Astrophysics (INAF). The observatory has strong ties with the Department of Physics and Astronomy of the University of Florence and hosts a large international group working on galaxies and cosmology (see https://sites.google.com/inaf.it/exagal).
The application deadline is January 31 at 23:59 (CET). The application material should be sent by the candidate by email to inafoaarcetri@pcert.postecert with the following subject “Bando SKA DM450 (Lelli)- Domanda per Assegno DD n. 123/2023”.
Two reference letters in pdf should be sent by the candidates’ referees to the same address by the same deadline with the following subject “DD n.123/2023 – [candidate name]”.
The application material should consist of the following files in pdf:
- Curriculum Vitae (dated and signed)
- Research statement (max 2 pages; dated and signed)
- List of research publications (dated and signed)
- Annex A and B (see link below; dated and signed)
- A copy of a valid passport or ID
- A copy of a degree certificate (PhD or master degree, see Annex A).
Templates for Annex A and B can be found at https://www.arcetri.inaf.it/articoli/gare-e-concorsi/concorsi/assegno-di-ricerca-tipologia-post-dottorato-della-durata-di-24-mesi-rinnovabile-dal-titolo-dynamical-modeling-of-galaxies-from-large-h-i-surveys-in-the-ska-era-det-123-2023
Benefits: the position includes medical insurance through the Italian public health system
For any information (scientific and/or administrative) please send an email to federico.lelli@inaf.itTransmis par B. Famaey
9. PostDoc position at the University of Bologna on “Galactic Archeology in the Milky Way and its satellites”
Deadline: January 14 2024, 23:59 (CET).
The Department of Physics & Astronomy of the University of Bologna is opening a postdoc position (1+1 years) to work on the PRIN 2022 MUR project
“LEGO – Reconstructing the building blocks of the Galaxy by chemical tagging” (PI: A. Mucciarelli).
The position is dedicated to the chemical and kinematic characterisation of stellar populations In the Milky Way and its satellites to reconstruct their assembly history.
Here the link of the call: https://bandi.unibo.it/ricerca/assegni-ricerca?id_bando=67122
transmis par C. Soubiran
10. 2-year PostDoc (AdR) position funded by the INAF Large Grant 2023 “Beyond metallicity: Exploiting the full POtential of CHemical elements (EPOCH)” (INAF-OAArcetri)
Deadline for the applications: 30/01/2024 – 23:59 CET
The Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica – Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri (INAF-OAA) is offering a 2-year postdoc position for preparation of spectral analysis to be conducted with the HRMOS spectrograph, in particular aiming to derive heavy element abundances and isotopic abundance ratios. The postdoctoral position is funded under the project INAF Large Grant 2023 entitled “Beyond metallicity: Exploiting the full POtential of CHemical elements (EPOCH)” – Det. 110/2023
HRMOS will be one of the next instruments to be proposed to ESO for the VLT, filling the gap left by FLAMES and providing very-high resolution spectra of galactic stellar populations. The instrument’s white paper can be found at this link. The postdoc candidate will deal in the context of HRMOS with the
operational preparation for the scientific exploitation of very high resolution spectra; the optimisation of methods for the measurement of heavy element abundances and their isotopic ratios by spectral synthesis using archive and proprietary spectra.
The activities will be carried out in preparation for the conceptual study for the realisation of HRMOS in collaboration with the scientific group (Laura Magrini, Sofia Randich, Germano Sacco, Lorenzo Spina, Elena Francosinii) and the technology group (Anna Brucalassi, Andrea Tozzi) of INAF- Osservatorio Astrofisico di Arcetri, together with the international HRMOS consortium.
ELIGIBILITYThe appointment is expected to begin by May 31th, 2024 and will be for two years in the first instance, and renewable afterwards, subject to funding availability and performance review.
The following skills are considered preferential qualifications: documented experience in spectral analysis and/or in chemical evolution and/or in nucleosynthesis;
Analysis of large databases; Machine learning techniques applied to spectroscopy; Computer and programming skills
• PhD diploma in Astronomy, Physics, Mathematics, Engineering, Informatics or equivalent qualification (case A);or
• Master degree plus three years of documented research activity in Astronomy, Physics, Mathematics, Engineering, Informatics or equivalent qualification (case B);
awarded by public or private Universities, Institutions, Research Organisations or Centres or other qualified research bodies, both in Italy and abroad, in the topics relevant to the scientific area and the research object of this call.
Applications must be sent before the deadline via e-mail to: inafoaarcetri@pcert.postecert.it In the email subject the applicant should make explicit reference to: “Bando Large Grants EPOCH – Domanda per Assegno DD n. 110/2023”.
The application must include the following files in PDF format:
• the Application Form (Annex A, see link below) dated and signed; • the self-certification Form (Annex B, see link below) dated and signed; • a copy of a valid passport or ID; • the curriculum vitae dated and signed; • the list of research publications dated and signed; • a research statement, max. 2 pages, dated and signed; • a copy of the degree certificate. In case of degrees awarded by a non-Italian institution, please include a copy of the certificate of your highest degree (PhD in case A, or Master degree in case B), and associated transcriptions of exams done (in case B); • in case the candidate has not the PhD, she/he is invited to clearly describe the three years of research activity as indicated in the requirements; • any other document, work, or publication the candidate considers useful to qualify her or his scientific curriculum; • a list of all the submitted documents.
Two reference letters in PDF format must be sent by the referees (selected by the candidate) before the deadline to inafoaarcetri@pcert.postecert.it
The subject field needs to include the string “DD n.110/2023” and the full name of the applicant.
Templates for Annex A and B can be found at the following link
For any scientific and administrative information, please send an email to laura.magrini@inaf.it
transmis par C. Soubiran
11. Post-doctoral Research Fellow – Chemodynamical Evolution of the Milky Way (University of Hertfordshire)
Deadline: 2nd February 2024
Applications are invited for a 36-month postdoctoral position, to lead and publish original scientific investigations in the area of theoretical or observational astrophysics of stars and galaxies. A focus will be to use chemical abundances of stars, in order to understand the origin of elements and the evolution of galaxies.
The successful applicant will use theoretical, chemodynamical simulations of Milky Way-type galaxies to interpret the Galactic archaeology survey observations of the Local Group (including the Milky Way Galaxy and the Andromeda Galaxy M31), as well as those of very-nearby galaxies with James Webb Space Telescope. You will work with Professor Chiaki Kobayashi and her group, who have been running cosmological and zoom-in simulations of galaxies incorporating her nucleosynthesis yields.
The post – one of 8 new STFC-funded postdoctoral positions awarded to CAR as a result of the STFC Astronomy Grants scheme (2023) – is available from 01 April 2024 and the successful candidate will ideally be in post as soon as possible, and no later than 01 October 2024.
For further details, and to apply, please visit: link
Informal enquiries can be directed to Prof. Chiaki Kobayashi (c.kobayashi@herts.ac.uk)
transmis par C. Kobayashi
Envoyez svp vos propositions d’annonces à l’adresse : pncg@iap.fr
Pour gérer votre abonnement à la liste PNCG: https://listes.services.cnrs.fr/wws/info/pncg