1. First Einstein Telescope workshop (February 4, 2021, remote)
2. School of Statistics 2021 (18-29 January 2021, online)
3. Séminaire action Dark Energy (15 décembre, 14h, remote)
4. Postdoctoral Opportunities to work on galaxy clusters at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (Munich, Germany)
5. Postdoc position at Paris Observatory
6. Postdoc position in the theory group of the LPSC Grenoble
7. Postdoctoral Position on dark matter search using gravitational wave detectors at the University of Tokyo (Japan)
8. Postdoc position at USC (USA)
Envoyez svp vos propositions d’annonces à l’adresse : pncg@iap.fr
Pour vous inscrire ou gérer votre abonnement à la liste PNCG: https://listes.services.cnrs.fr/wws/info/pncg
1. First Einstein Telescope workshop (February 4, 2021, remote)
it is a pleasure to announce the first ET-France workshop, on February 4, 2021, by videoconference.
The purpose of the workshop is to have an exchange of information on the project and to discuss the participation and organization of the french community.
The workshop is structured in 4 sessions:
- general information session,
- the science with ET,
- the instrument and the R&D,
- discussion session.
The indico website will be updated in the coming weeks with detailed information about the presentations. But you can already register.
Transmis par M. Barsuglia
2. School of Statistics 2021 (18-29 January 2021, online)
We are pleased to announce the opening of the registration for the School of Statistics SOS 2021.
The pandemic prevented us from holding the school as originally planned in May 2020. It will instead happen, fully online, on 18-29 January 2021, half-a-day each day.
The school targets PHD students, post-docs and senior scientists wishing to strengthen their knowledge or discover new methods in statistical analysis. Lectures will be given in English and span from fundamental concepts to advanced topics. A special focus will be put on machine learning techniques and tools and a significant amount of time will be dedicated to hands-on sessions.
Registration is accessible here: https://indico.in2p3.fr/e/SOS2021
as well as the list of lectures and lecturers. The detailed program is still being worked on and will be added soon. The school will be spread over two weeks to avoid zoom fatigue from five straight days of videoconferencing.
- Basic concepts of statistics: Julien Donini (LPC, Clermont-Ferrand)
- Classical interval estimation, limits, systematics and beyond: Glen Cowan (Royal Holloway, UK)
- Introduction to Machine Learning: Vincent Barra (LIMOS, Clermont-Ferrand)
- Boosted Decision Trees: Yann Coadou (CPPM, Marseille)
- Introduction to Deep Learning: Michael Kagan (SLAC, USA)
- Deep Learning at colliders: Jean-Roch Vlimant (CalTech, USA)
- Multitask learning for astroparticle physics: Thomas Vuillaume (LAPP, Annecy)
Hands-on sessions:
- Statistics: Guillaume Mention (CEA/IRFU, Saclay)
- Machine Learning tools: David Rousseau (IJCLab, Orsay)
- Advanced Machine Learning: Jean-Roch Vlimant (CalTech, USA)
transmis par le comité d’organisation:
Johan Bregeon (LPSC, Grenoble), Nicolas Chanon (IP2I Lyon), Yann Coadou (CPPM, Marseille, chair), Guillaume Mention (IRFU-DPhP, Saclay), Sabine Crépé-Renaudin (LPSC, Grenoble), Laurent Derome (LPSC, Grenoble), Julien Donini (LPC, Clermont), Éric Chabert (IPHC, Strasbourg), David Rousseau (IJClab, Orsay)
3. Séminaire action Dark Energy (15 décembre, 14h, remote)
L’action Dark Energy va organiser un séminaire en ligne mensuel.
Le premier aura lieu le 15 décembre à 14h:
- A Lockdown Perspective on the Hubble Tension (George Efstathiou)
Les informations liées à l’action DE (notamment les webinaires mensuels qui commenceront dès le 15 décembre avec comme premier orateur George Efstathiou …) seront envoyées à la liste DARKENERGY-L très bientôt.
Toutes les activités seront également annoncées sur le wiki https://action-dark-energy.obspm.fr/index.php?n=Main.News.
Vous trouverez toutes les infos sur nos listes ici https://action-dark-energy.obspm.fr/index.php?n=Main.Contacts.
Vous n’êtes pas sûr d’être inscrit ? Connectez-vous sur https://listserv.in2p3.fr/cgi-bin/wa?SUBED1=DARKENERGY-L&A=1 et vous verrez si vous êtes déjà inscrit. Si non, et si vous souhaitez vous inscrire, cliquez sur “subscribe” !
transmis par P. Brax
4. Postdoctoral Opportunities to work on galaxy clusters at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität (Munich, Germany)
Application deadline: January 22, 2021.
Two openings for postdoctoral positions to work on galaxy cluster related science:
The Physical Cosmology group at the University Observatory of the Department of Physics at the Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München and the Excellence Cluster ORIGINS announce the opportunity for two Postdoctoral positions in the area of cosmology. Scientists with a PhD degree in Physics, Astrophysics or related fields are invited to apply. Successful applicants will be expected to conduct original research in the field of galaxy clusters in an active interdisciplinary environment. The post holders are expected to work 50% of their time, in the first two years of this position, towards software infrastructure contributions to the Rubin Observatory Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) Dark Energy Science Collaboration (DESC) galaxy clusters working group.
We aim to fill the both positions from as early as September 2021 but the latest until December 2021. The position is part of the research group under the lead of Professor Jochen Weller. For the Postdoctoral position we are looking for a person with a background in software development in either theoretical, phenomenological or observational cosmology including the areas of dark energy, large-scale structure, clusters of galaxies, cosmic microwave background or machine learning in astrophysics. Possible experience in collaborative software development would be beneficial. In addition to the work towards DESC, the research assistants can play an active role in at least one of the following surveys: Euclid, Dark Energy Survey (DES), eRosita and possibly SKA.
The salary is paid according to the German public service pay agreement TV-L E13. The advancement of women in science is an integral part of the university‘s policy. Therefore, women are especially encouraged to apply. Persons with disabilities will be given preference to other applicants with equal qualifications.
Transmis par G. Mamon
5. Postdoc position at Paris Observatory
Deadline: reviewed from the 1st of January 2021 until the position is filled
The MINERVA project, funded by the Paris Observatory Scientific Council, is offering a post-doctoral position to work on applications of machine learning to the interpretation of the 21-cm signal from the Epoch of Reionization as observed by NenuFAR and later on by SKA. The expected starting date is September 2021.
All details are available at:
transmis par B. Semelin
6. Postdoc position in the theory group of the LPSC Grenoble
Deadline: December 18, 2020.
The theory group of the Laboratoire de Physique Subatomique et Cosmologie (LPSC, Grenoble) invites applications for a postdoctoral position starting in the fall of 2021.
The two-year position offers a competitive salary and is funded with the project « Axions at the crossroads » from the Excellence Laboratory « ENIGMASS » of Université Grenoble Alpes.
The project aims to advance understanding of axion physics from particle physics to cosmology.
Frequent interactions are foreseen with local (astro)particle and cosmology teams. We welcome candidates who will be holding a PhD for no more than three years by the starting date (tentatively October 1st 2021) , with an excellent background and expertise in one or more of the following research areas: Quantum Field Theory, Beyond the Standard Model, Astroparticles, Cosmology.
Applications should include a CV, list of publications, summary of research interests, a short motivation letter, two or three letters of recommendation and should be sent to one of the contacts below. Preference will be given to applications received by December 18, 2020.
Killian Matineau ( killian.martineau@lpsc.in2p3.fr ),
Jérémie Quevillon ( jeremie.quevillon@lpsc.in2p3.fr ),
Christopher Smith ( christopher.smith@lpsc.in2p3.fr ).
Transmis par K. Martineau
7. Postdoctoral Position on dark matter search using gravitational wave detectors at the University of Tokyo (Japan)
Deadline: January 15, 2021.
Department of Physics, University of Tokyo invites applicants for two postdoc positions on dark matter search using gravitational wave detectors and table-top scale laser interferometers. The position is funded by our project “Ultralight dark matter search using gravitational wave detectors and laser interferometer experiments,” (PI: Yuta Michimura, Planned Research B01 for JSPS Grant in Aid for Transformative Research Areas (A) “What is dark matter? – Comprehensive study of the huge discovery space in dark matter,” JFY 2020 – JFY 2024, PI: Hitoshi Murayama). Prior experience in optics, gravitational wave data analysis or particle physics is beneficial, but applicants from all other related fields are welcomed.
Appointments will be for a single-year term starting from April 2021 (negotiable). The employment agreement may be renewed every year up to March 2025. The monthly net salary will be 300,000 to 400,000 yen.
For details of the application, please visit
For further information, please contact Yuta Michimura at michimura@phys.s.u-tokyo.ac.jp.
Transmis par S. Boissier
8. Postdoc position at USC (USA)
Deadline: December 20, 2020.
The Department of Physics and Astronomy at USC invites applications for a postdoctoral appointment in the area of Cosmology and Extragalactic Astrophysics with Prof. Pierpaoli.
The position is to work on clusters of galaxies, with focus on the Sunyaev–Zeldovich effect.
Potential applicants with a broader general background on galaxy clusters or the Cosmic
Microwave Background (theory or data analysis) are also encouraged to apply. Skills in cosmological data analysis and statistics are highly valued for this position.
The successful applicant will have the opportunity to work with the Simons Observatory and CMB-S4 collaborations, and to collaborate with scientists in nearby institutions (Caltech, JPL, and the Carnegie Observatories in Pasadena) as well as with other groups at USC. The postdoctoral scholar will have access to computational resources via the Center for Advanced Research Computing at USC (https://carc.usc.edu/).
The duration of the postdoctoral appointment is up to two years, with renewable one-year terms, based on satisfactory performance. An additional six months may be considered after the conclusion of the two-year term. A competitive salary, funds for research and travel, and a benefits package will be provided.
The position is available immediately, but the preferred start date should be prior to September 1, 2021.
Transmis par F. Bouchet
Envoyez svp vos propositions d’annonces à l’adresse : pncg@iap.fr
Pour gérer votre abonnement à la liste PNCG: https://listes.services.cnrs.fr/wws/info/pncg