1. Concours chercheurs et chercheuses 2022 (7 décembre 2021 – 11 janvier 2022)
2. TUG workshop (13-15 December 2021, IHP, Paris)
3. Videos of the “ISM of Galaxies” research school
4. Workshop “The next generation mid/far-IR space missions — formulating a European perspective” — (9-11 February 2022, Paris)
5. Postdoc position at the University of Valladolid: preparation of Euclid science on LSB
6. Postdoc at INAF Arcetri Observatory (Florence) on galaxy evolution with spectroscopic surveys
7. Postdoc position working
8. Postdoc position in extra-galactic research at CRAL (Lyon, France)
9. Poste de professeur “Calcul Haute Performance / HPC” (Nice)
Envoyez svp vos propositions d’annonces à l’adresse : pncg@iap.fr
Pour vous inscrire ou gérer votre abonnement à la liste PNCG: https://listes.services.cnrs.fr/wws/info/pncg
1. Concours chercheurs et chercheuses 2022 (7 décembre 2021 – 11 janvier 2022)
Deadline: 11 janvier 2022 à 13h (heure de Paris)Les concours chercheurs et chercheuses 2022 sont ouverts jusqu’au 11 janvier 2022.
Vous noterez pour les sections 01, 02 et 17:
- Section 01:
- 8 postes CR mis au concours (7 sont affichés avec une “priorité scientifique” et un poste est dit “blanc”, c’est à dire ouvert à tous les profils relevant de la section 01),
- 8 postes DR.
- Section 02:
- 6 postes CR (dont prioritairement 2 CR affecté(e)s dans l’une des unités suivantes : Laboratoire Charles Coulomb (L2C) à Montpellier, Laboratoire de Physique et Chimie Théorique (LPCT) à Nancy, Institut Denis Poisson (IDP) à Orléans-Tours, Laboratoire de Physique Théorique (LPT) à Toulouse),
- 5 postes DR.
- Section 17:
- 5 postes CR,
- 5 postes DR,
- 1 poste CR sur le thème « Données et modèles astrophysiques : traitement et exploitation des mesures physiques, simulation, calcul intensif et temps réel » dont le projet de recherche s’inscrit dans l’une des unités suivantes : Cristal (Centre de Recherche en Informatique, Signal et Automatique de Lille), GIPSA-lab (Grenoble Images Parole Signal Automatique), IRIT (Institut de Recherche en Informatique de Toulouse), L2S (Laboratoire des Signaux et Systèmes).
- CNRS application website: https://www.dgdr.cnrs.fr/drhchercheurs/concoursch/default-fr.htm
- Official guide for application: https://www.dgdr.cnrs.fr/drhchercheurs/concoursch/pdf/guide_en.pdf
- section 01 criteria: http://www.cnrs.fr/comitenational/english/evaluation/criteresdevaluation/PDF/01_criteres_2018.pdf
section 01 website: https://section01.in2p3.fr/ - Unofficial section 2 website: http://section02.cnrs.fr
Official CNRS website of section2: https://www.cnrs.fr/comitenational/sections/section.php?sec=02 - section 17 website: https://section17.obspm.fr/
Transmis par le CNRS
2. TUG workshop (13-15 December 2021, IHP, Paris)
We are glad to announce that the program of the “Theory, Universe and Gravitation” (TUG) meeting is now available on the website of the event:
The workshop will take place at IHP between the 13th and the 15th of December, and will aim at covering theoretical and phenomenological TUG activities in the French community (more details on the website).
The organising committee: Laura Bernard (LUTH-Meudon), Philippe Brax (IPhT-Saclay), Cédric Deffayet (IAP-Paris), Julien Lavalle (LUPM-Montpellier), Pasquale Serpico (LAPTh-Annecy), Vincent Vennin (APC-Paris), Filippo Vernizzi (IPhT-Saclay).
transmis par V. Venin
3. Videos of the “ISM of Galaxies” research school
All the videos recorded during the PCMI/PNCG International Summer
School on the interstellar medium of galaxies from the epoch of
reionization to the Milky Way are now available for replay here
The slides of the lectures are available on the school website
This material is of high value for master 2 and graduate students, and post-docs. Do not hesitate to forward them the information.
transmis par J. Pety & F. Galliano
for the SOC: Nicolas Bouché, Annie Hughes, Guilaine Lagache, Philippe Salomé, Patrice Theulé, Nathalie Ysard
4. Workshop “The next generation mid/far-IR space missions — formulating a European perspective” — (9-11 February 2022, Paris)
Mid/far-IR observations are crucial for addressing fundamental questions in astrophysics and (exo)planetary science, as they can uniquely unveil dust-obscured astrophysical phenomena, the main cooling mechanisms, ice composition, key atomic, ionic and molecular lines (e.g., water) and quantify the dust emission. Only with mid/far-IR observations can we fully answer many of the important astrophysical questions such as:
What are the processes that control the formation of galaxies, their clusters, stars and planetary systems? What are the physical conditions for galaxy assembly from the dawn of time? How has the chemical composition of the Universe evolved from primordial gas to habitable planets? What is the origin of the coevolution of galaxies and supermassive black holes? What processes govern the different gas phases in the ISM cycle? What is the role of the magnetic field in the evolution of the ISM and in the star and planet-formation processes? How does water trace the origin of our Solar System?
Over the past couple of decades, mid/far-IR space missions such as ISO, Spitzer, Herschel and Planck have revealed the intricate, dust-obscured interactions between stars and the interstellar medium of the Milky Way and external galaxies at all redshifts. These missions proved to be instrumental in refining our understanding of star formation as a function of cosmic time and of the role of AGNs in galaxy evolution. Ground-based and airborne submm/far-IR facilities, notably ALMA, IRAM and SOFIA, have continuously supported these quests. However, while the near-IR (< 5μm) and submm (> 800μm) wavelength ranges remain very well covered by these modern facilities and those to come on-line soon (JWST, ELT), we now need to discuss, define and propose the next generation of satellite missions in the mid/far-IR wavelength ranges.
Recognising the enormous progress that can be achieved using the mid/far-IR domain, initiatives like SPICA and the Origins Space Telescope were proposed. Unfortunately, neither of these will reach fruition as conceived, leaving a large void in our coverage of the electromagnetic spectrum for the coming decade. Indeed, both ESA’s Voyage 2050 and NASA’s Decadal Survey reports recognize the uniqueness of, and the need for, mid/far-IR probes to tackle the big questions in the cold and obscured universe. In this context, it is imperative to start planning the mid/far-IR space missions of the future in a timely manner, to be fully prepared for when the agencies issue their next mission opportunity calls.
The goal of this first workshop is to initiate and facilitate a coordinated approach by bringing together the mid/far-IR community to discuss the ‘big scientific questions’ that Europe would like to address with mid/far-IR space telescopes. Once the key quests have been identified, the focus will be redirected towards developing these science cases and morphing them into viable European and/or international mission proposals. To achieve a truly joint view towards the future, this process should involve the full breadth of the global community interested in mid/far-IR space astrophysics.
The SOC:
Susanne Aalto, Denis Burgarella, Paola Caselli, Laure Ciesla, Maryvonne Gerin, Javier Goicoechea,
Matt Griffin, Carlotta Gruppioni, Paul Hartogh, Shoko Jin, David T. Leisawitz, Jérome Pety, Dimitra Rigopoulou, Peter Roelfsema, Marc Sauvage, Silvia Spezzano, Bernhard Schulz, Floris van der Tak
and Martina C. Wiedner
transmis par L. Ciesla
5. Postdoc position at the University of Valladolid: preparation of Euclid science on LSB
Deadline: 21st December 2021
we are offering a two-year postdoc position at the University of Valladolid (UVa, Spain) funded by the “Galactic Edges and Euclid in the Low Surface Brightness Era (GEELSBE)” project (ref. no. PID2020-116188GA-I00) by the Spanish Ministry of Science & Innovation (PI: F. Buitrago). The selected candidate’s work will consist in the development of Machine Learning algorithms to detect Low Surface Brightness distant galaxy features, paying special attention to the truncations/galaxy edges in Euclid data (and its simulations) and other ultradeep data (HST, JWST). He/she will also have 30% of his/her time free to conduct any previous research projects. Due to the scientific objectives to be achieved, a strong profile on Machine Learning will be preferred –see conditions in the provided links, where also the necessary documentation is detailed: passport copy, CV, publication list, etc.– and thus not only people with an Astrophysics background are encouraged to apply but also more technical profiles. The University of Valladolid actively seeks a diverse applicant pool and encourages candidates of all backgrounds to apply.
The successful candidate will undertake his/her work on F. Buitrago’s group and will benefit from all his national/international collaborations (Euclid’s Local Universe – where the PI leads the Diffuse Light Working Package– and Galaxy Evolution working packages, Low Surface Brightness team at the IAC/CEFCA, Galaxies Thematic Line in the Institute of Astrophysics and Space Sciences in Portugal). A strong interaction with the UVa Computer Science department (B. Sahelices’ group) and the UVa Mathematical Physics group are also expected. Both departments have a very nice working atmosphere and conduct regular seminars, giving also the opportunity to supervise BSc and MSc students. Valladolid is a large and lively city at an hour’s distance from Madrid located at the center of the Castille region, and thus with plenty of monumental places and astounding nature nearby.
The salary will be 2.098,68 euros/month before taxes (12 pays per year) and the contract duration is two years (2022 and 2023). In addition to the salary, the successful person appointed as postdoctoral research associate will also receive full Spanish Healthcare social benefits (e.g. medical insurance and parental leave) and will make use of the UVa machine-learning computer facilities (and a dedicated server with a NVIDIA A5000 graphic card). Do not hesitate to put in contact (fbuitrago@uva.es) in case you have any questions (or problems with the documentation in Spanish). Please also provide two reference letters –sent directly by the reference researchers– to the aforementioned email address. The deadline for sending the documentation via the UVa system is 21st December 2021, after which a selection of applicants will be made followed by interviews to those in the short list.
University links with all the conditions and details:
- https://sede.uva.es/opencms/opencms/es/Tablones/Tablon_de_Anuncios/INVESTIGACION/DocTablon_4526/Sellado_CONVOCATORIAREFCP21-153.pdf
- https://sede.uva.es/opencms/opencms/es/Tablones/Tablon_de_Anuncios/INVESTIGACION/DocTablon_4526/Sellado_ANEXOIREFCP21-153.pdf
- https://sede.uva.es/opencms/opencms/es/Tablones/Tablon_de_Anuncios/INVESTIGACION/DocTablon_4530/Sellado_CORRECCI211NERRORESCP21-153.pdf
transmis par F. Buitrago
6. Postdoc at INAF Arcetri Observatory (Florence) on galaxy evolution with spectroscopic surveysApplication deadline: 15th January 2022.
We are looking for a postdoc to join our team and do cool galaxy evolution science with upcoming GTO time on the MOONS (aka “SDSS at z~1”) and ERIS (detailed IFU spectroscopy of galaxies and AGN at Cosmic Noon) instruments at the ESO/VLT.
Transmis par A. Robin
7. Postdoc position working with Gaia data at Monash University
Deadline: December 16th
We are advertising a 3 year postdoctoral position working with Gaia data at Monash University in Melbourne, Australia. You can find the job advertised at:
transmis par A. Casey (Australian Research Council DECRA Fellow)
8. Postdoc position in extra-galactic research at CRAL (Lyon, France)
Application deadline: 15 January 2022
The Center of Research in Astrophysics of Lyon [CRAL] invites applications for a postdoc position in extra-galactic research.
Applicants should have a Ph.D. in astronomy/astrophysics. Applicants with interests in extra-galactic observational or computational astrophysics are strongly encouraged to apply. Researchers with interest in the properties of dark matter from observational and theoretical perspectives are strongly encouraged to apply. Experience in simulations of observational data, use of state-of-the-art simulations, or with integral field data is desirable.
transmis par N. Bouché
9. Poste de professeur “Calcul Haute Performance / HPC” (Nice)
Un poste de Pr sera ouvert au concours 2022 au Laboratoire J.A. Dieudonné, Université Côte d’Azur à Nice, pour une prise de poste au 1er septembre 2022.
Le profil du poste sera “Calcul Haute Performance / HPC”
Le profil recherché est spécifique aux techniques du Calcul Haute Performance : maîtriser les techniques de programmation informatique et les algorithmiques spécifiques aux architectures matérielles et logicielles qui permettent d’exploiter de façon optimale les très grandes puissances de calcul.
La personne recrutée aura pour mission le développement et l’animation de cette thématique, le renforcement des interactions avec les autres disciplines (informatique, physique, géophysique, astrophysique, mécanique, chimie, …), et une contribution forte au rayonnement du site sur les scènes nationale et internationale.
Elle participera au développement et à la promotion des formations autour du calcul (analyse numérique, algèbre linéaire numérique, optimisation, traitement du signal…), et à la formation aux techniques et architectures modernes du calcul scientifique en lien avec les autres disciplines.
Les candidats intéressés sont invités à prendre rapidement contact avec
– Yves D’Angelo: yves.dangelo@univ-cotedazur.fr
– Philippe Maisonobe: philippe.maisonobe@univ-cotedazur.fr
– Didier Auroux: didier.auroux@univ-cotedazur.fr
transmis par Y. Dubois
Envoyez svp vos propositions d’annonces à l’adresse : pncg@iap.fr
Pour gérer votre abonnement à la liste PNCG: https://listes.services.cnrs.fr/wws/info/pncg