Diffusion PNCG – n° 213 – 12 mai 2021

1. Colloque national CMB-France (2-3 juin 2021, online)
2. Ateliers Dark Energy (24-25 juin 2021, online)
3. NBIA Summer School on Gravitational Wave Astrophysics (2-6 August 2021, Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen)
4. Cosmology from Home 2021 (5-16 July, online)
5. Six week summer webinar series on the growth of structure over cosmic time
6. IPhU mini-conference on Gravitational Waves: A new window to the Universe (6-7 July 2021)
7. The Future of Airborne Infrared/Submm Astronomy: Prospects and Opportunities (26-28 July 2021, online)
8. Engineer cosmological data-analysis NEUCosmoS (IAP, Paris)
9. post-doctoral position at IJCLab (CNRS, Université Paris-Saclay)

Envoyez svp vos propositions d’annonces à l’adresse : pncg@iap.fr
Pour vous inscrire ou gérer votre abonnement à la liste PNCG: https://listes.services.cnrs.fr/wws/info/pncg 

1. Colloque national CMB-France (2-3 juin 2021, online)

Le premier colloque CMB-France aura lieu les 2 & 3 juin 2021 en distanciel.

L’agenda n’est pas encore finalisé mais l’idée de ces colloques est de:

  • présenter les nouveautés scientifiques et les nouveaux résultats dans le domaine
  • donner un statut sur l’avancement des expériences ou des projets en cours
  • permettre aux jeunes (post-doc, PhD) et aux moins jeunes de présenter leur travail

Vous pouvez soumettre des propositions de présentation sur le site du colloque:https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/24217/abstracts/

Ce colloque fait parti d’une initiative visant à mettre en place une animation scientifique au niveau national autour des études CMB.
Les informations de connexion seront envoyées par la mailing-liste cmb-france. 
https://listes.services.cnrs.fr/wws/info/cmb-francePensez à vous inscrire.

transmis par M. Tristram & F. Bouchet

2. Ateliers Dark Energy (24-25 juin 2021, online)

Compte tenu de la situation sanitaire, comme l’an dernier ces réunions seront en visiconf.

Le format retenu est d’avoir deux demi journée thématiques :

  • Neutrinos et Grandes structures de l’Univers
  • Gravité modifiée & simulations

Le lien de connexion sera envoyé aux participant-e-s la veille.

Vous êtes invité.e.s à vous y inscrire  sur le site des journées:

Si vous travaillez sur l’un de ces sujets n’hésitez à vous inscrire pour une contribution (priorité sera donnée aux jeunes). Et si vous connaissez quelqu’un merci de la/le prevenir (inscription sur la liste de l’action: https://listserv.in2p3.fr/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=DARKENERGY-L&A=1).

La participation à ces journées est ouverte à tou.te.s mais il est aussi toujours possible de rejoindre les différents groupes:

Vous pouvez retrouver les infos générales de l’action sur: https://action-dark-energy.obspm.fr/index.php?n=Main.HomePage

transmis par le comité d’organisation des ateliers DE

3. NBIA Summer School on Gravitational Wave Astrophysics (2-6 August 2021, Niels Bohr Institute, Copenhagen)
The school will take place from Monday August 2th until Friday August 6th, 2021. There will be theory lectures in the morning and exercise tutorials in the afternoon. The students will be asked to pre-install some of the software packages that will be used in the school in advance in order to make the best use of their time during the afternoon sessions. The students will also be encouraged to read select material in advance so they can make the most out of their time at the school. The total workload is expected to be 70 hours, approximately divided into 35 hours of preparatory self-study and 35 hours during the school.
If you are an interested student, we encourage you to apply.

You can find more information and register for the school on the school website 

The registration deadline is currently set to May 15, 2021.
Transmis par D. D’Orazio, M. Pessah, J. Samsing

4. Cosmology from Home 2021 (5-16 July, online)

We are very happy to announce the second annual Cosmology from Home conference, which will be held from 5 July – 16 July 2021.
Cosmology from Home is an online cosmology conference with a novel format aimed at bringing the real-world workshop experience into the virtual domain. The format includes the use of pre-recorded talks, and a combination of asynchronous and scheduled live discussions. A freely-navigated virtual office space also facilitates ongoing, organic discussions. The conference will bring together cosmologists from around the world to discuss the current state of cosmology at the interface of theory and observations.
Registration is now open: https://www.cosmologyfromhome.com/registration
(Note: there will be a limited number of participants.)
Abstract submission will close on 25 May 2021, 23:59 UTC.
transmis par M. Asgari, S. Hotchkiss, N. Šarčević, M. Vargas-Magaña, B. Wallisch and M. van der Wild

5. Six week summer webinar series on the growth of structure over cosmic time

This summer online webinar series will explore the consistency of current constraints on the growth of structure (sigma8/S8) and theoretical explanations for tentative differences between low and high redshift probes. We will cover 6 different topics with a 1.5h webinar each week. Webinars will include one review talk (25 min), two invited talks (20 min), and moderated community discussion. This format is an attempt, on behalf of the organizers, to enable a community overview and discussion of this topic during the COVID-19 era, while minimizing zoom fatigue. You only need to register once to attend webinars.
Webinars begin on Wednesday June 2nd 5:30 pm Central European Time and will continue for 6 weeks at the same day/time. This first session will be dedicated to CMB observations, and the speakers will be Antony Lewis, Steve Choi and Lennart Balkenhol.
Webinars will be recorded. Please register on the website in order to access the zoom webinars and recordings.


Transmis par S. Galli

6. IPhU mini-conference on Gravitational Waves: A new window to the Universe (6-7 July 2021)
We are pleased to announce the virtual mini-conference organized by the Institute for the Physics of the Universe at Marseille on: 
Gravitational Waves – A new window to the Universe.

The meeting is organized in two half days (6 & 7 July 2021 – afternoons 13:30-18:30 CET).
The main purpose of the meeting is to expose the IPhU community of physicists and astronomers to gravitational wave science.
The goal is to promote awareness and interactions that could favor the active participation of IPhU scientists and students in major national and international gravitational wave projects and studies.

Physicists and astronomers who are not members of the IPhU are also very welcome to attend!
The first afternoon (Tue 6 Jul 2021) will be devoted to pedagogical talks about Gravitational Wave science:

  • Theory of the Gravitational Waves – Luc Blanchet (IAP, France)
  • From Sources to Detection – Luis Lehner (Perimeter Institute, Canada)
  • Detection of Gravitational Waves on Earth – Ligo/Virgo –  Gabriela Gonzalez (Louisiana State Univ., USA)
  • Detection of Gravitational Waves in Space – LISA  –  Antoine Petiteau & Hubert Halloin (APC, France)

The second afternoon (Wed 7 Jul 2021) will focus on the presentation of the scientific activities related to several LISA working groups:

  • Astrophysics – Lucio Mayer (University of Zurich, Switzerland)
  • Cosmology – Germano Nardini (University of Stavanger, Norway)
  • Fundamental Physics – Marc Besançon (CEA/Irfu, France)
  • Waveforms –  Deirdre Shoemaker (Univ. of Texas at Austin, USA)

You can find the preliminary agenda and register (free of charge) now at:

The zoom link will be sent to the registered participants.

transmis par E. Kajfasz (CPPM), C. Marinoni (CPT), A. Perez (CPT), D. Porquet (LAM)

7. The Future of Airborne Infrared/Submm Astronomy: Prospects and Opportunities (26-28 July 2021, online)
This online workshop is the First of Two, intended for all those concerned about the short-term and mid-term future of Infrared and Submm astronomy. The first workshop aims to identify the main scientific interests in this field, in preparation for a second workshop that will focus specifically on supporting instrumental solutions that can be contributed from the European side. We are interested in new ideas and intend to leave ample room for contributed talks. Meeting times will be suitable for both European and American audiences.

Please also forward this email to potentially interested colleagues.

More details are available at the workshop homepage at: https://conference.dsi.uni-stuttgart.de/event/10/

Questions or comments may be directed to astroworkshop2021@dsi.uni-stuttgart.de

transmis par S. Madden

8. Engineer cosmological data-analysis NEUCosmoS (IAP, Paris)

deadline: 26 May 2021

The Institut d’Astrophysique de Paris (IAP) invites applications for a research engineer position in cosmology to work with Dr. Silvia Galli and her research group funded by the ERC-Consolidator grant NEUCosmoS. The goal of NEUCosmoS is to analyze and interpret the cosmological implications of observations of the Cosmic Microwave Background (CMB) from one of the leading CMB ground-based experiments, the South Pole Telescope (SPT). The research will take place in an international environment, in tight connection with the SPT collaborators at the University of Chicago and at other partner institutions (in Europe and the USA).

The engineer will be responsible for the simulations necessary to validate the data-analysis pipeline within the group. In particular, the engineer will:

  •     Produce and analyse the simulations from the existing pipeline.
  •     Develop and implement more advanced models of the sky and of the instrument in the simulation pipeline.
  •     Develop and implement optimizations of the code for faster running time (possibly using machine learning techniques)
  •     Evaluate the quality of the simulation and data-analysis pipeline
  •     Participate to the SPT collaboration activities

Applicants with experience in the data-analysis of massive datasets with excellent coding skills (python, C) and/or with a strong computational background and an interest in astrophysics are particularly invited to apply. Previous experience with cosmological datasets will be most welcomed.

We are seeking to fill a position of 3-years duration (2 years extendable, depending on performance). The start date is flexible within fall 2021. Salary will be commensurate with experience.
Applicants should submit their documents through the website:


The required documents are a detailed CV, a description of previous experience and technical realizations (and if relevant a publication list), as well as a cover letter describing why the offered position is of interest for the candidate and why his/her profile is suitable for the position.

Recommendation letters (up to 4) should be sent directly to Dr. Galli gallis@iap.fr . For full consideration, the application and recommendation letters must be received before June 1st. Review of applications will continue until the position is filled.

Additional enquiries about the position can be sent to Silvia Galli (gallis@iap.fr).

Transmis par S. Galli

9. post-doctoral position at IJCLab (CNRS, Université Paris-Saclay)

deadline: 16 May 2021
Improving Rubin/LSST photometry with atmospheric extinction measurements. Impact on cosmological probes.

Transmis par M. Moniez

Envoyez svp vos propositions d’annonces à l’adresse : pncg@iap.fr
Pour gérer votre abonnement à la liste PNCG: https://listes.services.cnrs.fr/wws/info/pncg