Diffusion PNCG – n° 208 – 3 mars 2021

1. Appel 2021B de demandes de temps CFHT

2. Seconde édition de la conférence internationale “mm Universe @ NIKA2” (La Sapienza, 28 juin – 2 juillet 2021, Remote)

3. Virtual Workshop on the Future of MOS Technologies (April 26-29, 2021, Virtual)

4. Ecole Internationale d’Astrophysique Daniel Chalonge – Hector de Vega

Envoyez svp vos propositions d’annonces à l’adresse : pncg@iap.fr
Pour vous inscrire ou gérer votre abonnement à la liste PNCG: https://listes.services.cnrs.fr/wws/info/pncg 

1. Appel 2021B de demandes de temps CFHT
L’appel de demandes de temps du CFHT pour le semestre 2021B est maintenant ouvert. La date limite pour la soumission des demandes est le 18 mars 2021.

Veuillez également noter que les astronomes Français ont accès à 5.5 nuits de temps en mode queue et en priorité A sur Gémini.

Pour de plus amples renseignements, veuillez consulter http://cfht.hawaii.edu/en/science/Proposals/.
Transmis par D. Devost

2. Seconde édition de la conférence internationale “mm Universe @ NIKA2” (La Sapienza, 28 juin – 2 juillet 2021, Remote)

La 2e édition de la conférence  internationale “mm Universe @ NIKA2”  est organisée par l’université de Rome La Sapienza du 28 juin au 2 juillet 2021.
A cause de la situation sanitaire, elle sera organisée en visio-conférence sur zoom.

Cette nouvelle série de conférences est consacrée à l’exploitation scientifique de la caméra NIKA2 au télescope de 30 m de l’IRAM. Elle est ouverte à l’ensemble de la communauté scientifique.

Les sujets abordés lors de la conférence incluent des thématiques liées à NIKA2:

  • cosmologie avec des amas,
  • science des amas de galaxies (SZ, X, optique),
  • formation des galaxies dans l’Univers primitif,
  • physique galactique,
  • intrumentation

La conférence est gratuite, toutefois, la préinscription est obligatoire à partir du 1er mars 2021.
L’appel à contributions est également ouvert jusqu’au 30 avril 2021.

Web: https://lpsc-indico.in2p3.fr/event/2629/

Les actes de congrès seront publiés dans la revue : European Physical Journal Web of Conferences.

transmis par F. Mayet

3. Virtual Workshop on the Future of MOS Technologies (April 26-29, 2021, Virtual)

We announce a four-day workshop of the EC-funded OPTICON network on the development of technologies to acquire the light from thousands of targets simultaneously, as it is planned for the 2020s and future generations of multi-object spectrographs (MOS).

Massive spectroscopic surveys are essential to advance astrophysics and cosmology. They can address new fundamental knowledge, ranging from a complete understanding of the formation of the Milky Way to probing the nature of the mysterious dark energy. The technology required to enable large spectroscopic surveys is one of the most challenging in astronomical instrumentation: instruments need to be accurate, with micrometre positioning accuracy and repeatability; fast, to minimize overheads; robust, to minimize failure; and low cost. In recent years, new mechatronic devices have been developed to place thousands of high-throughput optical fibres at any given position on the focal plane. Other technologies subject to current R&D involve micro-mirror and micro-shutter arrays, programmable slit masks and, with increasing importance, photonic technologies (e.g., multi-core fibres, photonic lanterns, multiplexers, arrayed waveguide gratings).

This event will provide an excellent opportunity to bring together experts from different areas and groups with the goal to:

  • Present current and future MOS instruments and facilities.
  • Discuss and share innovative ideas for the design and development of new MOS instrumentation.
  • Identify the key enabling technologies that will require active industrial development.
  • Recognise new techniques and manufacturing capabilities in the market.
  • Examine optimal target acquisition and positioning methods and algorithms.
  • Review unbiased estimators to account for MOS assignment strategies.

Europe has shown emergent leadership in all these domains, and this focused meeting will enhance and improve collaboration among different international actors. These techniques have led to enormous activity in recent years (e.g., the WEAVE, DESI, 4MOST, PFS and MOONS spectrographs), and work is underway on advanced designs for the next generation of MOS instruments, from dedicated 10-12m class facilities (e.g. MSE, SpecTel) to MOSAIC, the multi-object spectrograph on the ELT.

By involving a wide range of European and international instrumentation groups with demonstrated leadership in the field, as well as representatives from MOS projects worldwide, this multidisciplinary OPTICON Workshop will ensure that feedback from the science users of MOS instruments helps to shape next-generation facilities.

The workshop will comprise invited and contributed talks. Invited review talks will help set the scene, and will include more technical presentations on MOS systems for facilities currently under construction and development. We welcome contributions on, e.g., novel ideas, designs, developments, and results from currently built MOS facilities—including talks on ‘lessons learned’ from technology groups and science users.

Registration is now open and available at the conference website: https://rsjanssen7.wixsite.com/mostech2021

The meeting has no registration fee.

Key dates

  • March 15: Abstract submission deadline
  • April 21: Closing of registration
  • April 26-29: Online workshop

Scientific Organising Committee:
Jean-Gabriel Cuby (LAM)
Bianca Garilli  (INAF)
Vanessa Hill (OCA)
Andreas Kelz (AIP)
Francisco Prada (CSIC; co-Chair)
Suzanne Ramsay (ESO)
Ruben Sanchez-Janssen (UKATC; co-Chair)

This event will promote diversity and non-discrimination in all its forms: gender, sexual orientation, race, nationality, and career status.

Transmis par R. Sanchez-Janssen

4. Ecole Internationale d’Astrophysique Daniel Chalonge – Hector de Vega

– Programme 2021 Nobel Lectures in Physics organisé par Norma Sanchez and other sessions of the Programme 2021: Astro-Cosmo-Physics: Theory and Observations and their cross-correlations: A laboratory of ideas, workshop and thinkshop:
Recording videos of the January and February sessions, discussions and .pdf slides:
Gerard ‘t Hooft , Reinhard Genzel, Barry C. Barish, Carlos O. Lousto’ are available online here:

Upcoming Sessions in remote via zoom at 16h00 Paris Time (CET):

  • Thursday 4 March 2021: Exoplanets Research
    Prof. Didier QUELOZ, Nobel Prize in Physics, Cavendish Laboratory-Astrophysics, Cambridge UK and Geneva University
  • Wednesday 17 March 2021: Glimpse of Light from the Deep Universe: Supermassive Black Holes approaching Merger
    Prof. Manuela CAMPANELLI, Director Center Computational Relativity and Gravitation, Astr. and Space Phys. Excellence Inst., Rochester NY
  • Thursday 8 April 2021: Getting JWST ready, what it can do. New observational techniques for adaptive optics using orbiting laser guide stars. Wouldn’t it be great to have nearly perfect imaging at visible wavelengths with the ELT?
    Prof. John C. MATTER, Nobel Prize in Physics, Chalonge and de Vega Medals, NASA-Cosmology, JWST SPS, Greenbelt
  • Wednesday 28 April 2021: Big Bang Theory and High Energy Astrophysics
    Prof. Floyd W. STECKER, NASA – Astrophysics, Fields and Particles, Greenbelt
  • Wednesday 5 May 2021: eROSITA and Dark Quest project: Shedding Light on the Nature of Dark Matter and Dark Energy with Multi-wavelength All-Sky Surveys
    Dr Esra BULBUL, Max-Planck-Inst., Garching, Head scientist galaxy clusters group, lead scientist eRosita cosmology and cluster science
  • Wednesday 19 May 2021: Particle Astrophysics in Underground Laboratories
    Prof. Arthur B. MCDONALD, Nobel Prize in Physics, SONOLAB Director, Physics, Engineering and Astronomy, Queen’s Univ. Kingston, Ontario

And Other Lecturers …


transmis par N. Sanchez

Envoyez svp vos propositions d’annonces à l’adresse : pncg@iap.fr
Pour gérer votre abonnement à la liste PNCG: https://listes.services.cnrs.fr/wws/info/pncg