Diffusion PNCG – n° 243 – 14 septembre 2022

1. CFHT 2022B special call for proposals
2. Appel d’offres télescopes nationaux (2023A)
3. Athena X-ray Advances: ASST & ACO Science Webinars (remote)
4. Postdoc position at IAS Orsay (France)
5. Postdoctoral Fellowship (CAPS, University of Illinois)
6. Multiple roles at Simons Observatory (UK)

Envoyez svp vos propositions d’annonces à l’adresse : pncg@iap.fr
Pour vous inscrire ou gérer votre abonnement à la liste PNCG: https://listes.services.cnrs.fr/wws/info/pncg 

1. CFHT 2022B special call for proposals

Un appel spécial de demandes de temps discrétionnaire de 5 nuits sur MegaCam au CFHT est maintenant ouvert. Cet appel est causé par le retard des réparations au spectro-polarimètre SPIRou.

La date limite pour soumettre vos demandes est le 18 septembre 2022. Veuillez noter qu’une attention spéciale sera donnée aux demandes de temps venant d’étudiants visant à compléter une thèse.

Pour de plus amples détails, veuillez consulter le lien ci-dessous:

Meilleure des chances à tous les investigateurs. 

Transmis par D. Devost 

2. Appel d’offres télescopes nationaux (2023A)

L’appel d’offres INSU pour les observations sur les télescopes de 2-m, OHP-T193 et TBL, pour le semestre 2023A est sorti :

Date limite de réponse : 20 octobre 2022, midi (heure de Paris)
Transmis par B. Bézard

3. Athena X-ray Advances: ASST & ACO Science Webinars (remote)
The “Athena X-ray Advances: ASST & ACO Science Webinars” programme for September-December is as follows:

  • 28 September: Probing the nature of dark matter with X-ray observations of massive galaxy clusters,  Dominique Eckert (University of Geneva).
  • 26 October: A close up look at accreting BHs: the innermost regions as seen by Athena, Barbara de Marco (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya).
  • 14 December: Mineralogy of interstellar dust: an X-ray overview, Ioanna Psaradaki (Michigan University).

Each webinar in the series is broadcast via Zoom Webinars. The time of the seminars is from 15:00 to 16:00 CEST/CET, intended to allow a live connection for a worldwide international community. 

The entire series is in principle thought for members of the Athena community but, of course, it is open to the wider astronomy community. Please feel free to forward the announcement, in particular to your early career collaborators.

Further information on the dedicated website:

transmis par J. Croston, N. Rea, R. Smith

4. Postdoc position at IAS Orsay (France)Deadline: October 1, 2022

LOCALIZATION (LOcal Clusters And supercLuster In sZ: Adding Thermal, kInetic and relativistic cOrrectioNs) is an ANR-funded project (PIs.: Dr. Nabila Aghanim (IAS) and Dr. Klaus Dolag (LMU)). It aims at producing hydrodynamical simulations and deriving the associated maps of large scale secondary CMB effects.

We are opening a post-doctoral position to hire a young researcher willing to join the team and who will work on the development of statistical methods necessary to perform the analysis of these CMB large scale simulated maps together with large-scale CMB data. We thus encourage applications from young researchers with preferentially, but not exclusively, expertise or past experience in CMB data analysis (including Sunyaev-Zeldovich, CMB-lensing, etc.). 

The post-doctoral position (duration 2 years) is open at Institut d’Astrophysique Spatiale (IAS) in Orsay (France). IAS is located 35 min train south of Paris, in the Université Paris-Saclay campus. The position (starting date: November 2022, subject to possible administrative delays) includes full access to the French healthcare system (medical and dental, etc). The salary will be fixed at the standard post-doc level, given the experience after PhD (from ~2200 to ~3200 euros before tax).

Applications including a statement of past research and a research project (4 pages maximum in total), a CV and a complete bibliography should be sent to nabila.aghanim@ias.u-psud.fr before October 1st. Applicants should also arrange for two confidential reference letters to be sent to the same address before the deadline.


Transmis par N. Aghanim

5. Postdoctoral Fellowship (CAPS, University of Illinois)

Deadline: February 15, 2023

The Center for AstroPhysical Surveys (CAPS) at the National Center for Supercomputer Applications (NCSA) and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign invite applications from Ph.D. scientists for the CAPS postdoctoral fellowship. This independent fellowship is for 3 years and offers a competitive salary, benefits, and research funds.

This fellowship offers an opportunity to carry out independent research and to be connected with the vibrant research programs in astrophysics at the University of Illinois. Existing research programs at Illinois include the Dark Energy Survey (DES), Vera Rubin Observatory (Rubin) and the Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST), SDSS-V, South Pole Telescope (SPT), and CMB-S4. NCSA leads data management and processing for the DES project with support from the National Science Foundation and is a partner in the construction and commissioning of Rubin. Illinois is an institutional member of the SPT collaboration and participating in the design and planning for CMB-S4.

The selected candidate will be part of the new Center for Astrophysical Surveys (CAPS) at NCSA. NCSA is a hub of transdisciplinary research and digital scholarship where University of Illinois faculty, staff, and students, and collaborators from around the globe, unite to address research grand challenges for the benefit of science and society. There is a strong overlap and synergy between CAPS and the Departments of Astronomy and Physics. More information on CAPS can be found at caps.ncsa.illinois.edu. This year we anticipate prioritizing candidates with a research emphasis towards the radio-wavelength regime and/or time-domain astrophysics, broadly defined.
transmis par J. Vieira

6. Multiple roles at Simons Observatory (UK)The Simons Observatory:UK (SO:UK) project is currently recruiting for six postdoctoral positions and two software engineer positions. SO:UK is a major UK contribution to the Simons Observatory (SO) (https://simonsobservatory.org) Cosmic Microwave Background project. In addition to a significant role in the SO instrumentation/infrastructure, the UK contribution includes a UK-based data centre and a program of data processing algorithm development. Both of these latter aspects are focussed on the production and delivery of the Science-Ready Data Products (SRDPs) arising from the SO observations. The available positions are as follows:

  1. Data management/data processing postdocs – Closing date: 30th September 2022

    There are five postdoctoral positions on offer in this area (at Manchester, Cambridge, Oxford and Imperial College London). One of these is the UK-based data centre manager role; the other four positions are to work on algorithm development and the production of the science-ready data products arising from the SO observations. There is a single application for all five positions. For further details, and to apply, see here: https://www.jobs.manchhttps://www.jobs.manchester.ac.uk/displayjob.aspx?jobid=22910
  2. Postdoc/fellow in KIDs development – Closing date: 16th August 2022

    We are seeking a postdoc/fellow to work on Kinetic Inductance Detectors (KIDs) development at Cardiff. 
    For further details, and to apply, see here: https://krb-sjobs.brassring.com/TGnewUI/Search/Home/Home?partnerid=30011&siteid=5460#jobDetails=1973431_5460

Envoyez svp vos propositions d’annonces à l’adresse : pncg@iap.fr
Pour gérer votre abonnement à la liste PNCG: https://listes.services.cnrs.fr/wws/info/pncg