1. Décès de Cécile Renault
2. Workshop “Reionisation and the CMB” (29/30 April 2021, virtual)
3. Workshop gravitational-wave primordial cosmology (May 17-19 2021, remote)
4. Atelier action Dark Energy 2021 (24 & 25 juin 2021, remote)
5. ISAPP Summer School on Gravitational Waves 2021 (7-17 juin 2021, vitrual)
6. Lecturership in Data Intensive Science at UCL
Envoyez svp vos propositions d’annonces à l’adresse : pncg@iap.fr
Pour vous inscrire ou gérer votre abonnement à la liste PNCG: https://listes.services.cnrs.fr/wws/info/pncg
1. Décès de Cécile Renault
Le conseil du PNCG a appris avec une grande tristesse le décès de Cécile Renault le 5 avril dernier.
Cécile Renault jouait un rôle important dans la communauté de la cosmologie observationnelle, en particulier au travers de son travail sur les données PLANCK et le CMB, et dans son engagement dans l’action “Dark Energy”. Le conseil du PNCG se joint à l’hommage mis en ligne par son laboratoire:
Le LPSC a aussi mis en place un email pour recueillir les messages de condoléance et de sympathie venant de ses collègues: hommage_a_cecile@lpsc.in2p3.fr. Le contenu des messages reçus seront transmis à sa famille et à ses proches, auxquels nous présentons nos sincères condoléances.
Transmis par le PNCG
2. Workshop “Reionisation and the CMB” (29/30 April 2021, virtual)
Submission deadline: 15th of April We look forward to our 2 half-days sip on the topic of “Reionisation and CMB” !
CMB study is at a turning point: Planck has recently given its final results on large-scale observations, whilst, on small scales, second-generation experiments such as ACT and SPT are currently publishing their results and ambitious projects are coming – for example, SO and CMB-S4.
On the other side, as extensively studied in the previous sips, the quality of reionisation data is steadily improving, with new data incoming. For example, 21cm experiments such as HERA are getting closer and closer to detection, whilst JWST will soon launch. This opens new perspectives in terms of cross-correlations.
That is why now is the right time to gather the community and discuss these perspectives together, in a SAZERAC sip which will tackle the following questions:
- What can we learn about reionisation from CMB small- and large-scale data?
- What are the current limits and what needs to be done to overcome them?
- What can we expect from next-generation CMB experiments such as SO, CMB-S4 and LiteBird?
- How will other observations, such as 21cm, high-z galaxies and intensity mapping, complement and support CMB information?
This SAZERAC SIP would take place (remotely) on the 29th and the 30th of April 2021, in the afternoon in Europe and morning in America.
We invite researchers, especially early-career researchers (including undergraduate and postgraduate students), to submit propositions before the 15h of April, of talks to answer one, or several, of these questions.
In parallel, discussions will be encouraged between participants, namely through a dedicated slack channel on the SAZERAC team.
In order to attend the talks, simply sign up to the SAZERAC community mailing list and join the SAZERAC Slack team. There is no need for registration. By participating, you agree to follow the SAZERAC code-of-conduct.
For any additional questions, feel free to get in touch with Marian Douspis and/or refer to http://sazerac-conference.org/SIPS2021/5.html
Transmis par M. Douspis, A. Gorce, G. Holder, M. Langer, S. Zaroubi
3. Workshop gravitational-wave primordial cosmology (May 17-19 2021, remote)
we are organizing a virtual workshop on gravitational-wave primordial cosmology:
It will take place on zoom, over three half-days on May 17th-19th, from 2pm to 6.30pm CEST.
The main goal of the workshop is to critically review recent progress about the potential of gravitational waves to probe inflation on small scales, but related aspects like preheating, primordial black holes, phase transitions and the thermal history of the universe will also be discussed. A particular focus will be given to the observability of the various properties of the stochastic gravitational wave background, including its spectral shape and polarisation, and their implications for the inflationary mechanism and field content. Cross-correlations with other observables will also be discussed, together with methods of data analysis and prospect for detection.
But this workshop will not be limited to a review of recent progress. It also aims at collectively identifying important open questions and assessing the potential of discovery of gravitational wave astronomy for primordial cosmology. For this, in addition to invited presentations, lasting 30 minutes each, time will be left for informal discussions, and the workshop will end with a summary of the important issues to address in this field.
There is no registration fee, but registration through indico is compulsory.
Speakers include: Matteo Braglia, Chiara Caprini, Sébastien Clesse, Ema Dimastrogiovanni, Guilhem Domenech, Matteo Fasiello, Daniel Figueroa, Ryusuke Jinno, Azadeh Maleknejad, Subodh Patil, Marco Peloso*, Shi Pi, Mauro Pieroni, Antonio Riotto, Lorenzo Sorbo, Spyros Sypsas, Gianmassimo Tasinato, Caner Ünal (*to be confirmed)
Transmis par S. Renaux-Petel, J. Fumagalli, S. Garcia-Saenz, S. Jazayeri, L. Pinol, L. Witkowski
4. Atelier action Dark Energy 2021 (24 & 25 juin 2021, remote)
Les problématiques autour de l’énergie noire apparaissent comme essentielles dans les axes de recherche de l’INSU, de l’IN2P3, de l’INP et de l’IRFU.
La communauté française en cosmologie, avec une forte implication dans plusieurs expériences ambitieuses dont le satellite Euclid et le télescope LSST, s’est très largement mobilisée sur cette problématique.
Étant donnée la situation sanitaire, les ateliers sont encore en distanciel cette année et ont lieu sous la forme de 2 demi-journées thématiques :
- Neutrinos et Grandes structures de l’Univers
- Gravité modifiée & simulations
Le lien de connexion sera envoyé aux participant-e-s la veille.
Vous êtes invités à vous y inscrire sur le site des journées: https://indico.in2p3.fr/event/23980/
La participation à ces journées est ouverte à tous mais il est aussi toujours possible de rejoindre les différents groupes:
Vous pouvez retrouver les infos générales de l’action sur:
transmis par G. Lavaux
5. ISAPP Summer School on Gravitational Waves 2021 (7-17 juin 2021, vitrual)
les inscriptions sont ouvertes pour l’école ISAPP sur les ondes gravitationnelles:
L’école était prévue en 2020 mais elle a été reportée au 7 juin cette année à cause de la crise sanitaire, en mode virtuel.
The international schools on astroparticle physics (ISAPP, https://www.isapp-schools.org/isapp-schools) are thematic schools lasting 10-15 days, addressed to MSc students, PhD students and young post-docs.
The first Virgo and LIGO detections marked the beginning of gravitational-wave astronomy. The detection of a black-hole merger in 2015 and the detection of the coalescence of a binary neutron star (and the associated electromagnetic counterpart) in 2017, have shown the potential of gravitational-wave science for astrophysics, cosmology, nuclear physics, and fundamental physics. After three observing periods (O1,O2 and O3 ), the number of GW sources increased drastically, and new types of sources have been detected (for instance an intermediate mass black-hole, or asymmetric mass binary systems). At present, the detectors LIGO and Virgo are under upgrade and in 2022 they will start a new observing period together with the Japanese detector KAGRA.
This school offers a general overview of the different aspects of gravitational-wave science: a theoretical introduction to gravitational waves and their astrophysical sources, a course on detectors, and finally an overview on data analysis techniques and the scientific implications of the first detections. Future perspectives, covering the instruments and associated science, will also be discussed.
Lectures will take place in the morning and early afternoon. Then Q/A sessions or time for project development are allocated in the afternoon. Projects (for example, analysis of LIGO and Virgo data) will be developed in groups, with a kick-off at the beginning of the school and a final presentation at the end of the school. A virtual visit to the Virgo instrument at the European Gravitational Observatory is also planned.
transmis par M. Barsuglia
6. Lecturership in Data Intensive Science at UCL
Application deadline: 30 April
The Department of Physics & Astronomy at University College London wishes to appoint a Lecturer (Faculty position) in Data Intensive Science (DIS), in the newly established Centre for DIS and Industry.
For details see: https://tinyurl.com/4w8uvakh
Transmis par N. Konstantinidis and O. Lahav
Envoyez svp vos propositions d’annonces à l’adresse : pncg@iap.fr
Pour gérer votre abonnement à la liste PNCG: https://listes.services.cnrs.fr/wws/info/pncg