1. Conférence de Cosmologie de Marseille “From galaxies to cosmology with deep spectroscopic surveys” (4-8 juillet 2022, Marseille)
2. Interstellar Shock School (12-17 Jun 2022, Les Houches) *late application*
3. CNRS Joint Call for Twin Research Scholars (University of Toronto)
4. Actions Marie Sklodowska-Curie – Postdoctoral Fellowships
5. Research Associate and Junior Research Fellow Position (India)
Envoyez svp vos propositions d’annonces à l’adresse : pncg@iap.fr
Pour vous inscrire ou gérer votre abonnement à la liste PNCG: https://listes.services.cnrs.fr/wws/info/pncg
1. Conférence de Cosmologie de Marseille “From galaxies to cosmology with deep spectroscopic surveys” (4-8 juillet 2022, Marseille)
For four decades, wide and deep spectroscopic surveys have been a major tool for extragalactic studies. From precursor surveys with a few hundred galaxies (such as the CFRS in the 1990s) to current projects aimed at collecting several million z>1 redshifts (such as Euclid, PFS), several generations of increasingly deep and massive spectroscopic surveys have revolutionised our understanding of the universe. They have enabled detailed studies, on statistically significant samples, of galaxy evolution processes such as star formation, mass assembly, merging and interaction with the environment in a cosmological context. Advances in instrumentation have pushed observational limits, now allowing us to probe the epoch of reionization with unprecedented large samples of objects. With the current generation of large spectroscopic surveys about to begin, we are now entering the era of precision cosmology. These surveys will profoundly improve our understanding of dark matter, dark energy and of the detailed physics of galaxies in relation to their local (circumgalactic) and large-scale intergalactic environments. Olivier Le Fèvre has pioneered, led and tirelessly promoted several of the largest spectroscopic surveys to date. He has been at the forefront of these scientific topics for decades. This conference is a tribute to his legacy.
Transmis par V. Le Brun
2. Interstellar Shock School (12-17 Jun 2022, Les Houches) *late application*
The session will give a comprehensive view of the role and impacts of shocks, that are ubiquitous in galaxies and their close environments. The session will include lectures on physical and chemical processes in interstellar shocks, observations, models, experiments, as well as hands-on sessions. The speakers are confirmed but the program may still be subject to changes: we apologize for the uncertainties on the final schedule that are due to the unpredictable events this world is experiencing.
There are still available places. This is why we have decided to allow for late applications until May 25 (Wednesday). The only restriction is that we won’t be able to offer financial support for late applicants, since our funding has already been distributed.
To apply, we ask not to go through the website of the session (https://isss.sciencesconf.org), but rather to send us an email with a brief text of intent (between 5 and 10 lines) at isss-leshouches@phys.ens.fr.
transmis par A. Gusdorf
3. CNRS Joint Call for Twin Research Scholars (University of Toronto)
Deadline: 06/30/2022 – 00:00
To further develop and expand the scientific cooperation between University of Toronto (U of T) and Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique (CNRS), both institutions are seeking proposals to establish two “Twin Research Scholars”. One of them will be oriented toward social sciences and humanities, and the other toward natural and experimental sciences.
Cross-disciplinary projects that assemble multiple disciplines will also be appreciated.
Two successful proposals will be selected and will receive up to the following funding:
- U of T will provide the U of T faculty member up to $20,000/year for three years.
- CNRS will provide the CNRS researcher up to 13,500€/year for three years.
The research project can be renewed for an additional 2-year period, provided a successful peer-reviewed 3-year progress report.
- Call for proposals opens May 4st
- Deadline for submission of proposal June 30th
- Communication of results to applicants October 31st, 2022
- Start date of awards January 1st, 2023
Submission of Proposals
This is a joint call and a single application should be submitted online by the French co-PI using the CNRS platform CoopIntEER: https://www.cooperation.cnrs.fr/
For more information, see: https://international.cnrs.fr/campagne-cnrs/
4. Actions Marie Sklodowska-Curie – Postdoctoral Fellowships
L’ouverture de l’appel projets MSCA Postdoctoral Fellowships 2022 est prévue le 12 mai, et le Point Contact National MSCA organise, comme chaque année, une journée d’information nationale, en format webinaire, le 17 mai, de 9h30 à 11h30.
Pour plus d’information et pour les inscriptions :
Transmis par J. Epas
5. Research Associate and Junior Research Fellow Position (India)
deadline: 15th June 2022
IAU Women in Astronomy WG chair is happy to announce the position for a Junior Research Fellow and Research Associate to work on Galaxy clusters and AGNs with SKA pathfinders under the Franco-Indian Project funded by the CEFIPRA organization under the scientific cooperation between Department of Science & Technology, Government of India and the Ministry for Europe & Foreign Affairs, Government of France.
This is the 3rd project inline (CEFIPRA projects- 5204-2 (2015-2018), 2019-0236-Ref. no. 60-63/E, initiated (written, managed, and coordinated) by Dr. Mamta Pommier to strengthen Franco-Indian Scientific collaboration in Astronomy and help young students to build their career in research. Our project is committed to providing an equal opportunities environment and is actively seeking to promote a diverse and inclusive workforce.
You will find the announcement of this position and the application link athttps://sites.google.com/view/iau-women-in-astronomy/home/jobs-fundings?authuser=0
Do not hesitate to contact Dr. M. Pommier (mamtapan@gmail.com), if you have further queries.
transmis par J. Malzac
Envoyez svp vos propositions d’annonces à l’adresse : pncg@iap.fr
Pour gérer votre abonnement à la liste PNCG: https://listes.services.cnrs.fr/wws/info/pncg