1. CNES: Appel annuel à Propositions de Recherche 2023 (rappel)
2. Appel d’offres télescopes nationaux 2022B
3. Workshop “Gravitational-wave astronomy and multi-messenger astrophysics” at the SF2A (7-8 June, Besançon)
4. Workshop on the CMB signatures of cosmic reionisation
5. Registration is open for the Athena School on X-ray spectroscopy (20-24 June 2022, Toulouse, France)
6. “Consensus Cosmic Shear in the 2020s” FM3 of IAUGA 2022 (10-11 August 2022, Busan, Republic of Korea)
7. Three postdoctoral positions (2-yrs) in Bologna
Envoyez svp vos propositions d’annonces à l’adresse : pncg@iap.fr
Pour vous inscrire ou gérer votre abonnement à la liste PNCG: https://listes.services.cnrs.fr/wws/info/pncg
1. CNES: Appel annuel à Propositions de Recherche 2023 (rappel)
Date limite: jeu, 04/07/2022 – 00:00
Les équipes de recherche des laboratoires sont invitées à soumettre leurs propositions jusqu’au 7 avril 2022 minuit sur le site APR dédié: https://apr.cnes.fr/
Vous y retrouverez le texte de l’appel à propositions, le modèle de proposition technique, une liste des missions et thématiques ainsi que le manuel utilisateur.
Attention : les porteurs de projets CFOSAT sont invités, dans le cadre du renouvellement de la science team CFOSAT, à attendre le call CFOSAT qui va être lancé en 2022.
Rappels :
- L’APR s’applique aussi bien à des propositions nouvelles qu’à la poursuite de projets APR engagés. Tout projet engagé doit faire l’objet, chaque année, d’une mise à jour de la proposition (en mettant en exergue la prise en compte des recommandations du comité TOSCA et l’état d’avancement du projet) et de la demande de financement.
- Dans le menu à gauche, « dupliquer une proposition » permet de créer une proposition à partir d’une proposition de l’année précédente. Il est ainsi possible de reprendre une proposition déjà engagée. La proposition ainsi clonée sera affichée avec les champs pré saisis de la proposition précédente qui pourront être mis à jour.
Pour de plus amples informations, merci d’adresser vos demandes à l’adresse générique suivante: AppelAPropositions@cnes.fr
transmis par C. Vignolles
2. Appel d’offres télescopes nationaux 2022B
Date limite de réponse : 20 avril 2022, midi (heure de Paris)
L’appel d’offre INSU pour les observations sur les télescopes de 2-m, OHP-T193 et TBL, pour le semestre 2022B est sorti : https://programmes.insu.cnrs.fr/actualite/appel-doffres-telescopes-nationaux-2nd-semestre-2022/
transmis par B. Bezard
3. Workshop “Gravitational-wave astronomy and multi-messenger astrophysics” at the SF2A (7-8 June, Besançon)
Recent progress in gravitational-wave astronomy led to spectacular detections and also provides new challenges in a wide range of topics, from stellar evolution to high-energy astrophysics to extragalactic astrophysics and cosmology. This workshop is dedicated to the connection of gravitational wave astrophysics with cosmology, galaxy, stellar physics and high energy astrophysics to highlight how interactions and collaborations in these areas can strengthen and broaden progress in all these fields. This workshop is organized by the « Source populations » and « Multi-messenger Astronomy» Working Groups of the GdR « Ondes Gravitationnelles » and the national programs PNCG, PNPS and PNHE.
Abstract submission is now open until March 31st and we particularly encourage early-career scientists to present their work.
All information and how to register can be found on the SF2A website https://journees.sf2a.eu/inscription/
transmis par M. Volontieri
4. Workshop on the CMB signatures of cosmic reionisation (July 18-22, 2022, Montreal)
We are pleased to announce that we will be holding a workshop on the CMB signatures of cosmic reionisation on the campus of McGill University, in Montreal, on July 18-22, 2022.
The workshop aims at bringing researchers from the galaxy, 21 cm and CMB communities together to share the progress made in their respective fields, but also to compare models, improve forecasts, and find ways to exploit the potential of cross-correlating CMB with other reionisation observables. In this sense, and to foster discussions and new collaborations, the workshop is (for now) intended as an in-person event, with no option for remote attendance.
CMB study is at a turning point: Planck has recently made its final observations, whilst, on small scales, Stage 3 experiments are publishing their results and ever more ambitious projects are being built and proposed. On the other side, the quality of reionisation data is steadily improving, with new data incoming: 21cm experiments are getting closer and closer to a low-frequency detection, and the JWST has just reached L2. In this perspective, we expect to address the following questions during the workshop:
- What can we learn about reionisation from CMB small- and large-scale data?
- What are the current limitations of these techniques and what needs to be done to overcome them?
- What can we expect from next-generation CMB experiments such as CMB-S4 and LiteBird?
- How will other observations, such as 21 cm, low-z, high-z galaxies and intensity mapping, complement and support CMB information?
You can find more information on the workshop website, which will be regularly updated: https://www.hep.physics.mcgill.ca/~agorce/
Abstract submission and registration are now open: https://forms.gle/vDqC3TP2mdHr7W4y5
The deadline for abstract submission is the 15th of May.
We particularly encourage talk submissions from students and early-career scientists.
For queries about this meeting please email: cmb.eor.workshop@gmail.com
transmis par A. Gorce
5. Registration is open for the Athena School on X-ray spectroscopy (20-24 June 2022, Toulouse, France)
Registration is open for the first edition of the Athena School: “The Universe in the era of spatially resolved, high-resolution, X-ray spectroscopy”.
This CNRS thematic school will be held from the 20th to the 24th of June 2022 in Toulouse, France. It is open to the whole French astronomical community, regardless of prior experience in high energy astrophysics.
Athena (Advanced Telescope for High-Energy Astrophysics) is ESA’s next generation X-ray observatory. It is the second large-class mission of its Cosmic Vision programme and the successor of current missions, ESA’s XMM-Newton and NASA’s Chandra. With its two focal plane instruments, the X-IFU (X-ray Integral Field Unit) and the WFI (Wide Field Imager), Athena will unveil the physics of the Hot and Energetic Universe through spatially resolved high-resolution X-ray spectroscopic observations. Athena will address two fundamental questions in astrophysics: 1) How did matter come together over time to form the Universe as we observe it today? and 2) How do black holes form, grow and shape the Universe?
The lessons and practicals will cover the whole breadth of Athena’s scientific reach i) the dynamical assembly of clusters of galaxies, the chemical enrichment of the Universe; ii) the search for the most distant super-massive black holes, the physical mechanisms coupling black holes and their environment; iii) the life cycle of stars from the chemistry of the intergalactic medium, the physics of stellar winds and of supernova remnant, to the endpoints of stellar evolution, namely compact objects.
The aim of the school is to provide participants (staff, postdocs, PhD students, etc.) with knowledge of the scientific objectives of Athena, foster collaboration in the early stage of their careers, stimulate inter- and multi-disciplinary collaborations, and develop their skills in high-resolution X-ray spectroscopy. No specific background in X-ray astronomy is required to attend the school.
Registration for this event is open: https://fs6.formsite.com/XIFU/athena-school/index.html
The deadline is 30 April 2022. Each application will be reviewed by the Scientific Organisation Committee.
For further information, please visit our webpage: http://x-ifu.irap.omp.eu/home/athena-school or contact us at xifu@irap.omp.eu
transmis par M. Voltz
6. “Consensus Cosmic Shear in the 2020s” FM3 of IAUGA 2022 (10-11 August 2022, Busan, Republic of Korea)
This is the second announcement for the focus meeting “Consensus Cosmic Shear in the 2020s”, which will take place at the IAU General Assembly (IAUGA) 2022 in Busan, Republic of Korea on the 10th and 11th of August 2022.
The deadline for abstract submission is Mar. 31st 2022.
The topics to be covered are:
- Current and future weak lensing surveys
- Tensions in cosmology
- Modelling extensions to LCDM
- Non-standard lensing probes
- Calibration of source redshift distributions
- Weak-lensing systematics
More information on the focus meeting can be found on the website: https://busan2021fm3.lam.fr/
For registration and general information about IAUGA 2022, see http://www.iauga2022.org/.
transmis par N. Martinet
7. Three postdoctoral positions (2-yrs) in Bologna
deadline for applications: April 3, 2022.
We are offering THREE two-years postdoc positions at the Department of Physics and Astronomy (DiFA), University of Bologna (Italy).
The successful applicants will work at DIFA within the stimulating environment of the Navile Campus in Bologna, the largest cluster of institutes for astrophysical research in Italy (DIFA, INAF-OAS, INAF-IRA, ALMA Regional Center, and the headquarters of the Cherenkov Telescope Array).
For all positions, the appointment is for 24 months, with an annual gross salary of ~€27k.
Applications should include a cover letter and a CV. Two letters of reference should also be sent to Margherita Talia (margherita.talia2@unibo.it) by the application deadline.
The full call for applications can be found at the links indicated below.
The three research projects are the following:
- Constraining the role of environment in galaxy evolution: a multi-wavelength study from ground-(ALMA, NOEMA, KECK) and space-based (Euclid, HST) facilities
- The research will be carried on in collaboration with Dr. M. Talia (UniBO), Dr. O. Cucciati (OAS), Prof. F. Pozzi (UniBO).
- The successful applicant will be asked to sign the contract no later than July, 1, 2022.
- Reference letters should be sent with subject “AdR Environment”
- Call for applications: https://bandi.unibo.it/ricerca/assegni-ricerca?id_bando=65061
- Constraining galaxy evolution and cosmology through the optimal exploitation of Euclid spectroscopic data
- The research will be carried on in collaboration with Dr. M. Talia (UniBO), Dr. M. Moresco (UniBO), Dr. L. Pozzetti (OAS).
- The successful applicant will be asked to sign the contract no later than June, 1, 2022.
- Reference letters should be sent with subject “AdR Euclid SPEC”
- Call for applications: https://bandi.unibo.it/ricerca/assegni-ricerca?id_bando=65063
- Constraining the evolution of galaxy physical properties with machine learning in Euclid from photometry and spectroscopy
- The research will be carried on in collaboration with Dr. M. Talia (UniBO), Dr. L. Pozzetti (OAS), Dr. M. Bolzonella (OAS).
- The successful applicant will be asked to sign the contract no later than June, 1, 2022.
- Reference letters should be sent with subject “AdR Euclid ML”
- Call for applications: https://bandi.unibo.it/ricerca/assegni-ricerca?id_bando=65064
transmis par Michele Ennio Maria Moresco
Envoyez svp vos propositions d’annonces à l’adresse : pncg@iap.fr
Pour gérer votre abonnement à la liste PNCG: https://listes.services.cnrs.fr/wws/info/pncg