Diffusion PNCG – n° 272 – 6 décembre 2023

1. Rappel: Appel à candidatures pour le prix de thèse SF2A et le prix jeune chercheur(se) 2024
2. Rappel: appel à propositions d’ateliers aux Journées SF2A 2024
3. Rappel: appel d’offres “Actions de diffusion de la culture scientifique”
4. Logiciel IMAGER pour l’imagerie des données ALMA et NOEMA
5. GGI PhD School 2024 on “Theoretical Aspects of Astroparticle Physics, Cosmology and Gravitation” (11-22 March 2024, Florence, Italy)
6. Associate professor and/or assistant professor at QUP, KEK (Japan)
7. PhD/postdoc positions à Genève (Suisse)
8. New positions to work on LiteBIRD at Berkeley
9. Postdoctoral position at the ICC, Durham University
10. Permanent Track Position at LBNL
11. postdoc for MEGA (University of Kansas)

Envoyez svp vos propositions d’annonces à l’adresse : pncg@iap.fr
Pour vous inscrire ou gérer votre abonnement à la liste PNCG: https://listes.services.cnrs.fr/wws/info/pncg 

1. Rappel: Appel à candidatures pour le prix de thèse SF2A et le prix jeune chercheur(se) 2024

Les modalités pour candidater à ces prix sont disponibles sur le site de SF2A (http://sf2a.eu/limesurvey/index.php/525785/lang-fr), la date limite de dépôt des dossiers est fixée au 12 janvier 2024 23h59 pour les deux prix.

Transmis par le Conseil de la SF2A

2. Rappel: appel à propositions d’ateliers aux Journées SF2A 2024

Pour préparer la Semaine de l’Astrophysique 2024, du 4 au 7 juin 2024 à Marseille, la SF2A lance un appel à idées auprès de la communauté, des Programmes Nationaux (PN) et des Actions Spécifiques (AS), pour l’organisation des ateliers. Les journées de la SF2A sont traditionnellement organisées le matin en sessions plénières et l’après-midi en ateliers.

Le conseil de la SF2A ouvre donc un appel à ateliers, s’adressant à la fois aux PN/AS/GDR et à la communauté dans son ensemble. Le conseil de la SF2A vous invite donc, en tant que PN/AS/GDR ou chercheur, à jour de sa cotisation, à proposer des ateliers via le formulaire en ligne : http://sf2a.eu/limesurvey/index.php/193778/lang-fr

Votre proposition devra comporter une description des objectifs scientifiques, la composition du SOC et, éventuellement, une liste d’orateurs possibles. Les ateliers proposés devront être planifiés sur une ou deux demi-journées (après-midi) chacun.

La date limite de réception des propositions est fixée au 18 décembre 2023 à 23h59.

Transmis par le Conseil de la SF2A

3. Rappel: appel d’offres “Actions de diffusion de la culture scientifique”

La SF2A finance tous les ans quelques actions de diffusion de la culture scientifique.

Les actions proposées peuvent prendre des formes diverses. Les critères suivants devront être pris en compte dans les dossiers :

– le montant demandé à la SF2A doit être supérieur à 20% du budget total du projet (le saupoudrage de subventions n’est pas souhaitable et la
SF2A veut apparaître comme un moteur du projet). Une justification détaillée du budget demandé à la SF2A est nécessaire.
– les projets de type récurrent (i.e. demandant le soutien de la SF2A sur plusieurs années, pour une même action) ne seront pas considérés
– une attention toute particulière sera portée vers les idées originales.

La date limite pour répondre à cet appel d’offre est le 18 décembre 2023 à 23h59.
Toutes les informations sur : https://sf2a.eu/website2023/appels_offre/

Transmis par le Conseil de la SF2A

4. Logiciel IMAGER pour l’imagerie des données ALMA et NOEMA

We are pleased to announce the latest release of the IMAGER software.

IMAGER is an interferometric imaging package optimized for large ALMA and NOEMA data sets. It was developed in the GILDAS environment, and is tailored for usage simplicity and efficiency for multi-spectral data sets. Efficiency is obtained through parallel programming and extensive use of memory. Processing speed is improved by a factor of more than 10 in comparison to similar functionalities in the CASA software.

IMAGER comes with a powerful PIPELINE, which simplifies multiple spectral line processing. It includes self-calibration for single fields and mosaics, and optimized visualization tools. An updated documentation (help, on-line, doc quick reference guide), demonstration scripts as well as video tutorials are available on the IMAGER website (https://imager.oasu.u-bordeaux.fr). It is distributed as a standalone precompiled container for LINUX and a MacPort version for MacOsX. A distribution from sources is also available.

IMAGER is developed and maintained in the framework of the Service National d’Observations ALMA/IRAM provided by CNRS-INSU (AA-ANO3) and supported by the Observatoire Aquitain des Sciences de l’Univers (OASU).

You are invited to register at the IMAGER diffusion list (https://imager.oasu.u-bordeaux.fr/subscription-to-imager-mailing-list/) to share experience, to request assistance and to stay updated on IMAGER developments.
Transmis par the IMAGER team (S. Guilloteau, E. Chapillon, E. Di Folco, Th. Jacq)

5. GGI PhD School 2024 on “Theoretical Aspects of Astroparticle Physics, Cosmology and Gravitation” (11-22 March 2024, Florence, Italy)
we gladly announce the 2024 edition of the Galileo Gailiei Institute PhD School on: “Theoretical Aspects of Astroparticle Physics, Cosmology and Gravitation” to be held at The Galileo Galilei Institute of Theoretical Physics, Arcetri, Florence (Italy) from 11 to 22 March, 2024.

Details can be found at the page: https://agenda.infn.it/event/38200
Applications can be submitted through the GGI web page: https://www.ggi.infn.it/showevent.pl?id=488
within the deadline: January 20, 2024. A limited number of selected students will be admitted.

The School aims at providing robust and detailed introductions on the basic theoretical concepts and main tools to work in the field of Astroparticle Physics, Cosmology and Gravitation. The courses are organized as lectures at the blackboard in the morning and are integrated with hands-on and discussion sessions with an instructor in the afternoon.

The program of the 2024 edition comprises the following four courses:

  • Francesca Calore (LAPTH/ Annecy): Probing fundamental physics with multiwavelength observations
  • Alessandro Mirizzi (University of Bari & INFN Bari): Axions: Theory, cosmology and astrophysics
  • Angelo Ricciardone (University of Pisa & INFN Pisa): Stochastic Gravitational Wave Background
  • Daan Meerburg (University of Groningen): Cosmological tests of fundamental Physics

The School will profit of the Galileo Galilei Institute facilities. Each student will have office space to study and discuss, with a lot of opportunities to interact with lecturers. Practical information on accommodation, support and meals can be found at the School webpage.

For any inquiry about the school, please write to apcg.school@gmail.com
Transmis par N. Bartolo, N. Fornengo, D. Grasso, L. Gualtieri, E. Lisi, O. Pisanti

6. Associate professor and/or assistant professor at QUP, KEK (Japan)

Deadline: January 31, 2024

We seek candidates for the rank of associate professor or assistant professor in experimental cosmology and astrophysics using low-temperature detectors. We are interested in outstanding scientists with excellent track records and international recognition. The position is for five years, with the possibility of renewal or promotion to a tenured position based on satisfactory job performance, continuing availability of funds, and ongoing operational needs. Salaries are comparable to those at other prestigious institutions. Financial support for starting-up research will also be provided. The appointee will work with one or more of the following PIs in QUP’s low-temperature research cluster: Maurice Garcia-Sciveres, Masaya Hasegawa, Kaori Hattori, Masashi Hazumi, Adrian Lee, and Noriko Yamasaki. Projects in which the PIs are involved include LiteBIRD, low-mass dark matter search with TES, solar axion search, Simons Array, and Simons Observatory.

More details are found at https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/24748

The posting shall remain open until the positions are filled, however for full consideration, we encourage all candidates to apply by January 31, 2024.
transmis par M. Hazumi

7. PhD/postdoc positions à Genève (Suisse)

Application deadline: 15 Janvier 2024

Job announcement:
Applications are invited for Ph.D. and postdoctoral positions (starting early Fall 2024) in computational astrophysics and galaxy formation/evolution at the Department of Astronomy of the University of Geneva (Switzerland), in the research group led by Melanie Habouzit. The positions are fully funded by the SNSF Starting Grant “Constraining black hole origins with cosmological simulations”.

The selected candidates will join a dynamic research group dedicated to understanding how massive black holes formed in the early Universe. The group will perform and analyze large-scale cosmological simulations of the Universe with new models for massive black hole formation. Our novel theoretical and computational framework will be key in interpreting current observations of massive black holes and galaxies (e.g., from the James Webb Space Telescope) and future data from, for example, the Euclid, Roman, and Athena telescopes, and the LISA gravitational wave antenna.

The large Department of Astronomy of the University of Geneva offers a diverse research environment including theoretical and observational studies of black holes and galaxies, exoplanets, development of scientific software for space missions, and numerical simulations. The selected candidates will be part of the vibrant “Extreme Universe” department. Geneva is one of the most international and multicultural cities in Europe with a high quality of living. Beautiful French and Swiss Alps within striking distance !

  • Postdoctoral position: The position has an initial duration of two years with the possibility of a third-year extension depending on performance. The remuneration is based on the University salary grid (Canton of Geneva). Generous funds for travel and computer equipment are included.
    A Ph.D. in Astrophysics/Astronomy or a closely related field is required. Previous experience with extragalactic astrophysics, cosmological simulations, simulation codes (e.g., Ramses), and high performance computating is desirable.

    How to apply: Applications must be submitted electronically in a single PDF by January 15th (2024) and include (in the order listed below): a cover letter, a CV (two pages), a publication list, a research statement of 2 to 4 pages max describing your research interests, past achievements, and proposal of future projects. In addition, please arrange for 3 reference letters to be sent directly to habouzit.astro@gmail.com by January 15th, 2024.
  • Ph.D. position: The position is for 4 years; remuneration is based on the University salary grid (Canton of Geneva). Generous funds for travel and computer equipment are included. The selected Ph.D. student will enroll in the Ph.D. programme of the Department and University (UniGE).
    Applicants are expected to hold a Master degree (or equivalent degree) in Astrophysics/Astronomy or a closely related field, by the start of employment. Previous experience with extragalactic astrophysics and/or cosmological simulations is desirable but not required.

    How to apply: Applications must be submitted electronically in a single PDF by January 15th (2024) and include (in the order listed below): a cover letter, a CV (maximum 2 pages), grades for the master degree (if not yet available, please send the grades of the previous year), a brief statement (maximum 2 pages) describing your research interests and experience. In addition, please arrange for 2 reference letters to be sent directly to habouzit.astro@gmail.com by January 15th, 2024.

transmis par M. Habouzit

8. New positions to work on LiteBIRD at Berkeley
Deadline: 20 January 2024

There are two positions open at QUP satellite location at U.C. Berkeley to work on LiteBIRD: 

  1. a postdoc position
  2. a Project Scientist position.  

The University ad for the Project Scientist position is linked here: https://aprecruit.berkeley.edu/JPF04149. LiteBIRD is a selected JAXA-led CMB space mission that is in pre-phase A currently with collaborating institutions in Japan, Europe, Canada, and the U.S.  Launch is scheduled for Japanese fiscal year 2032. The Berkeley satellite of QUP is leading the detector and cold readout development for LiteBIRD and both positions are to work in these areas in conjunction with QUP at KEK Japan. The detector arrays will be fabricated at U.C. Berkeley and NIST.  The cold readout electronics will be developed at U.C. Berkeley and Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory. 
For position (2), please respond to the ad directly.
For position (1), please send a CV and arrange for at least three letters of recommendation to be sent, both to Professor Adrian Lee at Adrian.Lee@berkeley.edu.  Applications are due 1/20, but interviews can start before that date.
transmis par A. Lee

9. Postdoctoral position at the ICC, Durham University

Deadline for applying: 13th of December.
Applications are invited for postdoctoral positions with a focus on galactic dynamics as a probe for dark matter with Dr. Francesca Fragkoudi at the Institute for Computational Cosmology at Durham University. Applicants with a strong background in galactic dynamics, chemo-dynamical modelling of Milky Way-like galaxies, running and analysing simulations in CDM and alternative dark matter contexts, and producing mock observations from cosmological simulations, are especially encouraged to apply.  

The positions are for 3 years subject to funding, with a preferred start date in September 2024 or earlier. Applications should include a CV and publication list, cover letter (~1 page), statement on your experience with, or commitment towards, mentoring, equality and inclusivity (~0.5 pages), a research statement (no more than 3 pages), and the details of three academic referees.

Please feel free to contact Francesca Fragkoudi (francesca.fragkoudi@durham.ac.uk) with informal enquiries.

For more information please see the AAS Job Register add: https://jobregister.aas.org/ad/b930d366 and the ICC website: https://www.icc.dur.ac.uk/
Applications should be submitted via the Academic Jobs Online website: https://academicjobsonline.org/ajo/jobs/26205
Transmis par F. Fragkoudi

10. Permanent Track Position at LBNL

Deadline: December 7, 2023

The Physics Division at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) has an opening for a Cosmic Microwave Background Divisional Fellow who will make substantial contributions to the design, construction, operations and scientific analyses of the CMB-S4 project; collaborate with the scientific staff within the Division, the Laboratory and the international community; and supervise postdoctoral fellows and students. The Divisional Fellow position is an approximate equivalent to a tenure track junior faculty position.  

The Physics Division invites applications from candidates with a record of accomplishment, creative ability, and outstanding promise in the field of Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) cosmology. The appointment will be as a career-track position of up to five years with the expectation of promotion to a career position as a Senior Scientist. Exceptionally qualified scientists can be considered for appointment directly to Senior Scientist.

A successful candidate should have an outstanding and broad program in cosmology with a research focus in the area of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB). We welcome applicants with expertise in any of the areas of instrumentation, simulation, data management and/or analysis. The candidate is expected to interact with both the theoretical and experimental communities at Berkeley and beyond and have a commitment to encouraging equity and inclusion. Additional criteria in the search are potential for leadership in the field, ability to mentor early career scientists, and service in the scientific community. Candidates should have research experience beyond PhD, or equivalent, and have demonstrated independence and original achievements in research.  A Senior Scientist appointment would have significant experience beyond PhD including demonstrated leadership in CMB experimental programs, international recognition, and the expectation to provide leadership within the DOE CMB-S4 experimental program.

For full consideration, please apply by December 7, 2023 but the position will remain open until filled. For inquiries please contact Kelly Rushing (krushing@lbl.gov).

transmis par A. Lee

11. postdoc for MEGA (University of Kansas)

Applications are invited for a two-year postdoctoral research associate position in observational astronomy with Dr. Allison Kirkpatrick at the University of Kansas beginning as early as May 1, 2024 (start date is negotiable). Dr. Kirkpatrick is the PI of a cycle 2 JWST proposal that will take 67 hours of MIRI observations in the Extended Groth Strip (“MEGA Mass Assembly at Cosmic Noon: MIRI EGS Galaxy and AGN Survey”, PID: 3794). Observations are scheduled for March 2024. This position is for a postdoctoral researcher to reduce observations, create science-ready images, and create a photometric catalog. Preference will be given to those candidates with previous experience reducing JWST observations. The postdoc will be encouraged to work on their own research using the MIRI observations. Dr. Kirkpatrick is also a member of the CEERS team (https://ceers.github.io/index.html) which has NIRCam and NIRSpec observations of the EGS field. The MEGA team has previous experience reducing MIRI images, and the postdoc will be encouraged to collaborate with team experts to produce the best results.

This position will entail 50% of the time spent on JWST MIRI data reductions and analysis, 40% for the postdoc’s own research projects, and 10% allocated for supervising students. Dr. Kirkpatrick runs a vibrant research group with a large cohort of undergraduate researchers. The postdoc will be encouraged to mentor and supervise a few undergraduates. Dr. Kirkpatrick’s research focuses on understanding the co-evolution of supermassive black holes and their host galaxies at z=1-3, and this will be her primary use of the CEERS MIRI data. The postdoc, however, is encouraged to pursue any research project that will use this rich data set.

Pay is $60,000/year with benefits. Money is available to offset moving costs and for the purchase of a new computer. A remote appointment is also a possibility, if needed. Dr. Kirkpatrick is strongly committed to ensuring equitable and inclusive hiring and mentoring practices and will work with the successful applicant to meet their needs.

Applications should consist of a cover letter, 2-3 page statement of past research experience and future research plans, and a CV. The cover letter should address technical skills, any past mentoring experience, interest in mentoring students, and commitment to equity and inclusion efforts. Letters of recommendation will only be solicited once a long list has been made.

Lawrence is an ideal small college town, with lots of restaurants, bars, shops, and outdoor activities. Lawrence is a mere 45 minutes from Kansas City.

Candidates are required to have a Ph.D. in astronomy or physics by date of appointment.
Transmis par A. Kirkpatrick

Envoyez svp vos propositions d’annonces à l’adresse : pncg@iap.fr
Pour gérer votre abonnement à la liste PNCG: https://listes.services.cnrs.fr/wws/info/pncg