1. mm Universe 2023 (26-30 June, Grenoble, France)
2. Objets compacts et nouvelle physique (28 et 29 juin 2022, Observatoire de Paris)
3. The European Consortium for Astroparticle Theory (Eucapt)
4. Bayesian Deep Learning workshop for Cosmology and Time Domain astrophysics (20-24 juin, APC, Paris)
5. Machine Learning for Astrophysics (July 22 or 23 2022, Baltimore, MD)
6. 10-meter South Pole Telescope Winter-Over (Antartica)
Envoyez svp vos propositions d’annonces à l’adresse : pncg@iap.fr
Pour vous inscrire ou gérer votre abonnement à la liste PNCG: https://listes.services.cnrs.fr/wws/info/pncg
1. mm Universe 2023 (26-30 June, Grenoble, France)This is the first announcement concerning the mm Universe conference to be held in Grenoble in 2023 from June 26th to June 30th.
Save the date…
The mm Universe conference series has started in 2019. The two first editions were mainly focused on NIKA2 although opened to the entire scientific community. Since then, the series evolved, and the name has been changed, in order to include all observations of the Universe at mm wavelength, at all scales from stellar to cosmological ones. As multi-wavelength analysis is a key approach to understand astrophysical processes and cosmological issues, the conferences series is of course opened to results and observations at other wavelengths.
This international conference will bring together the scientific community working on science related to millimeter observations. It includes both theoretical and observational topics related to the mm Universe, from stellar to cosmological scales.
- Cosmology with clusters of galaxies
- Galaxy cluster science (SZ, X, visible)
- Galaxy formation in the early Universe
- Nearby galaxies
- Galactic star formation
- From dust to planets
- Instrumentation, other mm-instruments.
Registration will be opened later in 2022.
More information: https://lpsc-indico.in2p3.fr/event/2859/Transmis par F. Mayet
2. Objets compacts et nouvelle physique (28 et 29 juin 2022, Observatoire de Paris)
Nous avons le plaisir de vous annoncer qu’un mini-atelier intitulé “Objets compacts et nouvelle physique” se tiendra à l’Observatoire de Paris les 28 et 29 juin 2022.
Cet atelier vise à réunir différents experts travaillant sur la physique des objets compacts et leurs observations d’une part, et sur des scénarios de nouvelle physique d’autre part (matière noire, particules exotiques, gravité modifiée), pour discuter de la possibilité d’utiliser les objets compacts comme sondes de cette nouvelle physique.
Cet atelier se déroulera dans la Salle du Conseil de l’Observatoire de Paris, qui peut accueillir jusqu’à 20 personnes (nous étudierons la possibilité de participation en visioconférence selon les demandes d’inscription reçues).
Les inscriptions sont ouvertes et le programme est disponible sur le site indico: https://indico.in2p3.fr/e/ocnphys
Le comité d’organisation : Francesca Gulminelli, Julien Lavalle, Micaela Oertel.
Pour le GdR Ondes Gravitationnelles : Anthea Fantina, Jérôme Novak.
transmis par A. Fantina
3. The European Consortium for Astroparticle Theory (Eucapt)
Vous avez sans doute reçu un appel d’Eucapt qui concerne la communauté des théoriciens de la cosmologie et des astroparticules au sens large.
Le site d’Eucapt sur lequel plus de détails sont donnés :
Eucapt a pour but de réunir les théoriciens Européens et il est demandé à la communauté de se structurer en « laboratoires » de plus de vingt chercheurs. Quand les laboratoires sont plus petits, il est suggéré que ceux-ci se regroupent. Chaque « laboratoire » désignera un représentant qui sera membre du conseil. Le conseil élira ensuite le bureau qui dirigera Eucapt. Pour le moment, Eucapt n’a pas de pouvoir autre que d’organiser diverses activités comme des ateliers etc… et son budget est limité. Mais dans le futur, ceci pourrait peut-être changer et dans ce cas une présence forte de nombreux laboratoires Français ou tous les théoriciens du territoire se retrouvent serait la bienvenue. J’espère donc que chacun fera l’effort nécessaire pour se regrouper avant le 16 mai.
transmis par P. Brax (pour le bureau actuel d’Eucapt)
4. Bayesian Deep Learning workshop for Cosmology and Time Domain astrophysics (20-24 juin, APC, Paris)
Machine learning attracts a lot of interest in the fields of cosmology and time-domain astronomy and may potentially lead to major breakthroughs. Its adoption by the scientific community has been increasing dramatically in the past few years. Current progress in the machine learning community can simultaneously bring a lot to ours and must be monitored closely.
Among developments of interest for the astronomy community, probabilistic machine learning models, especially Bayesian neural networks, bring an estimation of uncertainty and combine deep neural networks architecture with Bayesian inference.
Cosmologists also rely a lot on forward modelling and often face intractable likelihoods. Modern techniques like simulation-based inference and differentiable programming can be very valuable for model selection and model parameters inference.
Time series analyses have relied for some time on the use of recurrent neural networks, more recently on transformers. Some other analyses have been using convolutional neural networks, or graph neural networks. The workshop will explore if new architectures like graph transformers could be relevant in some fields, and how such networks can be made probabilistic.
This workshop will give the participants the opportunity to learn more about these emerging methods and how to use and exploit them in their research. The program includes invited lectures and tutorials from major computer science experts and invited and contributed talk, and poster sessions aimed at sharing experience between physicists on the practical applications of machine learning. It is intended for researchers and students that are familiar with machine learning, use this type of algorithms for their own work, and want to learn about the advanced techniques related to Bayesian deep learning.
This workshop is part of the LSSTC Enabling Science effort and will give opportunity to younger scientists to apply for a grant covering lodging and part of the conference fees.
https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/26887/transmis par J. Errard
5. Machine Learning for Astrophysics (July 22 or 23 2022, Baltimore, MD)
As modern astrophysical surveys deliver an unprecedented amount of data, from the imaging of hundreds of millions of distant galaxies to the mapping of cosmic radiation fields at ultra-high resolution, conventional data analysis methods are reaching their limits in both computational complexity and optimality. Deep Learning has rapidly been adopted by the astronomical community as a promising way of exploiting these forthcoming big-data datasets and of extracting the physical principles that underlie these complex observations. This has led to an unprecedented exponential growth of publications with in the last year alone about 500 astrophysics papers mentioning deep learning or neural networks in their abstract. Yet, many of these works remain at an exploratory level and have not been translated into real scientific breakthroughs.
The goal of this ICML 2022 workshop is to bring together Machine Learning researchers and domain experts in the field of Astrophysics to discuss the key open issues which hamper the use of Deep Learning for scientific discovery.
An important aspect to the success of Machine Learning in Astrophysics is to create a two-way interdisciplinary dialog in which concrete data-analysis challenges can spur the development of dedicated Machine Learning tools. This workshop is designed to facilitate this dialog and will include a mix of interdisciplinary invited talks and panel discussions, providing an opportunity for ICML audiences to connect their research interests to concrete and outstanding scientific challenges.
We welcome in particular contributions that target, or report on, the following non-exhaustive list of open problems:
- Efficient high-dimensional Likelihood-based and Simulation-Based Inference
- Robustness to covariate shifts and model misspecification
- Anomaly and outlier detection, search for rare signals with ML
- Methods for accurate uncertainty quantification
- Methods for improved interpretability of models
- (Astro)-physics informed models, models which preserve symmetries and equivariances
- Deep Learning for accelerating numerical simulations
- Benchmarking and deployment of ML models for large-scale data analysis
Contributions on these topics do not necessarily need to be Astrophysics-focused, works on relevant ML methodology, or similar considerations in other scientific fields, are welcome.
Website: https://ml4astro.github.io/icml2022/
Important Dates (Note that dates are not final and still subject to change):
- Submission deadline: May 23rd
- Author Notification: June 10th
- Slideslive upload deadline for online talks: July 1st
- Camera-ready poster deadline: July 10th
- Workshop date: July 22nd or 23rd
transmis par V. Pettorino
6. 10-meter South Pole Telescope Winter-Over (Antartica)
Deadline: until filled
The 10-meter South Pole Telescope (SPT) Winter-Over will be a member of a two-person crew located at the NSF Amundsen-Scott South Pole research station in Antarctica. The crew will be responsible for the hands-on maintenance and operation of the SPT. The crew will participate in the preliminary analysis of the astronomical data and is an integral part of the SPT collaboration. A continuous stay at the South Pole, lasting approximately twelve months, is required. The position begins in November 2022 and ends in November 2023.
https://uchicago.wd5.myworkdayjobs.com/External/job/South-Pole/XMLNAME-10-meter-South-Pole-Telescope-Winter-Over_JR15347-1transmis par University of Chicago
Envoyez svp vos propositions d’annonces à l’adresse : pncg@iap.fr
Pour gérer votre abonnement à la liste PNCG: https://listes.services.cnrs.fr/wws/info/pncg