Diffusion PNCG – n° 288 – 16 octobre 2024

1. Survey to update the APPEC Roadmap
2. Joint Euclid-Rubin France workshop on Derived Data Product (5 december 2024, Lyon)
3. “Cosmological Frontiers of Fundamental Physics” (11-13 June 2025, APC)
4. Cosmology on the Beach 2024: IX Essential Cosmology for the Next Generation (COTB 2024)
5. Brinson Prize Fellowship
6. LBNL Chamberlain Fellowship Deadline Tomorrow and SO postdoc positions at Berkeley

Envoyez svp vos propositions d’annonces à l’adresse : pncg@iap.fr
Pour vous inscrire ou gérer votre abonnement à la liste PNCG: https://listes.services.cnrs.fr/wws/info/pncg 

1. Survey to update the APPEC Roadmap

L’APPEC (https://www.appec.org) est en train de préparer la mise à jour de sa roadmap qui concerne les sujets:

  • Cosmic rays
  • Gamma rays from cosmic sources
  • Neutrino astrophysics
  • Gravitational waves
  • Dark matter search (direct and indirect)
  • Neutrino properties
  • Cosmic microwave background and early universe
  • Dark energy or alternative theories of gravitation
  • astroparticle  theory

N’hésitez pas à  participer au questionnaire qui a été mis en place :

Vos réponses contribueront à l’élaboration de la future feuille de route !
Attention: la date limite pour répondre est la fin novembre 2024.
transmis par S. Henrot-Versillé

2. Joint Euclid-Rubin France workshop on Derived Data Product (5 december 2024, Lyon)
A joint Euclid-Rubin workshop will be held on 5 December, 2024 at Lyon to discuss the French Derived Data Products (DDP) effort between the Euclid and Rubin communities.

Registrations and the call for abstracts are open on the indico page:

The workshop will have plenary sessions as well as parallel sessions dedicated to discussions:

  • Presentation of the Rubin-Euclid DDPs
  • Short presentations of ongoing/planned projects
  • Discussion about science cases, computing, funding, etc.

We welcome suggestions to make this workshop useful for everyone.

Registrations and logistics
We recommend registering as soon as possible, and no later than 3 November.
This is because the ‘Fête des Lumières’ in Lyon takes place from 5 to 8 December, which is a very busy period for hotels. Lunch will be provided at the nearby Domus restaurant.
This initiative is supported by the PNCG.

We welcome abstracts for ongoing and planned projects. All presentations will be relatively short.
transmis par le SOC: Johan Bregeon, Cyrille Doux, Stéphanie Escoffier, Fabio Hernandez, Eric Jullo, Quentin Le Boulc’h

3. “Cosmological Frontiers of Fundamental Physics” (11-13 June 2025, APC)
We are glad to announce the  2025 edition of the conference “Cosmological Frontiers of Fundamental Physics” , which will take place in Paris on June 11 to 13.

This  meeting  has been taking place for two decades. It is jointly organized by  the APC in Paris, the Higgs Centre for Theoretical Physics in Edinburgh and the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics in Waterloo (CA) and it takes place every year in one of the organizing nodes.

The primary goal of the meeting is to contrast novel theoretical ideas from fundamental physics with the cosmological arena, as well as novel ideas for measurements in the cosmological context with the possible theoretical models that can be tested. It will include both theoretical and observational/experimental talks. The focus is on novel ideas, discussion and debate.

You may consult the  conference website here:

Registration will open in the future and more detailed information will be posted on the conference website. We will send a reminder when this happens.
Transmis par F. Nitti

4. Cosmology on the Beach 2024: IX Essential Cosmology for the Next Generation (COTB 2024)

We are delighted to announce the 9th edition of “Essential Cosmology for the Next Generation,” informally known as Cosmology on the Beach. Organized by the Instituto Avanzado de Cosmologia (IAC) of Mexico and Carnegie Mellon University, this event will take place in Playa del Carmen, Mexico, from December 5th to 8th, 2024, just before the DESI collaboration meeting in Cancun, only an hour away.

This unique event blends a winter school with a research conference, featuring review talks, “hot topic” presentations, as well as contributed and poster sessions. Over four days, participants will benefit from lectures on trending topics in cosmology delivered by renowned scholars, plenary talks by leading researchers, and presentations from many early career scientists.
transmis par A. Aviles

5. Brinson Prize Fellowship
J’ai le plaisir de vous informer d’une opportunité passionnante pour les jeunes chercheurs en astronomie, astrophysique et cosmologie : la Brinson Prize Fellowship.

Points clés du programme :
– Jusqu’à trois ans de soutien avec un salaire compétitif et une généreuse allocation de recherche annuelle
– 11 institutions d’accueil participantes aux États-Unis: Institutions d’accueil participantes : Caltech, Cornell, Johns Hopkins, MIT, Northwestern, Princeton, Stanford, U. Arizona, UC Berkeley, U. Chicago, U. Washington
– Accent mis sur la recherche ambitieuse et innovante en cosmologie observationnelle
– Opportunités de développement professionnel, y compris la formation en communication scientifique

Le programme est destiné aux astrophysiciens et cosmologues en début de carrière qui :
– Sont désireux de mener des recherches créatives et innovantes
– Sont engagés à poursuivre des idées audacieuses
– Ont la volonté d’être agiles et entreprenants dans leurs activités scientifiques

La date limite pour les candidature est le 7 Novembre 2024. Pour plus d’informations et pour postuler, veuillez consulter : bit.ly/brinsonfellowship

Ce programme est une collaboration entre la Fondation Brinson et le Space Telescope Science Institute (STScI). Pour toute question concernant le processus de candidature, veuillez contacter brinsonfellow@stsci.edu.

transmis par B. Wandelt

6. LBNL Chamberlain Fellowship Deadline Tomorrow and SO postdoc positions at Berkeley
The chamberlain fellowship at LBNL is open for applications until Oct 15, 2024 and applications are being accepted in the field of CMB cosmology.   The job advertisement is located at this URL:  https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/28076

Please contact Simone Ferraro (sferraro@lbl.gov) or Adrian Lee (Adrian.Lee@berkeley.edu) with questions.

Relatedly, two postdoctoral positions are available at the U.C. Berkeley Physics Department for research with Simons Observatory on a range of activities including instrument development and data analysis. Please contact Adrian Lee Adrian.Lee@berkeley.edu.

transmis par A. Lee