Diffusion PNCG – n° 232 – 9 mars 2022

1. CFHT Call for Proposals 2022B
2. Journées “galaxies” du PNCG (20-22 juin 2022, Strasbourg)
3. 13ieme rencontre des utilisateurs du CFHT (9-11 mai, Observatoire de Strasbourg and remote)
4. Ateliers Dark Energy (May 5-6, Marseille)
5. Atelier “Hot topics in Modern Cosmology –  SW14 » (8-14 mai 2022, IESC Cargèse)
6. Interstellar Shock School (12-17 Jun 2022, Les Houches)
7. Poste MCF au Laboratoire de Physique de l’Ecole Normale Supérieure – Paris – section 34
8. Poste MCF a l’Institut de physique des deux infinis de Lyon, Université Lyon 1
9. Postdoctoral research position in analysis of the Euclid weak lensing survey (University of Oxford)
10. Cosmology postdoctoral position at LPSC Grenoble
11. Postdoc en cosmologie observationnelle au LAPP (Annecy)
12. Postdoctoral fellow at APC, Paris 

Envoyez svp vos propositions d’annonces à l’adresse : pncg@iap.fr
Pour vous inscrire ou gérer votre abonnement à la liste PNCG: https://listes.services.cnrs.fr/wws/info/pncg 

1. CFHT Call for Proposals 2022BL’appel de demandes de temps pour le semestre 2022B est maintenant ouvert. Vous trouverez plus de détails ici:
https://www.cfht.hawaii.edu/en/science/Proposals/Transmis par D Devost

2. Journées “galaxies” du PNCG (20-22 juin 2022, Strasbourg)
The French Programme National de Cosmologie et Galaxies (PNCG, https://pncg.lam.fr/) organises a national conference from 20 to 22 June 2022 in Strasbourg on galaxy formation and evolution, nearby galaxies, and Galactic archeology. 

Website : https://jpncg22.sciencesconf.org/

We particularly encourage researchers funded by the PNCG, students, postdocs, and young researchers in France or with ties to the French community to present their work. It is possible for presenters to ask for financial support when registering. Presentations will be in English. 

Deadline for submitting an abstract: 6 May 2022. 

Key themes: 

  • Galaxy formation and evolution: first galaxies, statistical properties of galaxies, physics of galaxies, interaction between galaxies and their environment, galaxy groups and clusters
  • Nearby galaxies and Galactic archeology: star formation and the interstellar medium, stellar populations, chemical enrichment and primordial gas, galactic dynamics and dark matter

The journées will be held at the Collège Doctoral Européen (https://cde.unistra.fr/, 46 bd de la Victoire 67000 Strasbourg), in front of the Strasbourg Observatory (ObAS, https://astro.unistra.fr/). 

transmis par J. Freundlich

3. 13ieme rencontre des utilisateurs du CFHT (9-11 mai, Observatoire de Strasbourg and remote)

La soumission des résumés pour la 13ème Rencontre des utilisateurs du CFHT est maintenant ouverte. Pour de plus amples informations, veuillez consulter l’adresse suivante:

La date limite pour les soumissions est le 15 mars 2022
transmis par L. Parker et D. Devost.

4. Ateliers Dark Energy (May 5-6, Marseille)

Le programme des journées Ateliers de l’action Dark Energy qui se tiendront les 5 et 6 mai à Marseille est maintenant disponible sur le site:https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/26251/

Les ateliers sont organisés en 4 demi-journées thématiques :

  • gravité modifiée et simulations
  • lien galaxies et halos de matière noire pour la cosmologie
  • neutrinos et grandes structures
  • analyse jointe galaxy clustering et lensing

Vous pouvez vous inscrire et/ou proposer une contribution.
transmis par A. Blanchard, P. Brax, S. Codis, G. Lavaux, Y. Rasera, P. Zarrouk

5. Atelier “Hot topics in Modern Cosmology –  SW14 » (8-14 mai 2022, IESC Cargèse)
Spontaneous Workshop (SW) brings together specialists in particle physics, astrophysics and theoretical physics at the Institute of Scientific Studies of Cargèse (IESC) to exchange recent knowledge on Cosmology in a constructive atmosphere. The goal is to stimulate debate for generating innovative ideas on emerging issues. With this in mind, the number of participants is limited to 30 and the workshop program is based on an optimal number of concise presentations, with a sufficient discussion space to facilitate interactions between participants. Postdoctoral and PhD students are encouraged to participate.

Pour en savoir plus :

transmis par R. Triay

6. Interstellar Shock School (12-17 Jun 2022, Les Houches)

Two years that looked like an eternity ago, we planned to organize a session on Interstellar shocks in Les Houches. The session was due to be held in March 22-27, 2020, and was canceled because of the pandemics. It has been rescheduled and should be held in June 12-17, 2022. 

The session will give a comprehensive view of the role and impacts of shocks, that are ubiquitous in galaxies and their close environments. The session will include lectures on physical and chemical processes in interstellar shocks, observations, models, experiments, as well as hands-on sessions. The speakers are confirmed but the program may still be subject to changes: we apologize for the uncertainties on the final schedule that are due to the unpredictable events this world is experiencing. 

IMPORTANT UPDATE (1): We are in the process of re-opening the website. We invite applicants to take a look at the updated website: https://isss.sciencesconf.org. The number of participants is limited to 50. If you are interested in participating to the session, we ask all applicants to send a small text of intent (between 5 and 10 lines), presenting your research interests, the particular project or subject for which you wish to attend the session, and a few words to explain your motivation to do so. Send a notification of application to the session and this text of intent to isss-leshouches@phys.ens.fr. This is regardless of prior acceptance to the 2019 session. Note that we’ll do our best to keep a place for those who were accepted to the 2019 session. 

IMPORTANT UPDATE (2): Financial support will be attributed to selected students. Our intention is to waive the accomodation costs for successfull applicants. To the participants who wish to benefit from this funding, we kindly ask to join a brief (typically one-page) CV to their email containing the application notification and the text of intent addressed to isss-leshouches@phys.ens.fr. This is regardless of prior acceptance and funding potentially obtained for the 2019 session. Indeed, our budget is not exactly the same as two years ago.

transmis par B. Godard, P. Guillard, & A. Gusdorf

7. Poste MCF au Laboratoire de Physique de l’Ecole Normale Supérieure – Paris – section 34

Application deadline is 31 mars 2022. 

Un poste de maître de conférences est ouvert au concours à l’Ecole Normale Supérieure sur la thématique : 
«  Analyse et modélisation statistique de données en Astrophysique »

Le laboratoire de physique de l’ENS souhaite recruter un.e maître de conférences qui contribuera au développement 
de nouvelles méthodes statistiques, tirant partie d’avancées en science des données, pour l’analyse statistique de données 
astrophysiques. Le champ de recherche proposé couvre une large gamme d’échelles de la physique de la turbulence 
interstellaire à la cosmologie. Le.la maître de conférences aura une expertise reconnue sur l’analyse ou la modélisation de 
données, et le désir d’inscrire sa recherche dans le cadre interdisciplinaire du Centre Sciences des Données de l’ENS. 

La fiche de poste détaillée est consultable sur le site Galaxie :

Les candidatures sont ouvertes sur Galaxie jusqu’au 31/03/2022. 

Transmis par F. Boulanger

8. Poste MCF a l’Institut de physique des deux infinis de Lyon, Université Lyon 1
Deadline: 23/03/2022Préparation des grands projets futurs des deux infinisENSEIGNEMENT :
La personne recrutée rejoindra le département de physique de la Faculté des Sciences de l’Université Claude Bernard Lyon 1. Le département offre un large éventail de formations en physique et dans les métiers qui lui sont associés. Il modernise régulièrement ses plateformes de travaux pratiques, évalue ses formations, enrichit son offre et s’implique dans des unités d’enseignement interdisciplinaires.
Le/La maitre de conférences recruté(e) interviendra à tous les niveaux de formation, de la licence au master, plus particulièrement dans les unités d’enseignement de physique subatomique, cosmologie, science des données pour les physiciens proches du profil recherche, mais aussi dans les unités d’enseignement de première année de L1 à fort effectif, comme l’unité de physique de la première année commune de PACES études de santé. Du point de vue de l’implication de la communauté, il (elle) contribuera à la mise en place des nouveaux parcours d’accréditation 2022- 2026.
Contact enseignement: PLENET Jean-Claude, Directeur du département de Physique, jean-claude.plenet@univ-lyon1.fr, 04 72 43 11 96

L’Institut de physique des deux infinis de Lyon souhaite recruter un maître de conférences pour renforcer les équipes engagées sur des grands projets internationaux en cosmologie ou en physique des particules.
Le/La candidat(e) sera amené à jouer un rôle actif dans la préparation et le démarrage des futurs grands projets internationaux tels que le projet spatial Euclid ou le projet LSST en cosmologie et l’expérience CMS au LHC en physique des particules, dans le cadre de la préparation de la phase de « haute luminosité ». Dans les deux cas, il s’agira de s’intégrer dans ces grandes collaborations internationales dont les prises de données démarrent. Il/Elle exploitera les expertises acquises durant la phase de construction.
Le/La candidat(e) devra disposer soit d’une expérience en cosmologie observationnelle, notamment dans le domaine de la cosmologie avec les SNe Ia et/ou des sondages de galaxies, soit d’une expertise en analyse des données expérimentales d’une grande collaboration de physique des particules, notamment celles concernant le boson de Higgs. Dans les deux cas, le/la candidat(e) aura une bonne expérience et une visibilité dans ces collaborations internationales ainsi qu’une bonne connaissance en traitement avancé de données et/ou en instrumentation. Une compétence en « machine learning » serait un atout.
Contact recherche : EALET Anne, Directrice du laboratoire, a.ealet@ip2i.in2p3.fr, +33 4 72 43 13 58

https://www.galaxie.enseignementsup-recherche.gouv.fr/ensup/ListesPostesPublies/FIDIS/0691774D/FOPC_0691774D_4637.pdftransmis par A. Blanchard

9. Postdoctoral research position in analysis of the Euclid weak lensing survey (University of Oxford)
Deadline: Tuesday, March 15, 2022

The University of Oxford is proposing a postdoctoral research position in analysis the Euclid weak lensing survey. 
The successful candidate will be responsible for working on and leading: 
(i) calibration of spectral energy distributions and their propagation through the lensing measurement process, for both stars and galaxies, building on existing work in the Euclid consortium;(ii) testing for and mitigating systematic errors in the weak lensing survey. These will be key contributions to a successful science outcome from the lensing survey.

All details can be found at https://jobregister.aas.org/ad/c6243f2d
transmis par L. Miller

10. Cosmology postdoctoral position at LPSC Grenoble

The multi-wavelength cosmology group of the Laboratory of Subatomic Physics and Cosmology of Grenoble (LPSC, IN2P3, CNRS) invites applications for a postdoctoral position in cosmology. The position is expected to be filled in July 2022. The appointment is for a period of two years and mainly concerns young cosmologists up to a maximum of 2 years after their PhDs.

The LPSC is CNRS laboratory (http://lpsc.in2p3.fr/index.php/en/) with about 200 CNRS researchers, engineers and technicians as well as Grenoble university faculty members, in addition to a large number of postdoctoral researchers and postgradute students (35).
The multi-wavelength cosmology group consists of a Grenoble University faculty member, Prof. F. Mayet, and of 2 CNRS senior researchers, L. Perotto and A. Catalano, and of a CNRS director of research, J.F. Macías-Pérez. In addition, 1 junior postdoc, and 2 postgraduate students work in the group.

Within the context of the new Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) experiments there is clear need for a high sensitivity instrument able to resolve sub-arcmin scales covering a large area of the sky. Such an instrument would be key both for CMB lensing and cluster cosmology. Furthermore, it would be both unique and complementary with respect to CMB-S4 and LiteBird. Finally, it would permit unique cross-correlation studies with current and future non-CMB cosmological surveys as the the Euclid satellite and Rubin Observatory in the visible and the infrared, and the e-Rosita and Athena satellites in X-ray.

At this respect, we have undertaken the feasibility study of the CMB High Resolution Observatory (CMB-HRO) project, which would be based on the Kinetic Inductance Detectors (KID) technology developed by the KID GIS (LPSC, Institut Néel, IPAG and IRAM) in the Grenoble area. CMB-HRO would consists of two ground-based 15-m telescopes coupled to large arrays of KIDs (about 104 detectors) operated in 4 frequency bands in the millimeter range (94, 150, 210 and 250 GHz). Such an instrument would ensure sub-arcmin resolution and CMB-S4 competitive sensitivity at the frequency of interest for CMB measurements from the ground. In a first phase, a telescope fully equipped would be installed in a northern observatory to ensure 6000 deg2 sky-coverage and full complementarity (different sky coverage and higher resolution) with respect to CMB-S4. In a second phase, a second telescope would be installed in Atacama at the expected location of the CMB-S4 instrument with the objective of completing 12 000 deg2 for legacy cosmology. 

The work of the postdoctoral fellow will focus both in providing both realistic requirements on the CMB-HRO instrument as well as clear forecast of its expected cosmological performance. The person recruited as a post-doctoral fellow will join the LPSC multi-wavelength cosmology group and will work in close collaboration with our local colleagues from Institut Néel, IRAM and IPAG. Furthermore, within the framework of CMB-S4 he/she will have the opportunity to interact and collaborate with best CMB scientists all around the world. 

Applicants should submit the following items:
    • Cover Letter
    • Curriculum Vitae
    • Research Statement
    • Publication List
    • Three Reference Letters (to be sent directly to the person of contact by the reference writer)

All materials should be sent directly to J.F. Macías-Pérez (macias@lpsc.in2p3.fr)

We will begin reviewing applications from now on.
transmis par J.F. Macias-Perez

11. postdoc en cosmologie observationnelle au LAPP (Annecy)

The Rubin-LSST group at LAPP is opening a two-year postdoctoral position to work primarily on cosmology constraints from galaxy clusters.
for further information and application, see: 

Contact: guillemin@lapp.in2p3.fr – boutigny@in2p3.fr

transmis par D. Boutigny

12. Postdoctoral fellow at APC, Paris
Deadline: lundi 21 mars 2022
The APC Laboratory is opening a postdoctoral fellowship to work on dark energy science with Euclid and Rubin.  More information and details of the application procedure can be found at the application website:

A description of the fellowship is repeated below. 

The Astroparticle and Cosmology (APC; http://apc.u-paris.fr/) laboratory of the University of Paris seeks applications for a postdoctoral fellowship in the area of dark energy research, with specific emphasis on participation in the European Space Agency’s (ESA) Euclid Mission and the Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST).  Understanding the nature of dark energy, responsible for the observed accelerated expansion of the universe, is arguably the most challenging question facing Physics and cosmology today.  Planned for launch in 2023, the Euclid mission will survey the extragalactic sky from the Earth-Sun Lagrange point 2 with the aim of constraining the evolution of dark energy using weak gravitational lensing, galaxy clustering, galaxy cluster evolution, and cross-correlations with the cosmic microwave background (CMB).  Rubin will begin operations in 2023, applying the same set of observational probes across the Southern sky over the course of its ten-year survey.  

The Euclid and Rubin groups at APC are involved in both the science analysis of the surveys and in the development of the Euclid science ground segment.  We are particularly active in galaxy cluster science, cross-correlation with the CMB and weak gravitational lensing, and we are developing novel techniques applying machine learning and artificial intelligence in these areas.  There is a strong synergy between the Euclid, Rubin and CMB efforts.  We seek candidates eager to work with us in the area of dark energy studies with the aim of contributing in particular to the Euclid mission and the synergy between Euclid and Rubin. Experience with scientific computing, statistics and data analysis in the context of cosmology and astrophysics is recommended.  

The Postdoctoral Fellow will work with prof. James Bartlett on cosmology with galaxy clusters and cross-correlations between Euclid/Rubin and next generation CMB surveys, all within the context of the Euclid, Rubin, Simons Observatory and CMB-S4 efforts.
transmis par J. Bartlett

Envoyez svp vos propositions d’annonces à l’adresse : pncg@iap.fr
Pour gérer votre abonnement à la liste PNCG: https://listes.services.cnrs.fr/wws/info/pncg