Diffusion PNCG – n° 247 – 9 novembre 2022

1. Appel à propositions d’ateliers aux Journées SF2A 2023
2. Colloque National CMB-France #4 (22-23 Novembre 2022, Paris)
3. Progress on Old and New Themes in cosmology – PONT 2023 (2-5 May 2023, Avignon)
4. Conference “Galactic Science and CMB foregrounds” (12-15 December 2022, Tenerife, Spain)
5. Postdoc positions in CMB constraints on neutrinos with accurate reionisation history and gas physics (Orsay & Toulouse)
6. Staff Scientist position open at LBNL Physics Division for CMB-S4
7. Postdoctoral position in observational cosmology with DESI data at CEA-Saclay

Envoyez svp vos propositions d’annonces à l’adresse : pncg@iap.fr
Pour vous inscrire ou gérer votre abonnement à la liste PNCG: https://listes.services.cnrs.fr/wws/info/pncg 

1. Appel à propositions d’ateliers aux Journées SF2A 2023Pour préparer la Semaine de l’Astrophysique 2023, du juin à Strasbourg, la SF2A lance un appel à idées auprès de la communauté, des Programmes Nationaux (PN) et des Actions Spécifiques (AS), pour l’organisation des ateliers. Les journées de la SF2A sont traditionnellement organisées le matin en sessions plénières et l’après-midi en ateliers.

Le conseil de la SF2A ouvre donc un appel à ateliers, s’adressant à la fois aux PN/AS/GDR et à la communauté dans son ensemble. Le conseil de la SF2A vous invite donc, en tant que PN/AS/GDR ou chercheur, à jour de sa cotisation, à proposer des ateliers via le formulaire en ligne :


Votre proposition devra comporter une description des objectifs scientifiques, la composition du SOC et, éventuellement, une liste d’orateurs possibles. Les ateliers proposés devront être planifiés sur une ou deux demi-journées (après-midi) chacun.

La date limite de réception des propositions est fixée au 11 janvier 2023 à 23h59. 
Transmis par le conseil de la SF2A

2. Colloque National CMB-France #4 (22-23 Novembre 2022, Paris)Le prochain colloque national CMB-France se tiendra les 22 et 23 Novembre sur le Campus Jussieu à Paris (amphi Durand). 

Nous aurons des revues invitées sur le statut des différents projets CMB en cours et il reste encore des créneaux pour des présentations sur les travaux récents pour lesquels vous êtes invités à soumettre vos propositions.
Date: 22-23 Novembre 2022
Lieu: amphi Durand (Université Paris-Sorbonne, Campus Jussieu)
Web: https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/28120/

Pensez à vous inscrire sur le site (inscription obligatoire).

Pensez aussi à soumettre vos propositions de contribution d’ici la fin de semaine (11/11/22) afin que nous puissions finaliser l’agenda.

Transmis par M. Tristram & F. Bouchet

3. Progress on Old and New Themes in cosmology – PONT 2023 (2-5 May 2023, Avignon)

we would like to bring to your attention the sixth edition of the international conference :

Progress on Old and New Themes in cosmology – PONT 2023 


to be held in  the Popes’ Palace in Avignon (France) on 2-5 May 2023. 

The aim of the conference is to gather scientists working in cosmology and particle physics in order to address the cardinal issues of the dark universe today, in the inspiring and monumental setting of Avignon. The topics that will be the focus of this edition are:  early and late universe cosmology, gravitational waves and  astrophysical messengers of new physics.

The format will consist of a limited number of invited talks by leading experts in the field, followed by shorter selected contributed talks.  Typically, each day will be devoted to a particular topic, with three or four keynote speakers reviewing the state of the art and fostering  debates and discussions.

We encourage you to submit the abstract of your contribution on the conference page. 

The abstract submission deadline is the 12th of March 2023
We will inform you shortly afterwards if your contribution has been accepted. The registration deadline is the 16th of April 2023. 

Pending requested financial support, we expect to be able to waive the conference registration fees for all participants. We may have to ask for a contribution of 100 euros maximum to cover for the welcome cocktail, the banquet, all coffee breaks, the outreach event, the night visit to the Popes’ Palace  and  finally support the participation of students from developing countries. We will communicate  the exact amount of the registration fees in January at the latest.
transmis par P. Brax

4. Conference “Galactic Science and CMB foregrounds” (12-15 December 2022, Tenerife, Spain)

This is the 3rd and final announcement of the conference “Galactic Science and CMB foregrounds”, to be held in Tenerife, Spain, on 12-15 December 2022.

Please note that deadline for abstract submission is approaching:

  • 10 November 2022: abstract submission closes
  • 20 November 2022: notification of accepted contributed talks
  • 30 November 2022: registration closes and deadline for payment of the registration fee

Information about the scientific content, registration details and logistics can be found at the conference webpage: https://www.astr.tohoku.ac.jp/GSWS/

Transmis par C. Baccigalupi

5. Three postdoc positions ANR-BATMAN: CMB neutrinos cosmology (IJCLab), reionisation history (IAS), physics of galaxy clusters (IRAP)

deadline: December 15, 2022

The French ANR funded project BATMAN (Better Accuracy and robusTness for Mass Assessment of Neutrino) is inviting applications for three post-doctoral positions in cosmology (two in Orsay, one in Toulouse). The project aims at using the combined current CMB observations with better and coherent modelling of astrophysics signals and systematics to constrain the neutrino mass and extensions of the standard LCDM model. 

  • Reionisation, large scale structures and CMB at the research institute of space astrophysics (IAS, Orsay, France) to work with Marian Douspis to revisit the constraints on the reionisation history from current observations and how it can be described by a generic model to be used as input in CMB probes of reionisation (TT damping, EE bump, kSZ spectrum), and upcoming 21cm observations. See Description
  • Clusters of galaxies and large scale structures at the Institute of Research in Astrophysics and Planetology (IRAP,Toulouse, France) to work with Etienne Pointecouteau to revisit the state-of-the-art gas model in massive halos to build up coherent models for probes such as tSZ and kSZ power spectra, SZ cluster number counts and kSZ pairwise velocities. See Description
  • CMB cosmology and neutrino physics (IJCLab, Orsay, France) to work with Matthieu Tristram on the exploitation of the latest CMB measurements to derive robust and precise constraints on the neutrino sector including the neutrino hierarchy but not exclusively. See Description

The application should include a cover letter, a research statement, a CV, a list of selected publications (max 10) in a single file in PDF format to be sent, by email only to batman-anr-admin@ias.u-psud.fr, stating in the subject: PostDoc-REIO, -GAS or -CMB and 2 Letters of Reference to be sent at the same email address.

We seek a diverse pool of applicants and we will consider all applications on equal basis.
transmis par M. Douspis

6. Staff Scientist position open at LBNL Physics Division for CMB-S4

Deadline: 2 January 2023

There is a tenure-track (or possibility tenured) position open at LBNL Physics division to work on CMB-S4 where LBNL is the “lead lab.”   LBNL would like to build a leadership role in the SAT instruments and science and detector development.

transmis par A. Lee

7. Postdoctoral position in observational cosmology with DESI data at CEA-Saclay
Deadline: December 12, 2022

We are seeking excellent candidates for a postdoctoral position at CEA-Saclay, to work in the observational cosmology group at DPhP / IRFU (Institut de Recherche sur les Lois Fondamentales de l’Univers). Our group has major contributions to the Dark Energy Spectroscopic Instrument (DESI) survey. The postdoctoral researcher will work on the analysis and interpretation of the DESI Lyman-alpha forest data, especially on its small-scale correlations. Measurements of the associated 1D and 3D properties are expected to yield new results on topics from the physics of the IGM to dark matter, neutrino masses, and the primordial power spectrum. The 5-year-long DESI survey already achieved its first year of observation, so that the successful candidate will have access to a large amount of data. An experience in the analysis and modelling of the Lyman-alpha forest is an asset, although not mandatory. We also welcome previous experience in running N-body or hydrodynamical simulations, and/or handling large data sets from cosmological surveys.

The funding is provided through a joint grant from the French and German research agencies (ANR and DFG, respectively), named “DESI-Lya”. Close collaboration is anticipated with our German partners at Aachen (J. Lesgourgues) and Karlsruhe (F. Kahlhoefer), on topics related to modelization, phenomenology and connections with particle physics. The project is expected to start on the 1st of September 2023, but candidates available on a shorter time scale will also be considered on an individual basis. The position is for a 2-year appointment, with a 1-year renewal based upon satisfactory job performance. Applications should consist of a CV and a brief statement of research interests to be submitted electronically to eric.armengaud@cea.fr, under a subject heading “DESI-Lya postdoc”. Please arrange for 3 letters of recommendation to be sent directly to the above email. Review of applications will begin on December 12, 2022, though we may continue to consider applications received after this date. 
The CEA-Saclay lab is conveniently located in the Paris-Saclay University. The position includes health coverage for employee and family. School in France is free for all children above 3 years old, and day care is available.transmis par E. Armengaud

Envoyez svp vos propositions d’annonces à l’adresse : pncg@iap.fr
Pour gérer votre abonnement à la liste PNCG: https://listes.services.cnrs.fr/wws/info/pncg